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  1. forum rang 10 voda 25 april 2014 20:00
    'Tot begin 2015 geen boring naar schaliegas'

    Zeker tot begin volgend jaar komen er geen proefboringen naar schaliegas.
    'Tot begin 2015 geen boring naar schaliegas'
    Foto: AFP

    Dat heeft minister Henk Kamp van Economische Zaken vrijdag aan de Tweede Kamer geschreven.
    Omdat de productie uit het gasveld in Groningen afneemt, wordt onderzocht of aardgas gewonnen uit schalie (gesteente) een alternatief kan zijn. Maar schaliegas, dat diep in de bodem zit opgesloten in kleisteenlagen, is omstreden door onzekerheid over de gevolgen van het boren ernaar voor de bodem en het milieu.

    Volgens Kamp wordt nu eerst milieuonderzoek gedaan en wordt ook onderzocht wat de voor- en nadelen van schaliegaswinning in ons land zijn.
    Op grond van de uitkomsten daarvan komt hij met een zogeheten structuurvisie, waarin staat of en in welke gebieden eventuele proefboringen naar schaliegas kunnen plaatsvinden met zo weinig mogelijk overlast voor natuur, mens en milieu.
    Tot die structuurvisie is vastgesteld, gebeurt er niets en zal Kamp ook geen aanvragen voor boorvergunningen in behandeling nemen. Volgens hem betekent dat dat er tot zeker begin 2015 geen (proef)boringen plaatsvinden. Wat er daarna gebeurt, is afhankelijk van de visie en de besluiten erover.
    Naar schatting is er 200 tot 500 miljard kubieke meter schaliegas in ons land. Om daar meer inzicht in te krijgen, zijn proefboringen nodig. In Nederland verbruiken we jaarlijks circa 45 miljard kubieke meter gas.
    In de afgelopen jaren zijn voor drie locaties vergunningen afgegeven om schaliegas op te sporen, maar zover is het dus nog niet gekomen. De gemeente Noordoostpolder had Kamp gevraagd de vergunning voor de Noordoostpolder in te trekken, maar volgens de minister kan dat niet en zou het juridisch onzorgvuldig zijn.
    Door: ANP
  2. forum rang 10 voda 5 mei 2014 16:34
    Shale gas production in China expected to reach 6.5 bcm in 2015

    China's Ministry of Land and Resources has estimated that the country shale gas production will reach 6.5 billion cubic meters in 2015, a significant jump from last year's 200 million cubic meters.

    According to the country's 12th 5 year plan, production of the new natural gas is set to increase to 100 billion cubic meters and the ministry predicted that natural gas and oil production will each take up 50% domestically.

    But the surge in production indicates a larger investment. Foreign media outlets reported that the state-owned oil giant China National Petroleum Corporation, also known as PetroChina, will spend at least CNY 10 billion in the exploitation of shale gas this year, which is more than threefold that of previous years.

    In addition, China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation has invested CNY 5 billion to CNY 7 billion in the exploitation of shale gas.

    Mr Sun Jian, GM of Sinopec's Jianghan oil field in central China's Hubei province, told the paper that the company spent CNY 2.5 billion before shale gas was discovered in Fuling district in southwest China's Chongqing.

    Sinopec first began to exploit shale gas in Yudongnan in Chongqing from 2009, but a lack of experience in the field cost the company significantly.

    An employee at the Sinopec Jianghan oil field said that with the improved technology for producing shale gas, the cost of exploitation at one gas well has decreased to CNY 86 million and the company aims to further reduce the cost to CNY 60 million.

    However, some market observers expressed concern over the rapid development of shale gas production because of the out-of-date infrastructure, the insufficient evaluation of environmental protection and the relatively weak support from government policies.

    Citing a government official, the paper said that shale gas exploitation in the United States was developed step by step and China must be patient and should not set the bar so high.

    Source - Want China Times
  3. forum rang 10 voda 13 mei 2014 15:35
    'Schalie biedt Europa meer onafhankelijkheid'

    DINSDAG 13 MEI 2014, 13:07 uur | 321 keer gelezen

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Het zou goed zijn als Europa werk maakt van de winning van schaliegas en -olie. Door die bronnen aan te boren, neemt de afhankelijkheid van bijvoorbeeld Russische leveringen af. Dat zei bestuursvoorzitter David Demshur van dienstverlener aan de olie- en gassector Core Laboratories dinsdag.

    Demshur verwacht dat het nog 5 tot 10 jaar duurt voordat de winning uit schaliebronnen in Europa een noemenswaardige omvang heeft. De oorzaak daarvan is deels de onrust over de veiligheid van 'fracking'. Dat is een techniek waarbij water vermengd met chemicaliën onder druk in de bodem wordt gepompt om de schalielagen te breken zodat het gas of de olie vrijkomt.

    Het huidige conflict tussen Rusland en Oekraïne is een andere reden. Volgens Demshur zijn er in Oekraïne voldoende bronnen voorhanden, maar zal het nog enkele jaren duren voordat die ontwikkeld kunnen worden. Hetzelfde geldt voor Duitsland en Polen. De topman begrijpt de zorgen over fracking, maar wees ook op de schalierevolutie in de Verenigde Staten. “Daar zijn meer dan 1 miljoen bronnen geboord en er is geen enkel bewijs gevonden van vervuiling van het grondwater.”


    Core Lab gaf maandag een winstwaarschuwing vanwege een teleurstellende gang van zaken in april. Het bedrijf had onder meer last van een dalende vraag naar zijn diensten in de VS, waar de schalie-industrie goed is voor 30 procent van Core Labs omzet. Demshur verwacht de slechte maand deels te kunnen compenseren met werk in groeiregio's als Irak, Saudi-Arabië en voor de kust van West-Afrika.

    De mondiale productie van olie ligt momenteel op een niveau van 88 miljoen vaten per dag, het maximum volgens Demshur. “Door veroudering van velden neemt de productie af. Dat moeten we compenseren met nieuwe technieken.” Volgens de topman bedraagt het verval 2,3 miljoen vaten per dag.


    Demshur wil Core Lab voortzetten als zelfstandig bedrijf. In de afgelopen jaren is de onderneming vier keer benaderd met een overnamebod, maar geen van de geboden sommen was hoog genoeg. De topman wees daarnaast op de groei die Core Labs op eigen kracht realiseerde. “Onze omzet is in 20 jaar gestegen van 38 miljoen dollar naar 1,1 miljard dollar.”

    Plannen om zelf op overnamepad te gaan, heeft Demshur evenmin “maar we houden de markt altijd in de gaten”. De nadruk ligt voorlopig op de ontwikkeling van nieuwe technologieën om nog meer bodemschatten uit (bestaande) velden te kunnen halen. “We hebben een goed gevulde pijplijn.”
  4. forum rang 10 voda 13 mei 2014 15:52
    VS heroverweegt verbod op export ruwe olie

    SEOUL (Dow Jones)--De Verenigde Staten heroverweegt regelgeving te versoepelen die een verbod opleggen op de export van ruwe olie, waarbij verwezen wordt naar de toenemende binnenlandse productie van olie, die niet geschikt is voor de lokale raffinage, meldt de minister van energie Ernest Moniz dinsdag.

    De Amerikaans olieproductie is in de afgelopen jaar enorm toegenomen als gevolg van nieuwe technologie, die de omvangrijke reserves aan olie- en schaliegas heeft ontsleuteld. Volgens het Internationale Energieagentschap zal de VS 's werelds grootste olieproducent zijn tegen 2020.

    Maar Amerikaanse wetgeving verbood de meeste olie-export. Dat heeft tot enige verstoringen geleid in de wereldwijde en binnenlandse energiemarkten, en de prijs van olie in de Verenigde Staten omlaag gebracht, in vergelijking tot de rest van de wereld.

    Amerikaanse raffinaderijen hebben hun productie afgestemd op de verwerking van zware ruwe olie vanuit Latijns-Amerika en Canada. Nu worstelen ze ermee om het enorme aanbod van lichte schalie-olie van gebieden als North Dakota and Texas te verwerken.

    Door In-Soo Nam en Sarah Kent. Vertaald en bewerkt door Ellen Proper; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; ellen.proper@wsj.com

  5. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2014 16:24
    IEA: schalie-revolutie verspreidt zich

    LONDEN (Dow Jones)--De schalie-revolutie die de olie-industrie in de Verenigde Staten heeft getransformeerd, zal zich voor het eind van dit decennium buiten Noord-Amerika verspreiden, verwacht het Internationaal Energieagentschap (IEA).

    Dit is eerder dan verwacht, stelt de denktank dinsdag, maar men waarschuwt echter ook dat er in de komende vijf jaar aanzienlijke risico's zijn voor de conventionele olielevering.

    Door het gebruik van technieken als 'fracking', waarbij onder hoge druk hoeveelheden water, zand en chemicalien in de grond worden gespoten waardoor olie- of gasreserves vrij komen, ligt de VS op koers om in 2020 de grootste olieproducent ter wereld te worden, aldus het IEA.

    Tot nu toe zorgde een combinatie van juridische, politieke en financiele beperkingen ervoor dat de schalie-productie zich maar mondjesmaat verspreidde naar andere landen. Maar volgens het IEA komt hier sneller dan verwacht verandering in, ondermeer vanwege beleidsontwikkelingen in Rusland en Latijns-Amerika.

    In een nieuwe analyse over de oliemarkt, die een periode van vijf jaar bestrijkt, raamt het IEA de productie van schalie-olie uit landen buiten de VS op 650.000 vaten per dag in 2019. Dat is wel een fractie van de 5 miljoen vaten die de VS naar verwachting tegen die tijd zal produceren, aldus de organisatie.

    Hoewel de VS slechts 15% van de wereldwijde schaliebronnen bezit, zal Noord-Amerika tegen 2020 20% van de wereldwijde olievoorraden produceren en een 'reus van ongekende omvang' zijn binnen de oliemarkten.

    Ondertussen kunnen producenten die van oudsher de oliemarkt hebben gedomineerd een zwakke schakel worden, onder meer vanwege de politieke onrust in veel landen die een bedreiging vormt voor de groei van de olietoevoer.

    "De Opec blijft een belangrijke leverancier aan de markt, maar het zal aanzienlijke tegenwind ondervinden bij het uitbreiden van zijn capaciteit."

    Door Sarah Kent; vertaald en bewerkt door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200; marleen.groen@wsj.com

  6. forum rang 10 voda 18 juni 2014 16:29
    The World's five most important oil fields

    Much has been made about the role that hydraulic fracturing or fracking has played in revolutionizing the energy landscape, unlocking vast new reserves of oil trapped in shale rock. This tight oil is pouring into the global pool of oil supplies at a crucial time, preventing oil prices from spiking in an age of high demand and geopolitical turmoil.

    But the world still relies overwhelmingly on conventional oil production from existing fields, many of which are in decline. The Middle East has dominated the world of oil for half a century and as the list below shows, it remains king. Here are the top five most important oil fields in the world.

    1. Ghawar (Saudi Arabia): The legendary Ghawar field has been churning out oil since the early 1950s, allowing Saudi Arabia to claim the mantle as the world's largest oil producer and the only country with sufficient spare capacity to act as a swing producer. Holding an estimated 70 billion barrels of remaining reserves, Ghawar alone has more oil reserves than all but seven other countries, according to the Energy Information Administration. Some oil analysts believe that Ghawar passed its peak perhaps a decade ago, but Saudi Arabia's infamous lack of transparency keeps everyone guessing. Nevertheless, it remains the world's largest oil field, both in terms of reserves and production. It continues to produce 5 million barrels per day.

    2. Burgan (Kuwait): Just behind Ghawar is another massive oil field located in the Middle East. The Burgan field was originally discovered in 1938, but production didn't begin until a decade later. The field holds an estimated 66 to 72 billion barrels of reserves, which accounts for more than half of Kuwait's total and it produces between 1.1 and 1.3 million barrel per day.

    3. Safaniya (Saudi Arabia): The Safaniya field is the world's largest offshore oil field. Located in the Persian Gulf, the Safaniya field is thought to hold more than 50 billion barrels of oil. It is Saudi Arabia's second largest producing field behind Ghawar, churning out 1.5 million barrel per day. Like Saudi Arabia's other fields, Safaniya is very mature as it has been producing for nearly 60 years, but Saudi Aramco is working hard to extend its operating life.

    4. Rumaila (Iraq): Iraq's largest oil field is the Rumaila, which holds an estimated 17.8 billion barrels of oil. Located in southern Iraq, Rumaila was highly sought after when the Iraqi government put blocks up for bid in 2009. BP and the China National Petroleum Corporation are working together to develop the giant field along with Iraq's state-owned South Oil Company. The field now produces around 1.5 million barrel per day, but its operators have plans to boost that production to 2.85 million barrel per day over the next couple of years.

    5. West Qurna-2 (Iraq): Also located in southern Iraq, the West Qurna-2 field is Iraq's second largest, holding nearly 13 billion barrels of oil reserves. The West Qurna field was divided in 2 and auctioned off to international oil companies. Russia's Lukoil took control of West Qurna-2 and successfully began production earlier this year at an initial 120,000 barrel per day. Lukoil plans on lifting production to 1.2 million barrel per day by the end of 2017. The neighboring West Qurna-1 field, operated by a partnership of ExxonMobil, BP, Eni SpA and PetroChina, holds 8.6 billion barrels of oil reserves. They hope to increase production from 300,000 barrel per day to more than 2.3 million barrel per day over the next half-decade.

    It's clear that the Middle East is still the center of the universe when it comes to oil. Despite their age, these supergiants remain the oil fields of tomorrow. And as the tight oil revolution in the US plays out, these fields will remain and the world will continue to depend heavily on the fortunes of a few countries in the Middle East.

    Source - www.energybangla.com
  7. forum rang 10 voda 23 juli 2014 15:57
    Europe risks losing 30 million jobs due to US shale

    Bloomberg reported that the US shale gas boom is placing 30 million jobs at risk in Europe as companies with greater reliance on energy contend with higher fuel prices than their American counterparts.

    Mr Fatih Birol chief economist for the International Energy Agency said that “Manufacturers of petrochemicals, aluminum, fertilizers and plastics are leaving Europe to take advantage of booming US production of natural gas from shale rock formations. Many petrochemicals companies in central Europe are moving out. Thirty million jobs are in danger.”

    The US has become the world’s largest producer of oil and gas as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling help producers extract resources from shale rock. The country’s refineries processed a record volume of crude last week as plants took advantage of cheaper domestic crudes.

    Chemical makers from Germany’s BASF to Brazil’s Braskem plan to invest as much as USD 72 billion in US plants to take advantage of low cost natural gas feedstock.

    Source - Bloomberg
  8. forum rang 10 voda 11 augustus 2014 16:32
    'Blackstone wil gasbelang Shell VS overnemen'

    MAANDAG 11 AUGUSTUS 2014, 07:20 uur | 392 keer gelezen

    NEW YORK (AFN) - De Amerikaanse investeringsmaatschappij Blackstone is in vergevorderde onderhandelingen met Shell over de overname van een belang van 50 procent in een schaliegasveld in Louisiana. Dat meldde persbureau Bloomberg maandag op basis van bronnen.
    Blackstone zou bereid zijn 1,2 miljard dollar te betalen voor het belang. Shell stapte in 2007 samen met Encana in het project.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2014 16:23
    Background information on shale gas - API

    Shale gas is one of the most rapidly growing forms of natural gas. It, along with other non-conventional forms of natural gas, such as tight gas and coalbed methane, will make a major contribution to future North American gas production. Unconventional gas production is forecast to increase from 42 percent of total US gas production in 2007 to 64% in 2020.

    API has assembled this fact sheet to provide background information on shale gas, its potential and its importance.

    1. Unconventional natural gas deposits are difficult to characterize overall but in general are often lower in resource concentration, more dispersed over large areas and require well stimulation or some other extraction or conversion technology. Extremely large natural gas in-place volumes are represented by these resources and the US has produced only a fraction of their ultimate potential.

    2. Shale gas is defined as natural gas from shale formations. The shale acts as both the source and the reservoir for the natural gas. Older shale gas wells were vertical while more recent wells are primarily horizontal and need artificial stimulation, like hydraulic fracturing, to produce. Only shale formations with certain characteristics will produce gas. The most significant trend in US natural gas production is the rapid rise in production from shale formations. In large measure this is attributable to significant advances in the use of horizontal drilling and well stimulation technologies and refinement in the cost-effectiveness of these technologies. Hydraulic fracturing is the most significant of these.

    3. The consulting firm ICF forecasts that tight gas, coalbed methane and shale gas will make a major contribution to future North American gas production. Unconventional gas production is forecast to increase from 42% of total US gas production in 2007 to 64% in 2020. Despite the current economic conditions, the long-term need for US natural gas should be strong enough to support these anticipated future production levels.

    4. With the tremendous success of the Barnett, Fayetteville and Woodford shales in the United States, the gas shale resource base will play a major role in the future natural gas production on which the nation will depend. Already the Barnett Shale gas play in Texas produces 6 percent of all natural gas produced in the Lower 48 states. Recent announcements of emerging plays in Appalachia, Northern Louisiana, British Columbia and South Texas indicate the widespread potential of shale gas resources across North America. Each of these shale gas basins is different and each has a unique set of exploration criteria and operational challenges.

    5. The Potential Gas Committee, an incorporated, nonprofit organization that consists of knowledgeable and highly experienced volunteer members who work in the natural gas exploration, production and transportation industries issued its biennial assessment of the nation’s gas resources in June 2009. This study indicates that the United States possesses a resource base of 1,836 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. When combining these results with the Department of Energy’s latest determination of proved gas reserves, 238 trillion cubic feet as of year-end 2007, the United States has a future supply of natural gas of over 2,000 trillion cubic feet. At current consumption rates, this is enough natural gas to supply the nation for the next hundred years. This is an increase of more than 35% when compared to the Committee’s 2006 assessment. This increase is largely attributable to increased supplies from unconventional gas plays, specifically from shale gas development.

    6. In its April 2009 report, 'Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States: A Primer,' the US Department of Energy said that at the US natural gas production rates for 2007 of about 19.3 trillion cubic feet, the current recoverable resource estimate provides enough natural gas to supply the US for the next 90 years. Separate estimates of the shale gas resource extend this supply to 116 years. Production of shale gas is expected to increase from a 2007 US total of 1.4 trillion cubic feet to 4.8 trillion cubic feet in 2020. The DOE report said that shale gas production potential of 3 to 4 trillion cubic feet per year may be sustainable for decades. The INGAA report said that to achieve the forecast results, industry must have land access for drilling, a reasonable permitting process and adequate prices and demand for natural gas.

    7. In November 2008, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America published a report, 'Availability, Economics and Production Potential of North American Unconventional Natural Gas Supplies,' that included an updated resource base for natural gas in the United States and Canada. The INGAA study said that the assessment of shale gas potential in the United States and Canada is a work in progress and there is a long way to go to understand remaining potential and implications for future natural gas production. The advance of drilling and well completion technologies, including hydraulic fracturing, has opened up plays in a number of different basins that were not previously considered to have economic potential. The volumes calculated for gas-in-place are extremely large and a small difference in the estimated percentage of gas-in-place that is recoverable has a huge impact on estimates of recoverable resources.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2014 17:05
    Oil falls as OPEC tests US shale industry

    Financial Times reported that Opec threw down the gauntlet to US shale oil producers by deciding not to cut its production, in a move that sent the oil price tumbling by more than 8% to a four year low.

    The cartel said that it was leaving its output ceiling of 30 m barrels a day unchanged, in a significant departure from its traditional policy of cutting production to prop up falling oil prices.

    Any further fall in the price of crude, which has dropped by nearly 40% since mid June, will mean more pain for oil exporting countries and global energy companies, and could endanger billions of dollars of investment in new oil projects.

    After Thursday’s decision was announced, ICE January Brent, the international oil benchmark, fell by USD 6.50 per barrel to USD 71.25, its steepest one day fall since 2011. It later pared its losses to trade at USD 72.55.

    Many in the industry believe crude has much further to fall. Mr Igor Sechin, the powerful head of Russia’s state oil group Rosneft, predicted that it could drop below USD 60 in the first half of next year.

    Surging US production, which is at its highest in more than three decades, has combined with Opec supplies that are well ahead of target and a slowdown in oil demand in China and Europe to create an increasing glut.

    Before Thursday’s meeting, some had expected Opec to pare back production in a bid to push prices higher, much as it did in December 2008 when it sliced 2.2m barrels per day of output, the deepest cut in its history.

    But by resisting calls for a cut, Saudi Arabia, Opec’s largest producer and effective leader, appeared to be hunkering down for a long period of low prices, hoping that would squeeze US shale operators and drive out the highest-cost producers.

    Mr Jamie Webster, oil analyst at IHS Energy, a consultancy said that “I wouldn’t call it a price war, but it’s a very aggressive test for US shale. It’s a new gambit for Opec to try. However, lower prices will hurt other producers too, such as those trying to extract oil from the offshore Arctic, Canadian oil sands and deepwater wells in Brazil.”

    Source - Financial Times

  11. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2015 16:43
    BHP investeert minder in schalievelden VS

    WOENSDAG 21 JANUARI 2015, 07:35 uur | 528 keer gelezen

    MELBOURNE (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Australische mijnbouwgigant BHP Billiton vermindert het aantal boorplatformen die het inzet voor de zoektocht naar schaliegas en -olie in de Verenigde Staten met circa 40 procent. Het concern, de grootste buitenlandse investeerder in Amerikaanse schalievelden, maakte dat besluit woensdag bekend.
    Het bedrijf brengt het aantal boorplatformen in de komende zes maanden terug van 26 naar 16. BHP volgt daarmee de trend in de Amerikaanse schaliesector, waar het aantal boorplatformen sinds 5 december met 209 is gedaald. Er zijn er nog 1366 in bedrijf.

    Naast de fors gedaalde olieprijzen zijn er zorgen over een lager rendement op de winning van ijzererts, de delfstof die BHP het leeuwendeel van zijn winst bezorgt. Een ton ijzererts leverde BHP in het vierde kwartaal gemiddeld 70 dollar op, 38 procent minder dan een jaar eerder.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 februari 2015 14:43
    Chevron stopt schaliegasactiviteiten in Polen

    ZATERDAG 31 JANUARI 2015, 14:01 uur | 3333 keer gelezen

    WARSCHAU - Het Amerikaanse olie- en gasbedrijf Chevron stopt met het zoeken naar schaliegas in Polen. Chevron maakte dit zaterdag bekend.
    Het bedrijf heeft dit besloten omdat de kansen op een succesvolle operatie in Polen het afleggen tegenover die van andere operaties waarmee Chevron wereldwijd bezig is.

    De energiebedrijven Exxon Mobil, Total en Marathon Oil staakten al eerder met het zoeken naar schaliegas in Polen.


    Deze en andere energiebedrijven werden oorspronkelijk aangetrokken door schattingen van enorme schaliegasreserves in Polen. Maar eenmaal begonnen met zoeken, kregen de bedrijven te maken met tegenslagen.

    De schattingen werden afgezwakt, en de geologische omstandigheden ter plaatse maakten boren moeilijk. Daarnaast zijn er klachten over onduidelijke regelgeving van de Poolse overheid.

  13. forum rang 10 voda 12 maart 2015 16:56
    OPEC is winning its race with US shale - Kemp

    Reuters reported that US shale producers are falling behind in the Red Queen's Race as the downturn in drilling means that new oil production is failing offset falling output from existing wells.

    The famous race is named after the scene from Lewis Carroll's novel 'Through the Looking-Glass,' in which the Red Queen warns Alice: "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run twice as fast."

    The race is a metaphor for the relationship between increased oil production from newly drilled wells on the one hand and declining output from old wells on the other.

    The net result is that the downturn in drilling is threatening to cut output for the first time since the start of the shale revolution.

    Other forms of oil production, notably from offshore fields in the Gulf of Mexico, will continue to increase in the next few months. But in the shale sector, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries has won its battle with U.S. shale producers and forced output growth to a standstill.

    By refusing to cut its own output in November and allowing prices to fall sharply, OPEC has attempted to force shale producers to curb their rapidly swelling output.

    The US Energy Information Administration said that production from 3 of the 4 largest shale oil plays in the United States will fall next month.

    According to the EIA's 'Drilling Productivity Report', April production from the Bakken region is projected to fall by 8,000 barrels per day from March. Eagle Ford, meanwhile, is expected to drop by 10,000 barrel per day and Niobrara by 5,000 barrel per day.

    Only the Permian Basin is expected to achieve continued growth next month, but the projected increase of 21,000 barrel per day is less than half the 43,000 barrel per day recorded in December.

    Once production from minor plays and gas-producing regions is included, EIA predicts oil output from shale regions will be flat next month.

    Drilling is becoming more productive in all areas as producers concentrate on high-yielding acreage and abandon peripheral zones.

    Weighted-average new production per well in the four plays is expected to increase almost 10.5% from 388 barrel per day for wells drilled in December to 428 barrel per day for wells drilled in February.

    But the number of new wells drilled across all four fell by 30% to 765 over the same period, outstripping any productivity gains.

    Wells drilled in December are expected to have added about 423,000 barrel per day of new oil when they were completed and put into production in February. But wells drilled in February are forecast to add only 328,000 barrel per day of new oil when they begin production next month.

    At the same time, declining output from the stock of legacy wells is expected to worsen from 319,000 barrel per day in February to 330,000 barrel per day in April.

    December's wells added a total of 103,000 barrel per day to net production in February. But February's new wells will add virtually nothing to net production in April.

    Source - Reuters
  14. forum rang 10 voda 10 april 2015 20:43
    Algeria contacts France for an alternative to hydraulic fracturing

    Ennahor Online reported that French experts have found an alternative to hydraulic fracturing in shale gas, a fluropropane based technology which would interest Algeria, faced with an uprising of the southern populations, including In Salah, after an attempt for shale gaz exploitation in the region.

    According to French daily Le Figaro, the French government commissioned an expert report for the experimentation of an operating technology in France of shale gas based on fluropropane; an alternative to the controversial method of hydraulic fracturing but this has not been set in work.

    According to the daily, the report on the new exploration and exploitation technologies of shale gas and oil in France, of which Le Figaro has obtained a copy, was kept secret and only 7 copies were printed.

    An initiative of Mr Arnaud Montebourg, French Minister of Productive Recovery, shortly after his installation in 2012, the document was buried and shale gas remains an absolute taboo in France.

    The source said that the report which was conducted by leading Bercy experts, those of General Council of the economy, industry, energy and technology, filled with brilliant engineers of Mines, DGCIS, Treasury, IFP, the OFCE or cabinet of minister Roland Berger, concludes to the feasibility of exploiting shale gas without the use of hydraulic fracturing, demonized and banned in France since Jacob Law of 2011.

    France did not want this revolution, which attracted some countries and contacts, however, have been made in Switzerland, Germany, Spain and Algeria.

    French company Total defended fracturing based solely on propane, at the National Assembly in 2013. A company spokesman considered the track interesting for certain types of tanks but admits that the company was not ready to promote this technique in Europe because of lack of experience.

    Injected into the rock to achieve fracturing, the fluoropropane would be easier to recover than water and chemical additives that make the bad reputation of hydraulic fracturing. It is easily recoverable than water and drilling less destructive for environment and landscapes.

  15. forum rang 10 voda 26 april 2015 15:56
    Oil at USD 65 freeing 500,000 barrels from shale fracklog

    Bloomberg reported that oil needs to recover to USD 65 a barrel for US drillers to tap a pent-up supply of oil locked in shale wells and unleash more crude on markets than is produced by Libya.

    Bloomberg Intelligence said in an analysis that dipping into this 'fracklog' would add an extra 500,000 barrels a day of oil into the market by the end of next year. Producers in oil and gas fields from Texas to Pennsylvania have 4,731 idled wells at their disposal.

    Prices are rebounding from a 6 year low after drillers idled half the nation’s oil rigs, slowing the shale boom that boosted production to the highest in four decades. The number of wells waiting to be hydraulically fractured, known as the fracklog, has ballooned as companies wait for costs to drop. That could slow the recovery as firms quickly finish wells at the first sign of higher prices.

    Mr Andrew Cosgrove, an energy analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence in Princeton, New Jersey, said that “Once service costs come down and drillers begin to work through their higher-than-normal backlog, the market should start to price in that supply coming online. It may act as a cap on prices.”

    US oil futures tumbled by more than USD 50 a barrel in the second half of last year amid a worldwide glut of crude. They settled at USD 57.74 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange on Thursday.

    Oil production in the lower 48 states would rise to 7.67 million barrels a day in the Q4 of 2016 if drillers start shrinking their fracklogs by 125 wells a month in October and put some rigs back to work, Bloomberg Intelligence models show. The US fracklog has more than tripled in the past year, with oil wells making up more than 80% of the total.

    Mr Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at the Price Futures Group in Chicago, said that “One of the big reasons why production is finally falling is because of these fracklogs. That’s an overhanging bearish fundamental.”

    The Permian Basin, which covers parts of Texas and New Mexico, had the biggest collection of unfracked wells as of February, with 1,540 waiting to be completed. The count totaled 1,250 in Texas’s Eagle Ford formation and 632 in North Dakota’s Bakken shale.

    Last week, Mr Raoul LeBlanc, an oil analyst with Englewood, Colorado-based consultant IHS Inc, pegged the US fracklog at around 3,000 wells. Halliburton Co, the world’s second-biggest provider of oilfield services, estimated there are about 4,000 uncompleted wells, citing third party estimates.

    Fracklogs are growing faster in the fringe areas of plays where the wells are less productive, according to the Bloomberg Intelligence analysis. In the Eagle Ford, for example, counties at the edge, such as Lee and Lavaca, saw companies go from completing more than 60% of their wells in November to less than 20% in February.

    Large independent producers from ConocoPhillips to EOG Resources Inc. hold a significant portion of the uncompleted wells.

    Mr Cosgrove said that those companies are already seeing more incentive to start eating into their backlog as crude has risen by a third since mid-March. After-tax returns would be 5 to 10% higher than they were just two months ago when oil was at USD 45.

    Mr Ryan Lance CEO of ConocoPhillips said at the IHS CERAWeek Energy conference in Houston that increased well completions may exacerbate the supply glut, depending on whether oil demand rises.

    The Energy Information Administration estimates the world is oversupplied by more than 1 million barrels a day this year. That glut will almost disappear next year as demand climbs and lower prices stymie production.

    Source : BLOOMBERG
  16. forum rang 10 voda 5 mei 2015 16:36
    EOG Resources to resume fracking if oil prices stabilize

    Published on Tue, 05 May 2015 35 times viewed

    Reuters reported that oil and natural gas producer EOG Resources Inc plans to begin fracking hundreds of wells in North Dakota and Texas later this year if oil prices stabilize around USD 65 per barrel, executives said on Monday after reporting a better-than-expected adjusted profit.

    EOG was the latest major US shale oil producer to peg increased operations to a specific dollar amount, a positive sign for an industry worried that last year's price drop would permanently cripple growth.

    Whiting Petroleum Corporation said last week it would add drilling rigs to its portfolio if crude prices rise to USD 70 per barrel, and Pioneer Natural Resources Company said that last month it was considering adding new rigs this year as West Texas Intermediate prices rebound.

    EOG, considered a leader in the US shale oil industry, has for months drilled new wells only to keep them idle by delaying fracking, part of a strategy to hold back pumping some crude after a roughly 40% drop in prices since last summer.

    Crude prices have inched up in the past month.

    EOG executives said that Wall Street should expect the company's 2015 production to resemble the letter 'U' falling in the first half of the year, then rebounding in the second half and hitting double-digits by next year.

    EOG posted a Q1 net loss of USD 169.7 million, or 31 cents per share, in the first quarter compared with net income of USD 660.9 million, or USD 1.21 per share, in the year-ago period.

    Factoring in hedging gains and other one-time items, EOG earned 3 cents per share.

    It was the continuation of a theme for US shale oil producers, including Whiting and Hess Corp, who have aggressively curtailed spending and relied in varying degrees on hedges all quarter.

    Production volumes rose 5% to 589,500 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

    EOG shares fell about 0.8% to USD 98.65 in after-hours trading.

    Elsewhere on Monday, EOG rival Anadarko Petroleum Co reported record quarterly production, and Concho Resources Inc raised its 2015 production outlook by 18% to 22%, citing technological improvements, after a 50% cut to its rig fleet.

    Source : Reuters
  17. forum rang 10 voda 14 mei 2015 16:16
    ONGC to seek US fracking companies help for shale exploration

    Mr Dharmendra Pradhan, minister of state for petroleum and natural gas, informed the Rajya Sabha in a written reply that Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited had organised road show at Calgary in April to attract foreign companies to India, in order to meet immediate additional fracking demand.

    He said that ONGC carries out frack jobs in nearly 120-140 wells per year by utilising their existing equipments.

    The minister said that to meet the additional work plan, ONGC is in the process of acquiring more fracking units for enhancing its in-house fracturing capacity.

    Mr Pradhan said that various agencies have identified and estimated the extractable reserves of shale oil and gas in India.

    He said that the combined shale gas potential in selected sedimentary basins in India has been estimated at 300 to 2,100 trillion cubic feet.

    He said that the US Energy Information Administration in 2011 estimated shale reserves of 290 trillion cubic feet in 4 basins, namely, Cambay, KG, Cauvery and Damodar.

    The US Geological Survey in January 2012 estimated technically recoverable shale gas potential in India, in 3 basins, namely, Cambay, KG and Cauvery, at 6.1 trillion cubic feet.

    In 2013, the US EIA again estimated shale gas reserves of 584 trillion cubic feet and 87 billion barrels of shale oil in 4 basins in India, namely, Cambay, KG, Cauvery and Damodar.

    State-run ONGC had also, in 2013, assessed shale gas reserves in 5 basins, namely, Cambay, KG, Cauvery, Ganga and Assam and Assam at 187.5 trillion cubic feet while the Central Mine Planning and Design Institute in July 2013 estimated Shale Gas in Gondwana basin at 45 trillion cubic feet.

    The government, on October 14th 2013, notified policy guidelines for exploration and exploitation of shale gas and oil by Indian oil companies in their on land petroleum exploration lease / petroleum mining lease blocks awarded under the nomination regimes.

    Under this, Phase I of assessment, permission has been granted for 55 PEL/PML blocks for carrying out shale gas / oil exploration and exploitation activities.

    These blocks are located in the states of Assam (6 blocks), Arunachal Pradesh (1 block), Gujarat (28 blocks), Rajasthan (1 block), Andhra Pradesh (10 blocks) and Tamil Nadu (9 blocks).

    Under Phase-II of the assessment, ONGC and OIL have to identify an additional 75 and 5 blocks, respectively. In Phase III, ONGC and OIL have to identify 50 and 5 blocks to carry out shale gas exploration and exploitation.

    Source : DOMAIN-B
  18. forum rang 10 voda 5 juni 2015 20:43
    Fracking has had no ‘widespread’ impact on drinking water, EPA finds

    Published: June 4, 2015 12:19 p.m. ET

    A decade into an energy boom led by hydraulic fracturing, the Environmental Protection Agency has concluded there is no evidence the practice has had a “widespread, systemic impact on drinking water.”

    The report is the federal government’s most comprehensive examination of the issue of fracking and drinking water, and it bolsters the position staked out by the energy industry and its supporters: that fracking can be carried out safely and doesn’t need to pose a threat to water.

    While there have been some cases involving spills and leaking wells, the spread of fracking didn’t cause extensive damage to groundwater resources, the EPA found. The four-year study noted that there were certain “potential vulnerabilities” to water supplies that needed to be addressed, including ensuring wells are well built and wastewater is disposed of properly.

    “EPA’s draft study will give state regulators, tribes and local communities and industry around the country a critical resource to identify how best to protect public health and their drinking water resources,” said Thomas Burke, deputy assistant administrator of EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

    While the report doesn’t recommend any specific action, it could reinvigorate a debate over the role of fracking in the nation’s energy landscape at a time when environmentalists have increasingly called to ban the practice outright, a step that two states with gas resources--New York and Maryland--have recently taken.

    An expanded version of this story is available at WSJ.com

  19. forum rang 10 voda 11 juni 2015 20:34
    'Shell stapt uit Oekraïens schaliegasproject'

    Gepubliceerd op 11 jun 2015 om 20:16 | Views: 66

    LONDEN (AFN) - Shell trekt zich terug uit een schaliegasproject in het oosten van Oekraïne, waar regeringstroepen vechten tegen door Rusland gesteunde separatisten. Dat meldde donderdag de Britse zakenkrant Financial Times (FT), die documenten over de kwestie heeft ingezien.

    Het Nederlands-Britse energieconcern heeft volgens FT aan de Oekraïense regering laten weten dat door de slechte veiligheidssituatie in het gebied te weinig gas kan worden geproduceerd. Doordat ook de olieprijzen het afgelopen jaar scherp zijn gedaald, wegen de baten helemaal niet meer op tegen de kosten, aldus het dagblad.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 7 juli 2015 22:01
    Shale gas will not succeed in Europe - Think tank

    It is reported that Shale gas will not succeed in Europe as gas demand in the continent could be satisfied by other sources.

    That’s the view of Andrew Grant, Financial Analyst at Carbon Tracker who also said shale developments in the continent are at a very early stage.

    Speaking to ELN about ahead of the launch of the Carbon Tracker Gas report, Mr Grant said: “Under our scenario [shale gas] is not really needed. Europe has a significant need for gas but it also has a number of options in order to supply it.

    “It has gas from Russia, from the Middle East and The Caspian. Shale developments are in an early stage, no one is really managing to do it successfully [..] With flat demand in Europe there isn’t a huge demand for extra gas beyond that, it could be supplied by other sources rather than unconventional.”

    According to Mr Grant, shale is one of the “most expensive” sources in some countries and there are environmental challenges against fracking.

    The report also states liquefied natural gas (LNG) would be “uneconomic” in Europe as it’s production will grow to 97% in 2025.

    This means USD 283 billion of LNG projects will not be needed in the next 10 years as they might not fit with gas demand in Europe.

    Mr Grant added: “The LNG market is kind of well supplied and we expect that to continue. In our scenario, we actually don’t need to bring any new LNG projects to satisfy demand until 2024.”

    Source : Energy Live News
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