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  1. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 09:25
    Sopheon’s Accolade® Endorsed for Ability to Support Successful Stage-Gate® Implementation

    Stage-Gate Ready Recertification Latest Milestone in Company’s Unique 10-Year Connection to Stage-Gate Creators and Best Practices

    Sopheon, the international provider of software and services for product lifecycle management, announced today that its Accolade innovation-governance management solution has once again been certified as Stage-Gate Ready. The endorsement is based on the software’s having met more than 200 performance criteria demonstrating that it can provide the functionality necessary for successful implementation of Stage-Gate, the widely used product innovation methodology. The certification was issued by Stage-Gate International, the commercial arm of the Product Development Institute Inc. Principals of the Institute created the Stage-Gate process.

    Accolade was among the first software products to qualify for Stage-Gate Ready certification when the program was introduced a little more than two years ago. It is also among the first to be recertified under the program’s requirements for a bi-annual review. Evaluation categories include the ability to support best practices in areas ranging from idea and portfolio management to the idea-to-launch process. As part of the recertification process, the Sopheon solution once again met 100% of the mandatory and optional criteria across all categories encompassed by the evaluation standard.

    The Stage-Gate Ready endorsement is the most recent milestone in a decade-long association between Sopheon and the originators of the Stage-Gate methodology. Dr. Robert Cooper, president of the Product Development Institute Inc. and father of the Stage-Gate process, has been involved with Sopheon since it introduced the first version of Accolade in 2001. He and his colleagues were on the external advisory committee for the design of the software. At that time, Sopheon was given exclusive rights to embed the Institute’s official process guidelines for Stage-Gate in Accolade. The Sopheon solution continues to offer that content, augmented by advanced best practices developed by Sopheon through its experience in supporting implementation of the Stage-Gate process at more than 200 companies throughout the world.

    “Sopheon stands out among solution suppliers in the product lifecycle management space because of its dual focus on strengthening Stage-Gate process adoption and increasing decision-making efficiency,” said Vasco Drecun, former research director and senior analyst for product lifecycle management (PLM) research and advisory firm Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA). “They have a thorough understanding of what Stage-Gate is, why it’s important, and what’s required for it to be successful. Moreover, they’ve managed to translate that understanding into a best-practice based offering that simplifies use of the process. Their solution addresses both the practical day-to-day performance challenges faced by product development teams and the strategic decision-making challenges of executive stakeholders. Accolade enables organizations to get maximum benefit from their implementation of Stage-Gate.”

    “Sopheon’s Accolade is most often seen as differentiated by its strategic product planning, portfolio management and executive-decision support features,” said Bryan Seyfarth, director of product marketing for Sopheon. “But many of the most important advantages of our software can be traced to the fact that, unlike competing technologies, it was built from the ground up to support gated product innovation processes. The Stage-Gate Ready recertification is testimony that as Accolade has grown in sophistication and breadth of capabilities, it has continued to perform at the highest level in supporting an effective framework for innovation, and in providing the governance needed to ensure that innovation investments translate into business success.”

    Accolade is the most widely used software for support of Stage-Gate in the market today. It is the first technology platform in the industry to provide all-in-one enablement of strategic roadmapping, ideation and innovation process execution. Its Vision Strategist™ component automates the roadmapping process, allowing users to visualize and forecast the future of products, markets and technologies. Accolade Idea Lab™ helps organizations generate, select and develop winning product and service ideas. Accolade Process Manager™ automates and governs the product innovation process.

    Stage-Gate® ia a registered trademark of the Product Development Institute Inc.
    Accolade®, Vision Strategist™, Idea Lab™ and Process Manager ™ are trademarks of Sopheon plc.
    All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

    Link: www.sopheon.com/DesktopModules/Announ...


    Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Trademarks | Site Map | Related Links | Contact Us © 2007 Sopheon. All Rights Reserved.

  2. brandweerman113 10 februari 2010 10:04

    ramsbrug schreef:

    Sopheon’s Accolade® Endorsed for Ability to Support Successful Stage-Gate® Implementation

    Stage-Gate Ready Recertification Latest Milestone in Company’s Unique 10-Year Connection to Stage-Gate Creators and Best Practices

    Sopheon, the international provider of software and services for product lifecycle management, announced today that its Accolade innovation-governance management solution has once again been certified as Stage-Gate Ready. The endorsement is based on the software’s having met more than 200 performance criteria demonstrating that it can provide the functionality necessary for successful implementation of Stage-Gate, the widely used product innovation methodology. The certification was issued by Stage-Gate International, the commercial arm of the Product Development Institute Inc. Principals of the Institute created the Stage-Gate process.

    Accolade was among the first software products to qualify for Stage-Gate Ready certification when the program was introduced a little more than two years ago. It is also among the first to be recertified under the program’s requirements for a bi-annual review. Evaluation categories include the ability to support best practices in areas ranging from idea and portfolio management to the idea-to-launch process. As part of the recertification process, the Sopheon solution once again met 100% of the mandatory and optional criteria across all categories encompassed by the evaluation standard.

    The Stage-Gate Ready endorsement is the most recent milestone in a decade-long association between Sopheon and the originators of the Stage-Gate methodology. Dr. Robert Cooper, president of the Product Development Institute Inc. and father of the Stage-Gate process, has been involved with Sopheon since it introduced the first version of Accolade in 2001. He and his colleagues were on the external advisory committee for the design of the software. At that time, Sopheon was given exclusive rights to embed the Institute’s official process guidelines for Stage-Gate in Accolade. The Sopheon solution continues to offer that content, augmented by advanced best practices developed by Sopheon through its experience in supporting implementation of the Stage-Gate process at more than 200 companies throughout the world.

    “Sopheon stands out among solution suppliers in the product lifecycle management space because of its dual focus on strengthening Stage-Gate process adoption and increasing decision-making efficiency,” said Vasco Drecun, former research director and senior analyst for product lifecycle management (PLM) research and advisory firm Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA). “They have a thorough understanding of what Stage-Gate is, why it’s important, and what’s required for it to be successful. Moreover, they’ve managed to translate that understanding into a best-practice based offering that simplifies use of the process. Their solution addresses both the practical day-to-day performance challenges faced by product development teams and the strategic decision-making challenges of executive stakeholders. Accolade enables organizations to get maximum benefit from their implementation of Stage-Gate.”

    “Sopheon’s Accolade is most often seen as differentiated by its strategic product planning, portfolio management and executive-decision support features,” said Bryan Seyfarth, director of product marketing for Sopheon. “But many of the most important advantages of our software can be traced to the fact that, unlike competing technologies, it was built from the ground up to support gated product innovation processes. The Stage-Gate Ready recertification is testimony that as Accolade has grown in sophistication and breadth of capabilities, it has continued to perform at the highest level in supporting an effective framework for innovation, and in providing the governance needed to ensure that innovation investments translate into business success.”

    Accolade is the most widely used software for support of Stage-Gate in the market today. It is the first technology platform in the industry to provide all-in-one enablement of strategic roadmapping, ideation and innovation process execution. Its Vision Strategist™ component automates the roadmapping process, allowing users to visualize and forecast the future of products, markets and technologies. Accolade Idea Lab™ helps organizations generate, select and develop winning product and service ideas. Accolade Process Manager™ automates and governs the product innovation process.

    Stage-Gate® ia a registered trademark of the Product Development Institute Inc.
    Accolade®, Vision Strategist™, Idea Lab™ and Process Manager ™ are trademarks of Sopheon plc.
    All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

    Link: www.sopheon.com/DesktopModules/Announ...


    Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Trademarks | Site Map | Related Links | Contact Us © 2007 Sopheon. All Rights Reserved.

  3. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 11:08
    De ;markt; is het geleuter van Sopheon beu.Want met dit soort teksten probeert men al jaren het hoofd boven water te houden en de aandeelhouder aan het lijntje te houden.
    Kijk maar naar de koersvorming.
  4. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 11:27

    Open 0,10 09:00:02
    Vorig slot 0,10 09-02-2010
    Positie --- 0
    Gemiddelde dagomzet --- 343.838


    Aan de gemiddelde dagomzet is te zien dat de markt Sopheon wel degelijk beu is. Op een paar handige shuffelaars na, misschien dan...

  5. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 11:31

    hotsirio schreef:

    De ;markt; is het geleuter van Sopheon beu.Want met dit soort teksten probeert men al jaren het hoofd boven water te houden en de aandeelhouder aan het lijntje te houden.
    Kijk maar naar de koersvorming.

    en terecht.
  6. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 12:39
    Sopheon misschien een aantrekkelijke prooi om SAP uit de problemen te helpen

    SAP verruilt directeur voor twee nieuwe ceo's

    Door Wilbert de Vries, maandag 8 februari 2010 10:22, views: 10.373

    Léo Apotheker heeft per direct zijn functie als directeur van SAP AG neergelegd. De maker van zakelijke software heeft inmiddels twee nieuwe directeuren naar voren geschoven. Apotheker werkte al twintig jaar bij het Duitse bedrijf.

    SAP heeft zondag in een verklaring bekendgemaakt dat het contract van Apotheker niet zal worden verlengd en dat hij zijn functie als directeur van het bedrijf zal neerleggen. Hoewel de fabrikant van onder meer erp-software stelt dat dit in onderling overleg is besloten, is het opmerkelijk dat Apotheker per direct opstapt. Zijn contract zou pas eind 2010 aflopen, wat doet vermoeden dat SAP het initiatief voor het afscheidsgesprek heeft genomen.

    Het vertrek van Apotheker komt minder dan een jaar nadat hij in mei 2009 de rol van directeur op zich nam. Onder zijn leiding moest het bedrijf voor het eerst sinds 2003 een omzetdaling rapporteren nu klanten investeringen uitstellen. Ook de concurrentie met Oracle, dat stelt juist extra klanten te krijgen ten koste van de Duitse softwaremaker, speelt SAP parten.

    SAP ontwikkelt onder meer software voor payroll-, erp- en crm-systemen en is ook verantwoordelijk voor het downloadsysteem achter iTunes. De omzet uit licenties daalde in 2009 met bijna 30 procent, terwijl de totale omzet 8 procent daalde.

    Om het tij te keren lijkt SAP nu een bedrijfsstructuur met twee directeuren te prefereren: Apotheker zal worden opgevolgd door Bill McDermott en Jim Hagemann Snabe. SAP-medeoprichter Hasso Plattner zal een belangrijke rol blijven spelen; hij zal de nieuwe directeuren op hun verzoek adviseren op het gebied van technologie- en productontwikkeling.
  7. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 12:46
    Overname van S zit wel diep geworteld bij je ,hou het dan maar op Oracle als het toch ooit gaat gebeuren.
    Eerst maar de euro op de borden.(lol)325 dagen te gaan.
    a.b voor de posting.
    Blijft i.i.g leuker dan de meeste rommel hier.
    Gr m.c
  8. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 14:59
    Laat ik het zo stellen:
    Tot vandaag aantoe hebben ze geen pogingen gedaan Sopheon over te nemen.
    Maar een keihard gegeven is, dat ze niet echt happy zijn met de huidige gang van zaken.
    In het verleden hebben ze een grote som geld neergelegd om omzet te kopen (overname).
    Misschien veranderd het inzicht door andere leiding?????
    Zeker is dat de positie van Sopheon door deze wissel veranderd (in positieve zin).
  9. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 16:00

    xblue schreef:

    Sopheon misschien een aantrekkelijke prooi om SAP uit de problemen te helpen

    SAP verruilt directeur voor twee nieuwe ceo's

    Door Wilbert de Vries, maandag 8 februari 2010 10:22, views: 10.373

    Léo Apotheker heeft per direct zijn functie als directeur van SAP AG neergelegd. De maker van zakelijke software heeft inmiddels twee nieuwe directeuren naar voren geschoven. Apotheker werkte al twintig jaar bij het Duitse bedrijf.

    SAP heeft zondag in een verklaring bekendgemaakt dat het contract van Apotheker niet zal worden verlengd en dat hij zijn functie als directeur van het bedrijf zal neerleggen. Hoewel de fabrikant van onder meer erp-software stelt dat dit in onderling overleg is besloten, is het opmerkelijk dat Apotheker per direct opstapt. Zijn contract zou pas eind 2010 aflopen, wat doet vermoeden dat SAP het initiatief voor het afscheidsgesprek heeft genomen.

    Het vertrek van Apotheker komt minder dan een jaar nadat hij in mei 2009 de rol van directeur op zich nam. Onder zijn leiding moest het bedrijf voor het eerst sinds 2003 een omzetdaling rapporteren nu klanten investeringen uitstellen. Ook de concurrentie met Oracle, dat stelt juist extra klanten te krijgen ten koste van de Duitse softwaremaker, speelt SAP parten.

    SAP ontwikkelt onder meer software voor payroll-, erp- en crm-systemen en is ook verantwoordelijk voor het downloadsysteem achter iTunes. De omzet uit licenties daalde in 2009 met bijna 30 procent, terwijl de totale omzet 8 procent daalde.

    Om het tij te keren lijkt SAP nu een bedrijfsstructuur met twee directeuren te prefereren: Apotheker zal worden opgevolgd door Bill McDermott en Jim Hagemann Snabe. SAP-medeoprichter Hasso Plattner zal een belangrijke rol blijven spelen; hij zal de nieuwe directeuren op hun verzoek adviseren op het gebied van technologie- en productontwikkeling.
    Sap Sopheon overnemen? Gaat nooit gebeuren. Wat moet Sap met de software van Sopheon, hele andere tak van sport, misschien wat raakvlakken, that's it.

    Als Sopheon wordt overgenomen dan is dat in mijn optiek door een bedrijf als CTC. Kennelijk kan sopheon iets wat een bedrijf als CTC niet kan maar wel degelijk nodig heeft.

    Dan is de vraag of ze de diensten van Sopheon in de toekomst vaker nodig hebben. Is daarop het antwoord: "Veelvuldig"., dan heb je ooit kans dat er interresse getoont zal worden.

    Ik denk dat we dan een jaar of 10 verder zijn.
    Ze zullen het voorlopig zelf verder aan de weg moeten timmeren en vooralsnog zijn de spijkers niet aan te slepen.

    Grtz D[]wnunder
  10. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 16:15

    d[ schreef:

    [quote=Bertus S]
    De "markt" = Hotsirio??


    Bertus S.
    Elementaire logica ten top.

    D[]wnunder's grinning.

    Ach,krijgt ie um 2x voor zun raap.B is ook een mens hoor!Ik zal maar niet zeggen:Is ook maar!!! een mens.Nou genoeg.Hij heeft het al moeilijk zat en dat vind ik toch ook wel een beetje zielig voor um.
  11. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 16:17

    d[ schreef:


    Sap Sopheon overnemen? Gaat nooit gebeuren. Wat moet Sap met de software van Sopheon, hele andere tak van sport, misschien wat raakvlakken, that's it.

    Als Sopheon wordt overgenomen dan is dat in mijn optiek door een bedrijf als CTC. Kennelijk kan sopheon iets wat een bedrijf als CTC niet kan maar wel degelijk nodig heeft.

    Dan is de vraag of ze de diensten van Sopheon in de toekomst vaker nodig hebben. Is daarop het antwoord: &quot;Veelvuldig&quot;., dan heb je ooit kans dat er interresse getoont zal worden.

    Ik denk dat we dan een jaar of 10 verder zijn.
    Ze zullen het voorlopig zelf verder aan de weg moeten timmeren en vooralsnog zijn de spijkers niet aan te slepen.

    Grtz D[]wnunder
    SAP levert als onderdeel van zijn suite een eigen PLM oplossing. SAP begeeft zich op deelgebieden dus best in het vaarwater van Sopheon. De opmerkingen m.b.t. de hoeveelheid last die SAP van Sopheon zou hebben raken echter kant noch wal en illustreren het gebrek aan moeite dat mensen doen om gewoon eens even door de cijfers van SAP te gaan. Om gewoon eens even een perspectief van SAP t.o.v. Sopheon te schetsen :

    De NETTOWINST van SAP bedraagt meer dan 100 miljoen euro PER MAAND. De OMZET van Sopheon nu ongeveer 9 miljoen euro PER JAAR.

    De hele beurskapitalisatie van Sopheon past moeiteloos meer dan 5x in de maandelijkse nettowinst van SAP.

    Het spijt me echt, maar iedere operationele vergelijking tussen Sopheon en SAP gaat mank wat mij betreft. Lexpen had er ook zo'n handje van om dit soort vergelijkingen te maken. Wat een gemis dat deze poster er niet meer is....


    P.S. Heb je al wat van Lucas gehoord op de vraag uit het weekdraadje ?

    P.P.S. Dr.Cooper kan de kachel ook weer laten roken. Mooi PB.
  12. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 16:30

    hotsirio schreef:

    [quote=Bertus S]
    De "markt" = Hotsirio??


    Bertus S.

    Elementaire logica ten top.

    D[]wnunder's grinning.

    Ach,krijgt ie um 2x voor zun raap.B is ook een mens hoor!Ik zal maar niet zeggen:Is ook maar!!! een mens.Nou genoeg.Hij heeft het al moeilijk zat en dat vind ik toch ook wel een beetje zielig voor um.

    Ik geloof dat je me niet helemaal begrijpt.
    Het is namelijk wel degelijk elementaire logica.
    Ik vond hem sterk en een AB waard.

    Maar die laatste post van U vind ik ook een PB waard.
    Hij uitermate veelzeggend.

    D[]wnunder is laughing out loud.
  13. mickjagger2 10 februari 2010 16:44

    ramsbrug schreef:

    Sopheon’s Accolade® Endorsed for Ability to Support Successful Stage-Gate® Implementation

    Stage-Gate Ready Recertification Latest Milestone in Company’s Unique 10-Year Connection to Stage-Gate Creators and Best Practices

    Sopheon, the international provider of software and services for product lifecycle management, announced today that its Accolade innovation-governance management solution has once again been certified as Stage-Gate Ready. The endorsement is based on the software’s having met more than 200 performance criteria demonstrating that it can provide the functionality necessary for successful implementation of Stage-Gate, the widely used product innovation methodology. The certification was issued by Stage-Gate International, the commercial arm of the Product Development Institute Inc. Principals of the Institute created the Stage-Gate process.

    Accolade was among the first software products to qualify for Stage-Gate Ready certification when the program was introduced a little more than two years ago. It is also among the first to be recertified under the program’s requirements for a bi-annual review. Evaluation categories include the ability to support best practices in areas ranging from idea and portfolio management to the idea-to-launch process. As part of the recertification process, the Sopheon solution once again met 100% of the mandatory and optional criteria across all categories encompassed by the evaluation standard.

    The Stage-Gate Ready endorsement is the most recent milestone in a decade-long association between Sopheon and the originators of the Stage-Gate methodology. Dr. Robert Cooper, president of the Product Development Institute Inc. and father of the Stage-Gate process, has been involved with Sopheon since it introduced the first version of Accolade in 2001. He and his colleagues were on the external advisory committee for the design of the software. At that time, Sopheon was given exclusive rights to embed the Institute’s official process guidelines for Stage-Gate in Accolade. The Sopheon solution continues to offer that content, augmented by advanced best practices developed by Sopheon through its experience in supporting implementation of the Stage-Gate process at more than 200 companies throughout the world.

    “Sopheon stands out among solution suppliers in the product lifecycle management space because of its dual focus on strengthening Stage-Gate process adoption and increasing decision-making efficiency,” said Vasco Drecun, former research director and senior analyst for product lifecycle management (PLM) research and advisory firm Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA). “They have a thorough understanding of what Stage-Gate is, why it’s important, and what’s required for it to be successful. Moreover, they’ve managed to translate that understanding into a best-practice based offering that simplifies use of the process. Their solution addresses both the practical day-to-day performance challenges faced by product development teams and the strategic decision-making challenges of executive stakeholders. Accolade enables organizations to get maximum benefit from their implementation of Stage-Gate.”

    “Sopheon’s Accolade is most often seen as differentiated by its strategic product planning, portfolio management and executive-decision support features,” said Bryan Seyfarth, director of product marketing for Sopheon. “But many of the most important advantages of our software can be traced to the fact that, unlike competing technologies, it was built from the ground up to support gated product innovation processes. The Stage-Gate Ready recertification is testimony that as Accolade has grown in sophistication and breadth of capabilities, it has continued to perform at the highest level in supporting an effective framework for innovation, and in providing the governance needed to ensure that innovation investments translate into business success.”

    Accolade is the most widely used software for support of Stage-Gate in the market today. It is the first technology platform in the industry to provide all-in-one enablement of strategic roadmapping, ideation and innovation process execution. Its Vision Strategist™ component automates the roadmapping process, allowing users to visualize and forecast the future of products, markets and technologies. Accolade Idea Lab™ helps organizations generate, select and develop winning product and service ideas. Accolade Process Manager™ automates and governs the product innovation process.

    Stage-Gate® ia a registered trademark of the Product Development Institute Inc.
    Accolade®, Vision Strategist™, Idea Lab™ and Process Manager ™ are trademarks of Sopheon plc.
    All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

    Link: www.sopheon.com/DesktopModules/Announ...


    Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Trademarks | Site Map | Related Links | Contact Us © 2007 Sopheon. All Rights Reserved.

    Even terug naar de basis,in plaats van al dat geleuter...

  14. [verwijderd] 10 februari 2010 17:02

    mickjagger2 schreef:

    Sopheon’s Accolade® Endorsed for Ability to Support Successful Stage-Gate® Implementation

    Stage-Gate Ready Recertification Latest Milestone in Company’s Unique 10-Year Connection to Stage-Gate Creators and Best Practices

    Sopheon, the international provider of software and services for product lifecycle management, announced today that its Accolade innovation-governance management solution has once again been certified as Stage-Gate Ready. The endorsement is based on the software’s having met more than 200 performance criteria demonstrating that it can provide the functionality necessary for successful implementation of Stage-Gate, the widely used product innovation methodology. The certification was issued by Stage-Gate International, the commercial arm of the Product Development Institute Inc. Principals of the Institute created the Stage-Gate process.

    Accolade was among the first software products to qualify for Stage-Gate Ready certification when the program was introduced a little more than two years ago. It is also among the first to be recertified under the program’s requirements for a bi-annual review. Evaluation categories include the ability to support best practices in areas ranging from idea and portfolio management to the idea-to-launch process. As part of the recertification process, the Sopheon solution once again met 100% of the mandatory and optional criteria across all categories encompassed by the evaluation standard.

    The Stage-Gate Ready endorsement is the most recent milestone in a decade-long association between Sopheon and the originators of the Stage-Gate methodology. Dr. Robert Cooper, president of the Product Development Institute Inc. and father of the Stage-Gate process, has been involved with Sopheon since it introduced the first version of Accolade in 2001. He and his colleagues were on the external advisory committee for the design of the software. At that time, Sopheon was given exclusive rights to embed the Institute’s official process guidelines for Stage-Gate in Accolade. The Sopheon solution continues to offer that content, augmented by advanced best practices developed by Sopheon through its experience in supporting implementation of the Stage-Gate process at more than 200 companies throughout the world.

    “Sopheon stands out among solution suppliers in the product lifecycle management space because of its dual focus on strengthening Stage-Gate process adoption and increasing decision-making efficiency,” said Vasco Drecun, former research director and senior analyst for product lifecycle management (PLM) research and advisory firm Collaborative Product Development Associates (CPDA). “They have a thorough understanding of what Stage-Gate is, why it’s important, and what’s required for it to be successful. Moreover, they’ve managed to translate that understanding into a best-practice based offering that simplifies use of the process. Their solution addresses both the practical day-to-day performance challenges faced by product development teams and the strategic decision-making challenges of executive stakeholders. Accolade enables organizations to get maximum benefit from their implementation of Stage-Gate.”

    “Sopheon’s Accolade is most often seen as differentiated by its strategic product planning, portfolio management and executive-decision support features,” said Bryan Seyfarth, director of product marketing for Sopheon. “But many of the most important advantages of our software can be traced to the fact that, unlike competing technologies, it was built from the ground up to support gated product innovation processes. The Stage-Gate Ready recertification is testimony that as Accolade has grown in sophistication and breadth of capabilities, it has continued to perform at the highest level in supporting an effective framework for innovation, and in providing the governance needed to ensure that innovation investments translate into business success.”

    Accolade is the most widely used software for support of Stage-Gate in the market today. It is the first technology platform in the industry to provide all-in-one enablement of strategic roadmapping, ideation and innovation process execution. Its Vision Strategist™ component automates the roadmapping process, allowing users to visualize and forecast the future of products, markets and technologies. Accolade Idea Lab™ helps organizations generate, select and develop winning product and service ideas. Accolade Process Manager™ automates and governs the product innovation process.

    Stage-Gate® ia a registered trademark of the Product Development Institute Inc.
    Accolade®, Vision Strategist™, Idea Lab™ and Process Manager ™ are trademarks of Sopheon plc.
    All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

    Link: www.sopheon.com/DesktopModules/Announ...


    Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Trademarks | Site Map | Related Links | Contact Us © 2007 Sopheon. All Rights Reserved.


    Even terug naar de basis,in plaats van al dat geleuter...

    Geweldig idee. Vertel eens, wat staat er in dit bericht ?
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ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.107 37.795
ASML 1.762 77.992
ASR Nederland 18 4.181
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 347
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 29 10.826
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 49
Azerion 7 2.701

Beleggingsideeën van onze partners

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 02 juni

    1. Vergadering OPEC+
  2. 03 juni

    1. Inkoopmanagersindex industrie mei, def. (Jap)
    2. Inkoopmanagersindex industrie Caixin mei (Chi)
    3. Omzet detailhandel april (NL)
    4. DSM-Firmenich Beleggersdag
    5. Inkoopmanagersindex industrie mei, def. (Jap)
    6. Inkoopmanagersindex industrie mei def. (Dld)
    7. Inkoopmanagersindex industrie mei def. (VK)
    8. Inkoopmanagersindex industrie mei def. (eur)
    9. Inkoopmanagersindex industrie (S&P) mei def. (VS)
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht