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PB PER.C6® Licensing Agreement with UMN Phar

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  1. miekemuis 9 maart 2006 09:01
    Iets in "leesbaar" Engels over UMN Pharma :

    UMN Pharma
    UMN Pharma, with its three pre-clinical products line, is a leading pharmaceutical startup. Its management team is comprised of professionals those who have extensive experience in large pharmaceutical companies.

    Blijkbaar opgenomen bij "investeringsmaatschappij ASTEC"
    link : www.ut-astec.com/company_list.php?inv...

    Over ASTEC :
    ASTEC is an early stage venture capital firm focused on startups with innovative products and services in Japan.
    Each of our team members strongly believes that startup companies with significant technology base in Japan, if properly managed and funded, are able to realize revolutionaly products and services which can make changes.
    As one of few equal-partnership venture capitals in Japan, we will work with entrepreneurs to bring impact into the world.

    link : www.ut-astec.com/en_about.html
  2. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 09:26
    MARKET TALK: Crucell aan begin reeks positieve berichten

    donderdag 9 maart 2006 09:18

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Crucell licentieovereenkomst met Japans UMN Pharma kan begin zijn van reeks positieve mededelingen waarmee bedrijf de markt gaat voeden, aldus analist Kempen & Co. Kan volgens hem aandelenkoers opstuwen. Crucell maakt geen financiele condities bekend, maar analist schat aanvangsbetalingen van UMN aan Crucell op EUR 250.000. Crucell +0,6% op EUR 20,18. (RCO)

    Copyright (c) 2006 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

  3. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 09:33
    Vertaling UMN0200:


    “UMN-0200 is a medical agent that specifically antagonizes the receptor for the transmitter, which may trigger the onset of pancreatitis, and therefore is now under development as a curative drug for pancreatitis.”

    (alvleesklier ontsteking)
  4. Huppeldepepup 9 maart 2006 09:34
    En hele opluchting. Ik denk dat er best wel angst bestond, dat Crucells klanten na de overname van Berna, Crucell als concurrent zouden gaan zien. Hoewel niet een hele grote deal, bewijst dit toch wel, dat dat mogelijk meevalt. Daarom is volgens mij dit PB wel klein, maar ook heel fijn.
  5. Mr Greenspan 9 maart 2006 09:55

    Huppeldepepup schreef:

    En hele opluchting. Ik denk dat er best wel angst bestond, dat Crucells klanten na de overname van Berna, Crucell als concurrent zouden gaan zien. Hoewel niet een hele grote deal, bewijst dit toch wel, dat dat mogelijk meevalt. Daarom is volgens mij dit PB wel klein, maar ook heel fijn.
    Na de aankondiging in november van de intentie tot een bod heeft Crucell in december toch ook al een aantal mooie licenties afgesloten?
  6. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 09:59
    Klopt Greenspan,

    Maar door de onzekerheid zijn we daarna alleen maar gezakt.

    FF aan Crucell vragen of ze deze pb's nog een keer willen uitbrengen.

    ;-) BENZ
  7. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 10:03
    22 Dec. 2005 PER.C6® nu ook gebruikt in Canada door nieuwe contractproductie-overeenkomst
    22 Dec. 2005 Crucell maakt tweede PER.C6® licentieovereenkomst met Merial bekend
    22 Dec. 2005 Crucell en WRAIR tekenen overeenkomst (CRADA) om de PER.C6® technologie te evalueren voor het ontwikkelen van flavivirus-vaccins
    21 Dec. 2005 Crucell en DSM maken tweede PER.C6® licentieovereenkomst met Ferring Pharmaceuticals bekend
    21 Dec. 2005 Crucell en DSM maken PER.C6® licentieovereenkomst met ZyStor Therapeutics bekend
    20 Dec. 2005 Crucell en DSM gaan ontwikkeling van licentiëringsactiviteiten voor PER.C6® productietechnologie voor eiwitten en monoklonale antistoffen verder versterken en uitbreiden
    19 Dec. 2005 Crucell maakt STAR(TM) licentieovereenkomst met Genzyme bekend
    16 Dec. 2005 Crucell krijgt toestemming en start rekrutering voor Fase 1 klinisch onderzoek West-Nijlvaccin
    08 Dec. 2005 Crucell maakt PER.C6® licentieovereenkomst met Vakzine Projekt Management bekend
  8. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 10:06
    Per jaar komen er waarschijnlijk meer dan 60.000 type 2 diabeten bij.
    Spreekuur thuis:

    Wat is diabetes mellitus?
    Diabetes mellitus of suikerziekte is een van de meest voorkomende aandoeningen en wordt gekenmerkt door een te hoog bloedglucose(suiker)gehalte. In 1997 leed ca. 2,1% van de wereldbevolking aan diabetes, dat waren toen ca. 123 miljoen mensen: 13 miljoen in Nood-Amerika, 13 miljoen in Latijns-Amerika, 22 miljoen in Europa, 8 miljoen in Afrika, 66 miljoen in Azië en 1 miljoen in Oceanië. In 97% van de gevallen ging het daarbij om diabetes type 2.
    In Nederland zijn er naar schatting meer dan 440.000 mensen met diabetes en waarschijnlijk zijn het er nog veel meer, omdat bij veel mensen de klachten zo gering (of afwezig) zijn, dat bij hen de diagnose (nog) niet is gesteld. Uit recent verricht bevolkingsonderzoek in Nederland blijkt dat boven de leeftijd van 55 jaar het aantal diabetici waarbij geen diagnose is gesteld ongeveer even groot is als het bekende aantal diabetici. Het voorkomen van de ziekte neemt met de leeftijd toe. Boven de 45 jaar is de toename zelfs vrij sterk. Volgens recente cijfers heeft 11,3% van de Nederlandse bevolking boven de 55 jaar diabetes type 2. De verwachting is dat het aantal mensen met diabetes in de komende jaren nog flink zal toenemen, onder andere omdat het aantal ouderen onder de bevolking nog steeds toeneemt. Per jaar komen er waarschijnlijk meer dan 60.000 type 2 diabeten bij.

  9. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 10:26
    Mag natuurlijk niet ontbreken, vanaf heden ook in het Duits:

    Crucell und DSM geben PER.C6®-Lizenzvereinbarung mit UMN Pharma bekannt

    Leiden/Sittard, Niederlande, 9. März 2006 - Das niederländische Biotechnologieunternehmen Crucell N.V. (Euronext und NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Echange: SW CRX) und sein Partnerunternehmen und Auftragsproduzent DSM Biologics haben heute die Unterzeichnung einer PER.C6®-Forschungslizenzvereinbarung mit dem japanischen Pharmaunternehmen UMN Pharma bekannt gegeben. Diese Lizenzvereinbarung erlaubt UMN Pharma die Nutzung der PER.C6®-Zelllinie für sein 'UMN-03'-Projekt, das den Einsatz eines Fusionsproteins zur Behandlung von Muskeldystrophien vorsieht und Stoffwechselerkrankungen wie Obesität und Diabetes Mellitus Typ II vorsieht.

    Darüber hinaus werden Crucell und DSM über ihre eigenen Einrichtungen und ihr PER.C6®-Händlernetz verschiedene Dienstleistungen (Vektorproduktion, Cloning, Prozessentwicklung und cGMP-Herstellung) für UMN Pharma erbringen.

    Die Vereinbarung sieht vor, dass UMN Pharma eine Vorauszahlung und jährliche Zahlungen für die Verlängerung der Lizenz leistet. Für die zusätzlichen Dienstleistungen fallen ebenfalls Zahlungen an. Weitere finanzielle Einzelheiten wurden nicht bekannt gegeben.
  10. Huppeldepepup 9 maart 2006 10:28

    Mr Greenspan schreef:

    En hele opluchting. Ik denk dat er best wel angst bestond, dat Crucells klanten na de overname van Berna, Crucell als concurrent zouden gaan zien. Hoewel niet een hele grote deal, bewijst dit toch wel, dat dat mogelijk meevalt. Daarom is volgens mij dit PB wel klein, maar ook heel fijn.

    Na de aankondiging in november van de intentie tot een bod heeft Crucell in december toch ook al een aantal mooie licenties afgesloten?
    Eens. Ik denk echter dat die in het geweld van de Berna-deal wat naar de achtergrond zijn verdwenen. In de verschillende discussies bleek duidelijk de angst, dat Crucell ging concurreren met zijn klanten. Nu blijkt dat dat misschien wel meevalt, stappen een hoop toenmalige verkopers mogelijk weer in.
  11. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 10:35

    *BENZ schreef:

    MARKET TALK: Crucell aan begin reeks positieve berichten

    donderdag 9 maart 2006 09:18

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Crucell licentieovereenkomst met Japans UMN Pharma kan begin zijn van reeks positieve mededelingen waarmee bedrijf de markt gaat voeden, aldus analist Kempen & Co. Kan volgens hem aandelenkoers opstuwen. Crucell maakt geen financiele condities bekend, maar analist schat aanvangsbetalingen van UMN aan Crucell op EUR 250.000. Crucell +0,6% op EUR 20,18. (RCO)

    Copyright (c) 2006 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

    Wij weten wat er nog op de plank ligt.
  12. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 10:46
    09:39 Crucell/Accord avec le japonais UMN Pharma sur recherche dans le diabète
    Name Letzter Veränderung
    CRUCELL 20.47 0.40 (1.99%)
    DSM NV - - (-%)
    BERNA N 14.00 0.45 (3.32%)

    Zurich (AWP) - Crucell NV, nouveau propriétaire de Berna Biotech, a conclu un accord avec le japonais UMN Pharma. Il s'agit d'effectuer des recherches dans le domaine des protéines conduisant à un traitement de la dystrophie musculaire et métabolique, qui peut apparaître chez les obèses atteints de diabète de type II. Cette association est faite en commun avec le fabricant DSM Biologics NV, selon le communiqué publié jeudi par Crucell.

    UMN Pharma effectuera un versement initial ainsi que des paiements annuels tout au long de cette recherche. Les montants n'ont pas été divulgués.

    Crucell et DSM Biologics mettront à disposition d'UMN Pharma divers services dans les domaines de la construction de vecteurs et le clonage sur son site de Groningen aux Pays-Bas.


  13. miekemuis 9 maart 2006 11:19

    miekemuis schreef:

    Iets in "leesbaar" Engels over UMN Pharma :

    UMN Pharma
    UMN Pharma, with its three pre-clinical products line, is a leading pharmaceutical startup. Its management team is comprised of professionals those who have extensive experience in large pharmaceutical companies.

    Blijkbaar opgenomen bij "investeringsmaatschappij ASTEC"
    link : www.ut-astec.com/company_list.php?inv...

    Over ASTEC :
    ASTEC is an early stage venture capital firm focused on startups with innovative products and services in Japan.
    Each of our team members strongly believes that startup companies with significant technology base in Japan, if properly managed and funded, are able to realize revolutionaly products and services which can make changes.
    As one of few equal-partnership venture capitals in Japan, we will work with entrepreneurs to bring impact into the world.

    link : www.ut-astec.com/en_about.html

    Hierbij bedankt voor de quote op Yahoo, Giraf ! (ben "passieve" lezer daar, niet geregistreerd om te posten, heb zo al werk genoeg om hier ons actief forum te volgen !)
  14. [verwijderd] 9 maart 2006 18:39
    Ik ben erg in mijn nopjes met deze deal, mede omdat het de eerste is in een nieuw format.
    Het is niet de grootste deal in de geschiedenis van CRXL, maar het is wel de eerste waar CRXL en DSM ook de extra diensten gaan leveren. Daardoor kunnen de opbrengsten voordat het product op de markt komt door de dienstverlening wel eens een heel erg interessante nieuwe inkomstenbron zijn.

    de ziener
  15. [verwijderd] 14 juni 2006 15:57

    flosz schreef:

    Crucell en DSM maken PER.C6® licentieovereenkomst met UMN Pharma bekend

    Leiden/Sittard, 9 maart 2006 - Het Nederlandse biotechnologiebedrijf Crucell N.V. (Euronext en NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: SW CRX) en contractproducent DSM Biologics hebben vandaag bekendgemaakt dat zij een PER.C6® licentieovereenkomst voor onderzoek hebben getekend met het Japanse farmaceutische bedrijf UMN Pharma. Op grond van deze overeenkomst kan UMN Pharma gebruik maken van de PER.C6® cellijn voor zijn 'UMN-03' project, dat bedoeld is om een samengesteld eiwit te ontwikkelen ter behandeling van spierdystrofie en stofwisselingsziekten zoals obesitas en diabetes mellitus type II.
    The federation estimates that within 20 years, the number of diabetics could grow to 350 million.
    The increase in diabetes

    Published: Sunday, June 11, 2006
    Publication:The New York Times
    By:Marc Santora
    Click here for the original article.
    The number of people around the world suffering from diabetes has skyrocketed in the last two decades, from 30 million to 230 million, claiming millions of lives and severely taxing the ability of health care systemsto deal with the epidemic, according to data released Saturday by the International Diabetes Federation.
    While the growing problem of diabetes in the affluent United States has been well documented, the federation’s data shows that 7 of the 10 countries with the highest number of diabetics are in the developing world.
    China now has the largest number of diabetics over age 20, around 39 million people or about 2.7 percent of the adult population, according to the federation. The groups says India has the second largest number of cases with an estimated 30 million people, or about 6 percent of the adult population.
    Other countries have higher rates of diabetes than either China or India, but the federation’s experts say rising diabetes rates in the large, rapidly industrializing nations are especially worrisome because of the size of their populations. In some countries in the Caribbean the Middle East, the percentage of diabetic people ranged from 12 to 20 percent; the highest rate was posted in Nauru, an island in the South Pacific.
    In some of the world’s poorest nations, the disease is a quick death sentence. While Americans can live for many years with the disease, a person in Mozambique who requires injections of insulin can expect to live just a year; in Mali, such people survive about 30 months.
    There are many factors driving the growth in diabetes worldwide, but most experts agree that changes in lifestyle and diet are the chief culprits, in addition to genetic predisposition. As developing countries rapidly industrialize, people tend to do work involving less physical activity. At the same time, the availability of food that is cheap but high in calories becomes more common.
    The combination causes weight gain, which leads to greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease.
    The other form, Type 1, is responsible for only 5 percent to 10 percent of cases, and is not associated with behavior, but rather is believed to stem almost entirely from genetic factors. In either form, diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels that result from the body’s inability to make or use insulin, which can lead to a host of complications that include kidney failure and blindness.
    “Diabetes is one of the biggest health catastrophes the world has ever seen,” said Dr. Martin Silink, the president-elect of the International Diabetes Federation.
    “The diabetes epidemic will overwhelm health care resources everywhere if governments do not wake up now and take action.”
    To help stem the tide of the disease, the International Diabetes Federation is seeking a United Nations resolution to recognize the seriousness of the problem. If that effort is successful, it would be the first of its kind for a noncommunicable disease.
    There is little debate among experts that the epidemic is getting worse. Measuring the rate of growth, though, is more problematic. The latest estimates are well above figures published in 2003, when the federation estimated that 194 million people had diabetes. Still, part of the increase is likely due to better detection efforts.
    While Type 2 was traditionally thought of as affecting older people, in recent years people have been found to have the disease at younger and younger ages.
    The data was released at the American Diabetes Association’s 66th Scientific Sessions. The federation studied only people over 20 years old.
    “The largest number of people affected by diabetes are now between the ages of 40 and 59,” said Delice Gan, an editor at The Diabetes Atlas, which will publish the new figures.
    “The trend has been that the ages have been dropping so that people are getting sick in the prime of their life, when they are their most productive.”
    The federation estimates that within 20 years, the number of diabetics could grow to 350 million. Already, each year some 3 million deaths are tied directly to diabetes, with death rates expected to rise 25 percent over the next decade.
  16. [verwijderd] 14 juni 2006 17:38
    350.000.000 prospects...tegenover 200.000 prospects vandaag bij Pharming....!!!!!!

    koersstijging bij Crucell: 350.000.000/200.000 = 1750 x 7.17%(Pharming vandaag) = 12.547.5%%% stijging voor Crucell???? (afgezien van de prijs/gebruiksfreq.en de bedrijfomvang) .....zal wel niet maar geeft wel de overtrokken reactie bij Pharming weer!?
  17. [verwijderd] 17 juli 2006 23:20
    Another Complication from Diabetes: Alzheimer's Disease

    New studies show a link between the two diseases of older Americans. That's good news and bad news

    Posted Monday, Jul. 17, 2006
    Epidemiologists have long noted that there appears to be some sort of correlation between type 2 diabetes — the type that's associated with obesity, and which often appears later in life — and Alzheimer's disease. Now a number of brand-new studies, presented at a major Alzheimer's conference in Madrid, has strengthened that link. In one, Swedish researchers looked at 1173 people over 75 and concluded that people with borderline type 2 diabetes — that is, chronically elevated blood sugar — were some 70% likelier to develop Alzheimer's than those with normal sugar levels. Another study, based in the U.S., looked at the medical records of 22,852 type 2 diabetics, none of whom had any sort of dementia at the outset, and found that the more elevated their blood sugar tended to be, the bigger the risk they'd develop Alzheimer's. Several other studies hinted, though did not prove, that a class of anti-diabetes drugs called glitazones may lower Alzheimer's risk.
    It's still not clear why diabetes and Alzheimer's should be related. One possibility is that the excess insulin the body churns out to try and control blood sugar inflames the blood vessels — which would also explain how diabetes leads to heart disease. But while it isn't yet exactly certain what's going on, the result is a kind of good-news/bad news story. The bad news is that type 2 diabetes has been on a dramatic increase as Americans have gotten more obese over the past couple of decades — which means the Alzheimer's epidemic that's already expected simply as a result of the aging of the massive Baby Boom generation ages could be even bigger than anyone thought. The good news is that by inching closer to an understanding of precisely what it is that causes Alzheimer's — or even getting closer to one possible cause — doctors may be able to stave off the disease by the time Baby Boomers begin moving into their 70s and 80s.
  18. [verwijderd] 2 augustus 2006 15:45
    We anticipate that all three products will be in the clinic within a two-year timeframe.
    UMN Pharma Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing innovative pharmaceutical products to satisfy unmet medical needs. Our core competencies reside in utilizing our significant pharmaceutical industry experience to generate time-efficient, focused development plans followed by rapid preclinical and clinical development to meet international regulatory specifications. We have a diverse pipeline of novel small molecule and protein drug candidates targeting large (cancer; diabetes) and small (pancreatitis; muscular dystrophy) markets that are seriously underserved by existing therapeutics. Three products are currently in preclinical development with the first clinical study scheduled for 2006. We anticipate that all three products will be in the clinic within a two-year timeframe.


    UMN-0300 is a recombinant fusion protein, which neutralizes endogenous myostatin (growth and differentiation factor 8 or GDF-8), a protein whose role is to reduce the amount of muscle tissue that is formed. Substantial published data indicate that blocking the action of myostatin can promote extra muscle growth, thus providing potential therapeutic advantage for patients with muscular dystrophy.
  19. [verwijderd] 3 september 2006 14:05
    Obesity identified as global epidemic

    Sunday 03 September 2006, 7:31 Makka Time, 4:31 GMT

    Exploding numbers of overweight children could make today's generation the first to die before its parents, say health experts.
    The warning comes as more than 2,500 experts and health officials gathered in Sydney on Sunday for the International Congress on Obesity to discuss what organisers said was one of the most important global health issues.
    Professor Paul Zimmet, a diabetes expert who is chairman of the meeting, said: "Obesity is now recognised by the World Health Organisation as an insidious killer and the major contributing cause of preventable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease."
    The world now has more overweight people than those who are undernourished, and obesity is the single largest contributor to chronic disease, the organisers said in a statement.
    The conference will hear research and papers from almost 400 experts and discuss issues including how to prevent people from becoming overweight, clinical treatment of the problem and links between how the brain works and obesity.
    Obese children
    Among the top issues will be obesity among children, a problem organisers said was a mounting epidemic that could produce a generation with chronic health problems.
    The children in this generation may be the first in history to die before their parents, warned Professor Kate Steinbeck, an expert in children's health at Sydney's Royal Prince Alfred hospital.
    "There are now more overweight people in the world than undernourished"
    Professor Ian Caterson, an organiser of the conference
    The WHO says more than 1 billion adults around the world are overweight and 300 million of them are obese, making the problem a global epidemic.
    The number of underweight people is estimated at around 800 million.
    Professor Ian Caterson, another organiser of the meeting, said: "There are now more overweight people in the world than undernourished."
    Overweight people are at much higher risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke and some forms of cancer.
    The main cause is people eating more fatty and sugary foods, and doing less exercise, the WHO says.
    This license agreement allows UMN Pharma to use the PER.C6® cell line in its 'UMN-03' project, which aims to employ a fusion protein in the treatment of muscular dystrophy and metabolic diseases such as obesity and type II diabetes mellitus.
  20. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2006 11:58
    Public release date: 2-Oct-2006
    Contact: Robert Conn
    Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

    Study finds one in 523 children and adolescents have diabetes

    WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – About one in every 523 children and adolescents in the United States had physician-diagnosed diabetes in 2001, according to estimates from a major national study called SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth.

    SEARCH is the largest surveillance effort of diabetes among youth under the age of 20 ever conducted in the United States, said Ronny A. Bell, Ph.D., M.S., associate professor of epidemiology and prevention at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and a SEARCH co-investigator. It is the first look at the burden of diabetes in youth of all major racial and ethnic groups.

    In a report in the October issue of Pediatrics, study investigators estimate that about 154,000 of roughly 80.7 million children and adolescents nationwide had diabetes in 2001. The number of youth with diabetes varies across major U.S. racial and ethnic groups and across age groups.
    In children up through 9 years of age, non-Hispanic white children had the highest diabetes rate (about 1 in every 1,000 children). In this age group across all racial and ethnic groups, physician-diagnosed type 1diabetes, previously known as insulin-dependent diabetes, was the most common form of diabetes. The study found that type 2 diabetes was extremely rare in children under10 years of age of all races.
    Among adolescents and young adults, black and non-Hispanic white youth had the highest overall burden of diabetes (about 1 in every 315) and Asian/Pacific Islander had the lowest (about 1 in 746). Type 1diabetes was the most common form of diabetes in all racial/ethnic groups except in American Indian youth.

    Type 2 diabetes was found in all racial and ethnic groups in youth 10 to 19. It represented only 6 percent of the cases of diabetes in non-Hispanic whites, 33 percent in blacks, and 40 percent in Asian/Pacific Islanders, but was the most common form of diabetes, at 76 percent, among American Indian youth.
    "The study was funded precisely because there was such a lack of systematically collected population-based prevalence data, especially for Type 2 diabetes," said Angela D. Liese, Ph.D., M.P.H., of the University of South Carolina in Columbia, the lead author.

    "This important study has been extremely challenging due to the great difficulty of accurately finding all the cases of diabetes in this age group," said Michael Engelgau, M.D., acting director of the Division of Diabetes Translation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "However, the effort is well worth it. This information will be critical to understanding this disease in children, which will lead to actions to better control it and to minimize its effects on our younger generation," he said.

    "This study addresses an important gap in our knowledge, providing national estimates on the prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children," said Judith Fradkin, M.D., director, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK.)
    Liese said that study investigators would continue to track the incidence of diabetes cases in all of the various population groups over the next few years.
    "Increasing obesity in children began in the late 1980s or early 1990s, and people have speculated that the increase in obesity is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in youth," Liese said.

    The study investigators write, "Diabetes is one of the leading chronic diseases in childhood and adolescence." The prevalence of 1.82 per thousand is higher, for instance, than the rate of 1.24 per thousand for cancer, but lower than asthma (120 per thousand).

    "Diabetes affects quality of life severely for these youth, has a major impact on their families, and has a significant public health impact," the investigators say in the report. "Persons diagnosed with diabetes before 20 years of age have a markedly lower life expectancy than the general population without diabetes."
    Via www.eurekalert.org
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    6. Crescent halfjaarcijfers
    7. Producentenprijzen augustus (Dld)
    8. Detailhandelsverkopen augustus (VK)
    9. Sligro ex €0,30 -dividend
    10. Consumentenvertrouwen september vlpg (eur)
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht