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NOVO Resources: Grootste goudvondst OOIT?!

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  1. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2019 19:55

    seadoc schreef op 13 februari 2019 19:41:

    Pas nu op, dit mag je allemaal niet zeggen van de feestneus....
    lees t wel als t niet klopt wat ik schrijf....
    Valt wel op dat grote promotie campagne bijna stil gevallen is.
    Dat die lenigas ineens weggaat bij artemis voorspeld ook niet veel goeds.
    Tevaak eerder gezien bij andere bedrijven wat voorbode was voor minder goed nieuws.
  2. seadoc 13 februari 2019 20:08
    Die Lenigas bakte er niet veel van. Maar goed ik zou mijn geld ook niet snel in artemis steken. Het zou kunnen dat nu die LEnigas weg is er misschien een overname kan komen. Maar om daar op te gokken, lijkt me ook niet verstandig. Achteraf gezien was dit dus een soort pump dump geval. Maar zo zijn er heel veel meer, dat hoef ik jou niet te vertellen :-)
  3. sjon 7 juni 2019 16:34
    Novo to Advance Egina Gold Project by Way of US $30 Million Farmin & Joint Venture With Sumitomo Corporation

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 07, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (“Novo” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NVO; OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a US $30 million farmin and joint venture agreement (the “Agreement”) with Sumitomo Corporation of Tokyo, Japan, and its wholly-owned Australian subsidiary (together, “Sumitomo”) in order to advance Novo’s Egina project (the “Project”) located approximately 80 km south-southwest of Port Hedland, WA.

    The Project is comprised of wholly-owned Novo tenure, including tenements acquired through the recent acquisition of Farno-McMahon (“Farno”), tenements into which Novo is currently earning an interest under a binding memorandum of agreement with ASX-listed Pioneer Resources Limited, and a tenement into which ASX-listed De Grey Mining Ltd. is currently earning an interest under a farmin and joint venture agreement executed with Farno prior to its acquisition by Novo (please see the Company’s news releases dated September 17, 21, and October 1, 2018 - novoresources.com/news-media/news/).

    Pursuant to the Agreement, Sumitomo is entitled to earn, through farmin arrangements, up to a 40% interest in the Project by spending up to US$30 million (approximately C$40.2 million) over three years, with a required minimum of US$5 million per phase defined by a program and budget (approximately C$6.7 million). Sumitomo has the right to elect not to continue with the farmin arrangement and, if this right is exercised, it is expected that any amounts advanced under the farmin arrangement will be converted into common shares of Novo through a shares for debt settlement at the higher of C$2.00 and the minimum price permitted as at the date the right is exercised, subject to receipt of TSX Venture Exchange approval. Any shares issued to Sumitomo pursuant to such a debt settlement will be subject to a twelve-month contractual hold period (inclusive of the required four-month statutory hold period) and orderly sale restrictions. The Agreement also contains a mechanism by which Sumitomo can participate in an expanded project area.

    “Novo’s Egina project is an early-stage, high-potential gold project,” commented Dr. Quinton Hennigh, Chairman and President of Novo Resources Corp. “Sumitomo, upon conducting their own technical review, has developed a similar opinion. It is remarkable for an exploration company to team up with a world-class finance partner like Sumitomo. With Sumitomo’s financial backing, we aim to quickly advance Egina through exploration and test-extraction phases with the ultimate goal, should results prove favourable, of setting the project on a path to production. Novo has been developing the relationship with Sumitomo for many years, built on a foundation of mutual trust and respect. The combined teams have the technical capacity to advance this unique gold deposit and we are honoured to work with Sumitomo’s capable technical team.”
  4. sjon 7 juni 2019 16:55
    Dear Sumitomo Corporation of Tokyo

    Please be advised that your $30.000.000,00 investment in Novo Resources is a complete waste of money.

    I am a Dutch investor and me and my highly trained and educated co-investors Easy, The Black Knight and Smith&Jones -to name but a few- would like to warn you that you have made a grave mistake by investing $30MILLION in Novo..... We have thoroughly analized the story and we would like to share the outcome of our painstaking research with you. Please hold yourself vast, hier it cums:

    "It remains a fairy tail".

    Please no more mistakes the next time....

    Best regards,
  5. [verwijderd] 7 juni 2019 17:05

    honkytonkgirl1 schreef op 7 juni 2019 16:55:

    Dear Sumitomo Corporation of Tokyo

    Please be advised that your $30.000.000,00 investment in Novo Resources is a complete waste of money.

    I am a Dutch investor and me and my highly trained and educated co-investors Easy, The Black Knight and Smith&Jones -to name but a few- would like to warn you that you have made a grave mistake by investing $30MILLION in Novo..... We have thoroughly analized the story and we would like to share the outcome of our painstaking research with you. Please hold yourself vast, hier it cums:

    "It remains a fairy tail".

    Please no more mistakes the next time....

    Best regards,
    vraag gelijk effe of ze ook deze erbij nemen,vond je ook zo geweldig.


  6. [verwijderd] 7 juni 2019 17:10
    Hoop dat je veel verdiend hoor,gun niemand verlies,maar hele pilbara gedoe en vele pump verhaaltjes door nwsletter schrijvers en vele youtube filmpjes zitten velen met zware verliezen.
  7. fiesta 7 juni 2019 20:01

    honkytonkgirl1 schreef op 7 juni 2019 16:55:

    Dear Sumitomo Corporation of Tokyo

    Please be advised that your $30.000.000,00 investment in Novo Resources is a complete waste of money.

    I am a Dutch investor and me and my highly trained and educated co-investors Easy, The Black Knight and Smith&Jones -to name but a few- would like to warn you that you have made a grave mistake by investing $30MILLION in Novo..... We have thoroughly analized the story and we would like to share the outcome of our painstaking research with you. Please hold yourself vast, hier it cums:

    "It remains a fairy tail".

    Please no more mistakes the next time....

    Best regards,
    Hij is leuk! Sportief zijn mannen.
    Wie kaatst kan de bal verwachten.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 7 juni 2019 20:06

    fiesta schreef op 7 juni 2019 20:01:

    Hij is leuk! Sportief zijn mannen.
    Wie kaatst kan de bal verwachten.
    Hij is inderdaad leuk, maar helaas kan HonkyTonki zelf totaal niet tegen enige kritiek.
  9. [verwijderd] 9 juni 2019 09:35
    Even iets dat wel interessant kan zijn, een mail van Quinton Hennigh naar WisGuy1, een betrouwbaar poster op ceo.ca:

    "I do not follow chat boards. If I did, I'd have no time for anything else.

    In response to your previous email, here is my view on things.

    Novo has about 13,000 sq km of prospective land in the Pilbara. Over time, we may pare back some of our current land holdings, but I imagine we will take on more prospective land in new places, too, as we learn more about the distribution of gold in the region. As a function of our large land holdings, minimum work expenditures will be a substantial part of our budget for the foreseeable future. We need to keep exploring. This year alone, we have two teams dedicated to generative work.

    Egina is approximately 950 sq km, so about 7% of our total land holdings. It has very good potential, but it also has risks and challenges. Is the grade present across the greater terrace? Are grades consistent enough to mine? Where can we source sufficient water for processing? If we have to process material dry, how do we do this cost effectively with acceptable recovery? How will aboriginal negotiations proceed and how long will they take? How do we permit a large scale mine like this? Will it be viewed by the government as a conventional gold mine requiring considerable levels of permitting, or will they allow us to operate this at more of a quarry-type level? How do we implement sustainable mining and rehabilitation? Etc, etc, etc. I think you get the picture. Each one of these questions requires a dedicated team of people and money to answer. What is reality? I suspect it will take 18-24 months to get to a large scale trial mining phase. It could take another year after that to get a full blown permit to operate a respectable sized commercial level mine. Egina is a great project, but we have some serious work to do and money to spend. The money Sumitomo has allocated for this JV totals US$30M, or about A$42M. Injection of money is staged based on outcomes as we advance things. This is the way money should be spent on mining...in a measured approach based on success. Sumitomo's money allows Novo to advance Egina without betting our entire treasury on one project. In exchange, they are a minority, but dedicated, fully aligned, financial partner. I consider this a huge win. If Novo tried to advance Egina as a "cowboy" mine, it could end badly. And the cash flow would be minor compared to the vision we have discussed with Sumitomo. Also, if Novo used its treasury to go it alone, we would have to sacrifice other parts of the Pilbara, not ideal. We would also have to ultimately seek "conventional" mine financing which is cut-throat at best, especially for a nuggety alluvial project.

    So what about Beatons Creek? We are currently undertaking the option study discussed in the news as well as in my interviews. The outcome of this study will determine which way we take the project. As you are probably aware, there are a number of ways this might go. Sumitomo has 5 billion yen set aside for us to advance Beatons Creek. We will get it into production. What will a deal look like for this money? Probably a similar Sumitomo minority stake in the project. Yet another win for Novo. And with luck, this all might transpire sooner than later.

    And CW/PR? I think the track Karratha will take is similar to that we went through at Beatons Creek. We will have a trial bulk sampling and processing phase followed by iterative exploration work that builds on those results. This is how we got Beatons to 900 Koz, and fully permitted. We also have to work through native title negotiations, something we are rekindling now that Ngarluma has finally appointed a new CEO. We will get there, and guess what, we will have a financial partner to ensure it. Sumitomo are lifers. They do not look for short term gains like most in the mine finance industry.

    Lastly, the rest of the Pilbara...I think we will make several new discoveries this year and next. We have large expanses of terrace outside of Egina that are equally prospective. By sharing risk with Sumitomo at Egina, Novo can piggyback on this success. We know there are gold-bearing conglomerates in new poorly explored areas. What will Novo look like if we find 2-3 more high quality projects over the next couple years? We have nothing but opportunity!

    I did not start Novo as a short term pump. I wanted to build a gold company centered around what I think is one of if not the largest remaining gold systems left on the planet. If our work proves fruitful, I hope to see gold bars coming out of our ground for decades. Sumitomo is the type of finance partner to help us reach this vision.

    I hope this gives you the clarity you need.


    Quinton Hennigh

    Chairman and President

    Novo Resources Corp"
  10. [verwijderd] 9 juni 2019 09:48
    Voor diegene met tijdsgebrek, een samenvatting van de tekst hierboven:

    - Sumitomo's investering (C$40M) zorgt ervoor dat dit project sneller ontwikkeld kan worden én dat ze hun eigen fondsen (C$50) kunnen bewaren voor verdere exploratie en ontwikkeling van bestaande projecten

    - Gelijkaardige investering wordt verwacht voor het Beaton's Creek project (900Koz resource + mining license dus klaar om te mijnen).

    - Comet Well en Purdy's Reward worden verder ontwikkeld en ook hier verwacht hij dat Sumitomo financieel zal partneren

    - Nieuwe ontdekkingen zitten er verder aan te komen, dit jaar en volgende jaren.

    - Dan als laatste een zeer belangrijke alinea:
    "I did not start Novo as a short term pump. I wanted to build a gold company centered around what I think is one of if not the largest remaining gold systems left on the planet. If our work proves fruitful, I hope to see gold bars coming out of our ground for decades. Sumitomo is the type of finance partner to help us reach this vision."
  11. sjon 10 juni 2019 12:59
    Tx's laatste bericht waar hij ingaat op de recente kapitaalinjectie van Sumito en het pad dat Novo zal bewandelen.

    Long past the Eye: The Dissipation of Storm into Sunlight

    For those of us that have stood alongside the Novo story over the last few years, I would like to explain the deeper meaning of the latest News Release dated June 07, 2019. It’s a story of a storm and how a good ship is plying the waves intact. Or more accurately, how a small boat entered the hurricane, and a strong and fortified ship will now exit.

    This story is defined by three Key events over the last 2 years – almost to the day.

    Novo Signs MOU to Partner with Sumitomo Corporation to Move Beatons Creek Towards Production - July 06, 2017

    Novo Resources Announces Non-Brokered Private Placement of Up to $56 Million With Kirkland Lake – Sept 05, 2017

    Novo US$30 Million Farm-in & Joint Venture with Sumitomo Corporation – June 07, 2019

    These 3 three key events did not occur by chance or under the guarantees of good fortune. They were achieved by hard work, corporate engineering, new and progressive methodologies in exploration, and the communication of a grand vision to the right partners. While most were fixated with the diabolically challenging aspects of the exploration aspect, the grand corporate opera was being constructed in the background that will bring it all to fruition.

    There is no need to explain the first 2 events. Most are already intimate with their details. It is the third and last event that will be the subject of this post. It will be explained from three different perspectives that have been brought into harmony by a very astute management in Novo.

    Novo resources had been dealing and negotiating with Sumitomo for years. Before Kirkland Lake and Eric Sprott made their heavy PP investments in Novo in 2017. Why Sumitomo?

    Lees verder: stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?sy...
  12. [verwijderd] 23 juni 2019 16:59
    Heb veel gehoord over Artemis en deGrey mining maar welk van de 2 heeft de beste kansen om door te groeien tot een volwaardig winstgevende stock?

  13. fiesta 24 juni 2019 12:53
    Je zit in de Novo draad en die heb ik en ook niet te weinig. Verwacht er veel van en heb de tijd.
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