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Flow Traders BMG3602E1084

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VIRTU Financial Inc. - De Amerikaanse Flowtraders

268 Posts
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  1. hvb 29 februari 2024 21:15
    Ik heb mijn aandelen Virtu verkocht in de huidige opleving.

    Ik kijk het morgen even aan, maar ik denk erover om van de opbrengst mijn positie in Flow Traders uit te breiden.
  2. hvb 29 februari 2024 23:05

    Rmk79 schreef op 29 februari 2024 21:28:

    Virtu flink aan het profiteren van de market making in bitcoin etf's?
    De stijging van Robinhood lijkt de afgelopen dagen hetzelfde patroon te volgen als die van Virtu. Dat zou inderdaad met crypto te maken kunnen hebben?
  3. Rmk79 1 maart 2024 21:23

    Ken Worthington: Hi. Good morning. Thanks for taking the question. I guess I wanted to kick off the call with more questions around the cryptocurrency opportunity. So, first, the cryptocurrency market has rebounded, rebounded in 4Q significantly, a bit more in 1Q, at the same time, role has expanded with the AP on the bitcoin ETFs. So how did the economics change for Virtu as the number of activities you participate in expands? So you started with being a market maker in crypto spot and a market maker in crypto companies and miners, and now you are both a market maker in bitcoin ETFs as well as the AP on these same crypto ETFs. So does your position in one area make the other areas more profitable? And I guess the ultimate punch line here is how much bigger is the crypto revenue opportunity for Virtu today versus other initiatives like options, ETF block and fixed income in the near term growth in crypto broadly?

    Douglas Cifu: Yes, thank you. Good morning. That's a great question. And to give you credit, you've been asking about crypto for two years. So I finally have a great answer for you. And thanks in large measure to some of these forced regulatory changes in the United States. I mean, this has become, I don't want to be too dramatic, but a bit of a transformational moment for Virtu with regard to this asset class, certainly, and we've seen the results already in the first quarter where we're generating meaningful six-figure daily P&L from this asset class.
  4. Rmk79 24 april 2024 12:13

    First Quarter 2024:

    Net income of $111.3 million; Normalized Adjusted Net Income¹ of $124.3 million
    Basic and diluted earnings per share of $0.59; Normalized Adjusted EPS¹ of $0.76
    Total revenues of $642.8 million; Trading income, net, of $408.1 million; Net income Margin of 17.3%²
    Adjusted Net Trading Income¹ of $366.9 million
    Adjusted EBITDA¹ of $202.8 million; Adjusted EBITDA Margin¹ of 55.3%
    Share buybacks of $35.8 million, or 2.0 million shares, under the Share Repurchase Program³
    Board authorizes additional $500 million share repurchase over the next two years
268 Posts
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