am1993 schreef op 17 juni 2021 20:32:
Daar zou ik maar niet op rekenen :). JPMorgan meldde dat ze meer dan $550 miljard heeft klaarliggen aan cash, omdat ze op dit moment geen obligaties willen kopen. Straks weer wel, als de rente fors is gestegen.
En Michale Burry gaf op (bron) de navolgende boodschap:
After deleting all his tweets just over two months ago, the "Big Short" investor Michael Burry is back with a clear message — markets are in the biggest bubble in history.
Burry's most recent Twitter activity shows that the famous investor is worried about speculation in the markets more than ever.
"People always ask me what is going on in the markets. It is simple. Greatest Speculative Bubble of All Time in All Things. By two orders of magnitude. #FlyingPigs360," Burry tweeted on Tuesday.
The hashtag #FlyingPigs360 is likely in reference to an old Wall Street phrase: "Bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered," which is used as a caution against greed.
People always ask me what is going on in the markets. It is simple. Greatest Speculative Bubble of All Time in All Things. By two orders of magnitude. #FlyingPigs360
— Cassandra (@michaeljburry) June 15, 2021
Burry was the investor profiled in Michael Lewis' "The Big Short" book about the mortgage crisis. He now runs Scion Asset Management.
Burry is most known for spotting the mortgage crisis ahead of time and making a fortune against the U.S. housing bubble. However, back in 2019, the famous investor also made millions by purchasing shares of GameStop, which was well before the Reddit frenzy took over the stock.
Back in February, he joined the inflation debate, making a comparison to the 1970s period. He told investors to brace for inflation while pointing to a boom in demand due to the fiscal stimulus being injected into the economy.
"The U.S. government is inviting inflation with its MMT-tinged policies. Brisk Debt/GDP, M2 increases while retail sales, PMI stage V recovery. Trillions more stimulus & re-opening to boost demand as employee and supply chain costs skyrocket," he tweeted in February.
Burry deleted his Twitter account in April after revealing that he was short Tesla stock and the broader market in general. He resumed his Twitter activity on Monday.
Goud ging afgelopen paar dagen van € 1640 naar € 1570 nu. Per oz ofwel Krugerrand. Gewoon vastgehouden. Eind van het jaar weet ik of ik rendement heb gedraaid. Komt goed m.i.
Alle goeds, AM1993