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Pharming Group NL0010391025

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The One Million dollar question blijft

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  1. [verwijderd] 8 januari 2021 12:15
    En deze is infeite nog belangrijker dan goedkeuring Ruconest voor Covid/Cytokine storm behandeling, :

    WAAROM gaat pharming uberhaupt naar de Nasdaq wat zit hier MEER achter dan bovenstaand .. ????
  2. forum rang 5 Melkkoe APDS 8 januari 2021 15:39
    Net zo min als Trump Covid heeft gehad, gaat PH daar een overname doen. PH wordt daar overgenomen bij positieve afronding Covid trials.
  3. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2021 10:48
    En dan volgt natuurlijk de 2e vraag, waarom 10 gewone aandelen voor 1 ADS, had ook 3/5 kunnen zijn, ligt hier het antwoord voor een evt Overname via , niet een Gewone Aandelen swab, maar via een ADS swab....???

    What is a stock swap? Definition and example
    A stock swap, also called a share exchange, share-for-share exchange, stock-for-stock, occurs during an acquisition. The company doing the takeover offers its own shares, at a predetermined rate, in exchange for the shares in the company it aims to acquire.

    In most mergers and acquisitions only a part of the transaction is completed with a stock swap, while the rest is covered with cash and other forms of payment.

    During the initial period, each shareholder of the company being sought for a takeover will be offered a pre-determined number of shares from the predatory corporation. Before the exchange takes place, each party carefully values the company so that a fair swap ratio can be calculated.

    In order to make the share exchange appealing, the acquiring company usually offers the shareholders of the other company a ‘premium’, i.e. the shares are given a higher value than that quoted on the stock exchange.

    Example of a stock swap
    Imagine the fictitious company John’s Chocolates Inc. wants to acquire a rival, Andy’s Chocolate Corp. in a stock swap.

    John’s gives Andy’s shareholders a certain number of its own shares for each share of Andy’s stock they own.

    In a 1.5-for-1 swap, an Andy’s shareholder with 100 shares would end up with 150 shares of John’s. The Andy’s Chocolates stock is cancelled, and it no longer exists as a separate entity.

    The company being targeted for acquisition might use the stock swap as a strategy to resist the takeover, by claiming that the terms are unfavorable, i.e. it is a way of seeking better terms.

    In most cases, when the stock swap is done, shareholders are not allowed to sell them for a set period.

    Stock swaps are not exclusively used in takeovers. A corporation may use this strategy to gain a larger shareholding in another company.
  4. [verwijderd] 9 januari 2021 16:10

    pacman schreef op 9 januari 2021 10:48:

    En dan volgt natuurlijk de 2e vraag, waarom 10 gewone aandelen voor 1 ADS, had ook 3/5 kunnen zijn, ligt hier het antwoord voor een evt Overname via , niet een Gewone Aandelen swab, maar via een ADS swab....???

    What is a stock swap? Definition and example
    A stock swap, also called a share exchange, share-for-share exchange, stock-for-stock, occurs during an acquisition. The company doing the takeover offers its own shares, at a predetermined rate, in exchange for the shares in the company it aims to acquire.

    In most mergers and acquisitions only a part of the transaction is completed with a stock swap, while the rest is covered with cash and other forms of payment.

    During the initial period, each shareholder of the company being sought for a takeover will be offered a pre-determined number of shares from the predatory corporation. Before the exchange takes place, each party carefully values the company so that a fair swap ratio can be calculated.

    In order to make the share exchange appealing, the acquiring company usually offers the shareholders of the other company a ‘premium’, i.e. the shares are given a higher value than that quoted on the stock exchange.

    Example of a stock swap
    Imagine the fictitious company John’s Chocolates Inc. wants to acquire a rival, Andy’s Chocolate Corp. in a stock swap.

    John’s gives Andy’s shareholders a certain number of its own shares for each share of Andy’s stock they own.

    In a 1.5-for-1 swap, an Andy’s shareholder with 100 shares would end up with 150 shares of John’s. The Andy’s Chocolates stock is cancelled, and it no longer exists as a separate entity.

    The company being targeted for acquisition might use the stock swap as a strategy to resist the takeover, by claiming that the terms are unfavorable, i.e. it is a way of seeking better terms.

    In most cases, when the stock swap is done, shareholders are not allowed to sell them for a set period.

    Stock swaps are not exclusively used in takeovers. A corporation may use this strategy to gain a larger shareholding in another company.
    Ik doe niet meer mee, ik de goede antwoorden geven, en dan mij niet uitbetalen maar als een crimineel de gevangenis insmijten
  5. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2021 10:38
    For me the the million dollar question remains constant as how to rank a website on google first page 1st rank. what can be the perfect strategy for that.

    I am using Du home internet for providing my services in digital marketing.
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