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Forum probiodrug geopend

2 Posts
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  1. IEX - Forummoderator 28 januari 2017 09:11

    Company Profile:

    Probiodrug specializes in the research and development of therapeutic products for the treatment of Alzheimer disease.At the end of 2015, the group has a portfolio of 2 products in preclinical development phase (PBD-C06 and PQ1565) and a product in phase I of clinical development (PQ912).

    Groet Henk
  2. [verwijderd] 28 januari 2017 09:38

    IEX - Forummoderator schreef op 28 januari 2017 09:11:


    Company Profile:

    Probiodrug specializes in the research and development of therapeutic products for the treatment of Alzheimer disease.At the end of 2015, the group has a portfolio of 2 products in preclinical development phase (PBD-C06 and PQ1565) and a product in phase I of clinical development (PQ912).

    Groet Henk
    Beste Henk,

    Bedankt voor het openen van dit forum. Ik zal later vandaag starten met inhoud. Overigens zit PQ912 inmiddels in phase II.

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