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TomTom NL0013332471

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Het Tom Tom Januari 2022 draadje :-)

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  1. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 4 januari 2022 08:17

    With the release of TomTom’s IndiGO software platform, we introduce a unique partnership for in-vehicle HMI development. The seamless interoperability between TomTom IndiGO and the Kanzi One toolchain for user interface creation allows car makers to combine the unique design capabilities and graphics performance of Kanzi with the power of the TomTom IndiGO software platform. The result is a delightful digital cockpit in cars incorporating Android Automotive infotainment, delivered much faster and at much lower cost than was ever possible before.

    “TomTom’s IndiGO platform is a perfect complement to Kanzi One, providing a powerful automotive software platform that includes, off-the-shelf, most services and application logic components needed for automakers to build future-looking user experiences with a real signature UI for the intelligent cockpit.”

    – Freddie Geier, CEO, Rightware
  2. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 4 januari 2022 08:48
    DeepTech in map making industry: Eric Bowman, CTO, TomTom
    Map Making is no longer what it used to be 10 years ago. The advent of new age technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have completely transformed the map making process. With the growing demand for geo-location services across verticals, it has become pertinent to discuss how deep technologies are revolutionizing the industry. Eric Bowman, chief technology officer, TomTom spoke to Dataquest about the latest trends that are transforming the map making industry.

    DQ: How has engineering transformed the map making process over the years?

    Eric Bowman: I think digital map making was one of the first big data applications. And as such we really got started before all of the kind of data engineering technology which is really quite common place today was fully mature. And it is also a really, really hard problem. It is much harder to automate many parts of digital map making. And so I think the map making industry has been caught in an interesting position of being both leaders and then eventually by having laterally a little bit followers. And now as we move into the cloud, and we have effectively unlimited compute and really a lot of progress that has been made in other industries from ecommerce to social media, we are able to bring those technologies to bear, and use them to help solve the map making problem. The other own it, they don’t really solve it. It is quite a different problem to solve it, and is a different kind of graph problem for example. But it is really an interesting moment at the nexus of one hand the rising expectation from consumers that were really modeling the world and increasing level of detail, and the need for freshness.

    DQ: Right now there is an advent of deep technologies in almost every vertical. So what is the role that deep technologies are playing when it comes to map making?

    Eric Bowman: On the one hand there are significant opportunities that use really advanced statistics and kind of low fidelity observations. So at TomTom for example we collect what we call probe data from close to a billion cars in the world. So we are not able to see the individual cars but we can see where cars go and so what emerges from that is a kind of a statistical model of where roads are and how cars are traveling on those roads. And you would think from that that you could just sort of figure out what the road network is but it is much harder than that. Because that signal is really, really noisy. But now as more and more cars become more and more connected, the fidelity of the data that we start to see is more interesting. And so on the one hand we need to use all of the kind of deep learning, deep data technologies to really pull really faint signal from this. And then package it in a form that people can really depend on for their safety.

    It is not unlike some applications you know the world of advertising for example, approximate is good enough. Not necessarily approximate is not really ever good enough. It has always got to be converging on reality. And when you really think about the range of human activities that depend on this data, it is a lot more than having fun or buying Christmas presents. It is really getting people from A to B safely and efficiently.

    DQ: How is the demand for geo-location services growing?

    Eric Bowman: We really kind of focus on a few different big sectors. We have had a lot of success in automotive and it has been a tough corona experience with automotive due to the chip shortage. But it was actually quite a lot of growth opportunity for us because as cars become more and more connected, what we are best at which is really getting people from A to B and more and more with EV, that part of automotive was growing really rapidly. And so EV is really exciting for us and really brings together all of the things that we are best at, and it is a tremendous opportunity. Whereas some percentage of cars would have built in navigations and much smaller percentage would really be meaningfully connected. Pretty much every car in the future is going to be fully connected and fully have automation. That is actually quite an interesting growth area.

    We have recently announced our Indigo product which is a kind of a digital in-dash solution. It puts together our technology with all best of breed. Kind of experience that people want. But on the other hand there is so much activity going on in kind of more the big tech and enterprise space. And what we are seeing for example with ride sharing the kind of value creation opportunity that ride sharing companies have seen, through location technology is enormous. When you have literally have tens, hundreds or millions of vehicles, millions of customers and effectively connecting them, and then getting them from A to B, even small improvements of how well we do that ends up being – I mean it is essentially giving millions of more people a better experience. Helping them more conveniently navigate and the value of that is enormous. Also with food delivery taking off pretty much everywhere and lots of entrepreneurial activity, there is such an incredible opportunity for us to help kind of at every level there. And so we also see that as a really big growth opportunity for us. And there are others. But those are a couple of big ones.

    Rest vh interview met CTO TT zie
  3. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 4 januari 2022 08:50
    Bevestiging wat wij al hadden geconcludeerd

    Eric Bowman: We really kind of focus on a few different big sectors. We have had a lot of success in automotive and it has been a tough corona experience with automotive due to the chip shortage. But it was actually quite a lot of growth opportunity for us because as cars become more and more connected, what we are best at which is really getting people from A to B and more and more with EV, that part of automotive was growing really rapidly. And so EV is really exciting for us and really brings together all of the things that we are best at, and it is a tremendous opportunity. Whereas some percentage of cars would have built in navigations and much smaller percentage would really be meaningfully connected. Pretty much every car in the future is going to be fully connected and fully have automation. That is actually quite an interesting growth area.
  4. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 4 januari 2022 09:15
    Heb het voorgevoel dat het vandaag in alle opzichten een topdag wordt ;-)

    Krachtenspel tussen de grote jongens is begonnen
  5. forum rang 7 sniklaas 4 januari 2022 09:15

    Dutchy Ron schreef op 4 januari 2022 09:15:

    Heb het voorgevoel dat het vandaag in alle opzichten een topdag wordt ;-)
    op de beurs of op de latten?
  6. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 4 januari 2022 09:18

    sniklaas schreef op 4 januari 2022 09:15:

    [...]op de beurs of op de latten?
    Met TT …. vandaag half dagje skiën ….
  7. [verwijderd] 4 januari 2022 09:24

    Dutchy Ron schreef op 4 januari 2022 09:15:

    Heb het voorgevoel dat het vandaag in alle opzichten een topdag wordt ;-)

    Krachtenspel tussen de grote jongens is begonnen
    Krachtenspel met kleine free float. Kan interessant worden!
  8. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 4 januari 2022 09:33
    Chrysler will finally tell us its future and show Airflow concept at CES
    After years of silence from the brand that sells just two new cars, Chrysler's ready to talk.

    The timing couldn't be better. Parent automaker Stellantis gave Chrysler and Dodge a decade to shape up and show they're worth it, and 10 years is both a lot and not very much time at all. As for the Airflow, Chief Software Officer Yves Bonnefont in December said it's "closer than you think and more than a pure concept." That's a good indicator this will soon be a production car, and perhaps something to kick off the brand's new electric future.

    Chrysler said it will share its future electrification strategy and provide a road map for "building on the iconic brand's 96-year-plus reputation for innovative engineering, groundbreaking style and affordable luxury." The word "luxury" could be key. We could finally see Chrysler chase the more premium vibe it's sought for years in a big way with EVs.

    The brand's CEO Chris Feuell will deliver the presentation Jan. 5, and all I can say is, it's nice to hear at least something from Chrysler these days.

  9. forum rang 7 sniklaas 4 januari 2022 09:38

    boem! schreef op 4 januari 2022 05:59:

    Begrijpend lezen is niet jouw sterkste punt gebleken.

    1.de 500 mio omzet A&E stamt uit het CMD vergezicht evenals de daarbij behorende wins.

    2. Omzet Tele-Atlas was in 2008 55 mio voor Automotive de rest was hoodzakelijk PND omzet.

    3.Om aansluiting te houden met het droomscenario uit de CMD is er 620 mio IFRS omzet benodigd in 2025 daarvoor moet de prodomzet wel jaarlijks een stijging laten zien van 100 mio ofwel 700 mio in 2025 waardoor er een winst resteert van 2 euro per aandeel.

    BLijf jij nu maar volharden in jouw bokito gedrag dan blijf ik volharden in het wijzen op jouw tekortkomingen.

    flauwekul en onzin doorgestreept.

    vasthouden en verwijzen naar de CMD van 2019 is hetzelfde dan met het beste boek van de weg van de ANWB in de hand proberen anno 2022 op de plaats van bestemming te geraken….
  10. forum rang 6 tatje 4 januari 2022 09:49
    - amazon music
    - microsoft MCVP en azure maps bing platform.
    - apple zelf maps noord Amerika, maar samenwerking, kan uitgebreider, maar anders.
    - Volkswagen cariad, Volkswagen altijd bij de top 2 qua autoverkopen.
    - Verizon
    - Uber
    - Huawei
    - Baidu

    het zullen maar partijen zijn, die vertrouwen in je hebben :-)

    Geen dividend, alles op de streep :-)
  11. [verwijderd] 4 januari 2022 09:50
    Offtopic. Ik zie nu KLM tweede dag bij top stijgers, Lufthansa gisteren plus 8% en Ryanair ook plussen.

    Als de markt altijd gelijk heeft, dan is er optimisme over mildheid van laatste covid variant. Gisteren van Ranst (belgische RIVM) die stelde dat de hoop is dat Omicron snel wereldwijd de andere varianten verdringt. Wie had dat twee maanden geleden gedacht.
  12. forum rang 4 OPT 4 januari 2022 09:56

    sniklaas schreef op 4 januari 2022 09:38:

    [...]flauwekul en onzin doorgestreept.

    vasthouden en verwijzen naar de CMD van 2019 is hetzelfde dan met het beste boek van de weg van de ANWB in de hand proberen anno 2022 op de plaats van bestemming te geraken….
    Ja hoor, we zijn er weer.
  13. forum rang 7 sniklaas 4 januari 2022 10:01

    *JustMe* schreef op 4 januari 2022 09:50:

    Offtopic. Ik zie nu KLM tweede dag bij top stijgers, Lufthansa gisteren plus 8% en Ryanair ook plussen.

    Als de markt altijd gelijk heeft, dan is er optimisme over mildheid van laatste covid variant. Gisteren van Ranst (belgische RIVM) die stelde dat de hoop is dat Omicron snel wereldwijd de andere varianten verdringt. Wie had dat twee maanden geleden gedacht.
    City heeft gisteren het koersdoel van @AF vermenigvuldigd met 42 van een duppie naar €4,20 en dat haalt gelukzoekers in het aandeel…
  14. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 4 januari 2022 10:03
    Met weinig stukken weer lager ….. de hoogste tijd voor een fantastische deal wat de koers 10% hoger en TT weer op de kaart zet …..

    Ben wel klaar met de tijd dat de koers met een paar honderd stuks centen lager kan worden gezet ……
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