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USRM (OTCMarkets) -Stamcellen-

95 Posts
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  1. [verwijderd] 28 februari 2018 18:41
    Lijkt wat activiteit in te zitten. De kwartaal en jaarcijfers zijn steeds beter.
    5 mil. handel tot nu toe en staat weer op 5 cent.

    Weinig Nederlandse belangstelling?
    Stamcel verhaal van dit bedrijf is toch wel erg interessant voor ieder mens.
    Grote veranderingen in de gezondheidszorg met deze methodiek.
  2. [verwijderd] 10 maart 2018 16:20
    7 cent onder enig nieuws nog.
    De jaarcijfers , dan kwartaalcijfers en verder nog RMAT in de toekomst.
    Mocht dat goedkeuring krijgen (Myocell) dan praat je over mogelijk miljarden tzt.
    Dat zal onherroepelijk reflecteren in een veel hogere prijs per aandeel.
    De ontwikkeling van Myocell heeft 100 mil. gekost over 2 decades.

    Bovenal, komen in de plus regionen, dus winst,(op andere onderdelen) OTC zal dus in de toekomst niet meer van toepassing zijn.
    Nu aan 7 cent en zal een schijntje zijn in korte termijn. (dit jaar zeker)
    Middellange en langere termijn praten we dus over dollars per aandeel bij goedkeuring FDA. (paar jaar)

  3. [verwijderd] 17 maart 2018 15:15
    Ziet er zeker goed uit.
    Heb de reportage van 'kijk' gelezen en het is duidelijk met ongefundeerde onderbuikgevoelens geschreven.
    Immers, de drie patiënten die blind werden deden mee met dit onderzoek wetende dat het kon mislukken.
    Ze hebben overigens wel een schadevergoeding ontvangen.

    Het belang van deze frontrunners moet niet onderkend worden.
    Ik zou het zelf niet doen maar als andere mensen als uiterste redmiddel wel hierin meegaan kan ik zeer goed begrijpen.
    We willen immers allemaal blijven leven en kwalitatief welzijn.

    Nu heeft iemand voor een longziekte ook deze procedure ondergaan omdat er niets te verliezen valt.
    Bij deze zijn engelse tekst:

    My name is Dan, and I live in North Dakota. Long story short, I have a severe lung disease. I've wanted to do a stem cell treatment for a long time, and figured I couldn't wait any longer. I am in and out of the hospital a lot, and was last in the hospital in December with Influenza A. I didn't think I was going to make it out, but I did. The doctors are giving me about a year to live, so I knew I had to do something fast. I knew I couldn't fly anymore, and had to find something closer where I could drive to, so I found out a place in Kansas City call "KansasRMC" and I could do it there. I texted Dr. Comella and she said they are a legit clinic. So, I went there and did a treatment (adipose) there last Thursday, March 8. They put my stem cells back in via IV and nebulizer. Today is my 53rd birthday, and I hope to live to see another one! I have 150,000 reason that USRM will do well, and the fact that I believe in them. I will keep you updated about each month as to how I'm doing. It's suppose to take up to 3 months to see some improvement. I'm praying that it will. God Bless you all!

    Ik hoop ten zeerste dat hij hier goede resultaten mee haalt.
    Ik ben natuurlijk investeerder in dit bedrijf en zie bijzonder veel mogelijkheden voor deze technieken in de toekomst, dus stijgend aandeel.
    Wat belangrijker is; dat we als samenleving mogen profiteren van de mogelijkheden op dit gebied.
    Als je kijkt naar de resultaten voor kniebehandelingen met veel succes dan belooft dit veel goeds voor de toekomst.
    Het zijn je eigen cellen dus geen medicatie.
    Als er ièts s waar ik geen voorstander van ben dan zijn het wel medicijnen.
    Tuurlijk helpen ze legio mensen maar het vervelende is dat het niets oplost maar puur symptoombestrijding is.
    Stam cel behandelingen kunnen wel degelijk iets maken door eigen herstel te ondersteunen met eveneens eigen stamcellen.
    We gaan hier echt veel meer van horen in de toekomst.
  4. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2018 18:35
    Bijzonder goed nieuws!!!

    USRM Demonstrates 99% Reduction in Severity of Psoriasis Utilizing Autologous Stem CellsAutoimmune Skin Condition Affects More Than 7 million in the United States

    PR NEWSWIRE 10:29 AM ET 3/21/2018
    Symbol Last Price Change
    USRM 0.0655down +0.0055 (+9.17%)
    QUOTES AS OF 10:33:14 AM ET 03/21/2018

    SUNRISE, Fla. , March 21, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. (OTC: USRM), a leader in the development of proprietary, physician-based stem cell therapies and novel regenerative medicine solutions, today announced it has published in the scientific literature that it has successfully demonstrated a 99 percent reduction in-human of the severity of psoriasis using a patient's autologous stem cells.

    (PRNewsfoto/U.S. Stem Cell, Inc.)

    The scientific paper, which is authored by USRM Chief Science Officer Dr. Kristin Comella and her USRM colleagues, is published in the International Medical Case Reports Journal, 2018:11 59-64.

    To the best of USRM management's knowledge, this is the first result in the world published using stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and autologous stem cells in the successful treatment of psoriasis.

    "This is a breakthrough for the more than 7 million Americans suffering from psoriasis, and is another example of how a patient's own stem cells offer healing modalities for autoimmune conditions," said Dr. Comella. "Although we require additional studies to further develop more extensive protocol in treating patients with this condition, this is a benchmark indicating there is significant reason to believe the use of autologous stem cells is beneficial in combating this disease."

    Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is a mixture of adipose-derived stem cells/mesenchymal stem cells, endothelial/progenitors, pericytes, fibroblasts, and other cells) obtained from a patient's own fat tissue. Approximately 60 mL was collected under local anesthesia via a mini-lipoaspirate procedure, which was then separated from the adipocytes via centrifugation after utilizing USRM's AdipocellTM kit to apply enzymatic digestion.

    The cells were then resuspended in normal saline and injected via intravenous bolus push. The subject was monitored over a period of 12 months, and demonstrated no safety or adverse events. The subject demonstrated a significant (99%) decrease in symptoms with a noticeable difference in skin quality appearance. Psoriasis area and severity index score went from 50.4 at baseline to 0.3 at 1 month follow-up.

    Overall, the subject reported improved quality of life and willingness to continue treatments. This successful initial case study demonstrates that this may be a feasible treatment plan for patients suffering from psoriasis.

    In this scientific paper, Dr. Comella et al. describe the rationale and, to their knowledge, the first clinical implementation of SVF intravenously in a patient with severe psoriasis.

    "We are so proud of the work Dr. Comella and our team are doing to forge novel applications of autologous stem cells to treat a whole host of autoimmune issues," said Mike Tomas, USRM's Chief Executive Officer. "What better fit for a patient than their own stem cells as a healing treatment. We look forward to continued investigation of this and other conditions to treat with autologous stem cells."

    Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease affecting 2 percent of the population worldwide and approximately 7.5 million people in the United States1. Psoriasis patients present with erythematous scaly well-defined plaques, with the scalp, knees, elbows, hands, and feet being the most commonly affected areas.2 Approximately 20% of psoriasis patients present with moderate to severe psoriasis, with more than 5% of the body surface affected. Fifteen percent of patients with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis, occasionally with joint complaints such as dactylitis, sacroiliitis, enthesopathy, and spondylitis, occurring before cutaneous psoriasis. This condition can cause joint destruction due to the chronic inflammation. There are also significant comorbidities associated with psoriasis, including a 58% risk of cardiovascular disease and 43% increased risk of stroke. The risk of diabetes is 30% higher in patients with severe psoriasis.

    Multipotential/Mesenchymal adult stem cells (MSCs) are currently being studied by USRM in a variety of diseases and injuries. MSCs can be found in many tissues throughout the body and are thought to play a critical role in a patient's healing cascade. When MSCs are placed into culture or in vitro, they demonstrate an ability to differentiate on several different tissue pathways. MSCs are part of the body's natural healing mechanism and as such represent a potential therapy in a variety of diseases, including having immunomodulatory properties and stimulating a healing response by reducing inflammation. For this reason, MSCs may be beneficial for patients experiencing excessive inflammation, as is present in autoimmune diseases like psoriasis.

    Dr. Comella, who has more than 20+ years' experience, is recognized worldwide by her peers as an innovator and world leader in the development and clinical practice of stem cell products and therapies. She has also been instrumental in developing and bringing to market USRM's proprietary AdipocellTM product, a stem cell kit which enables physicians to separate potent stem cells from a patient's own fat, a naturally occurring tissue in the body which happens to contain a robust supply of stem cells.

    USRM has been involved in more than 10,000 stem cell procedures in the past 19 years for a variety of indications including orthopedic, autoimmune, degenerative and neurological diseases. USRM also trains and certifies physicians in stem cell therapy -- to date, more than 700+ physicians worldwide -- and has engaged with more than 287 clinics.

    U.S. Stem Cell, Inc. (USRM) is an emerging leader in the regenerative medicine / cellular therapy industry specializing in physician training and certification and stem cell products including its lead product AdipocellTM, as well as veterinary stem cell training and stem cell banking and creation and management of stem cell clinics. To management's knowledge, USRM has completed more clinical treatments than any other stem cell company in the world.

    1Rachakonda TD, Schupp CW, Armstrong AW. Psoriasis prevalence among adults in the United States. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014;70(3):512–516.

    2Helmick CG, Lee-Han H, Hirsch SC, Baird TL, Bartlett CL. Prevalence of psoriasis among adults in the U.S: 2003–2006 and 2009–2010 national health and nutrition examination surveys. Am J Prevent Med. 2014;47(1):37–45.
  5. [verwijderd] 6 april 2018 12:07
    Nu nog makkelijk posities te pakken.
    In de toekomst zal het vast niet meer op dit niveau meer kunnen.
    Ik kan wel zeggen; koop wanneer er een dikke uptrend is maar nu net voor een geweldige mogelijke uitbraak is toch vele malen interessanter.

    Do your DD
  6. Ser frem til 6 augustus 2018 22:28
    Heee Elio, ik zie dat jij veelal in de OTC. Daar heb ik ook wel eea aan aandelen in gekocht.
    Waarom is dit aandeel van 0,08 weer terug naar 0,03 gegaan? Is daar een verklaring voor?
    Hoe kijk jij nu tegen dit aandeel aan?
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