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Energie in EU: produktie, bronnen etc

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2019 17:19
    OMV CEO slams US ambassador's letters about Nord Stream 2

    Sputnik reported that Mr Rainer Seele, the CEO of the Austrian OMV energy company, slammed letters that US Ambassador to Berlin Richard Grenell reportedly sent to German companies participating in the Nord Stream 2 project as an unacceptable threat. He said "The letter in an absolutely unacceptable threat to German companies. This is an expression of the changed US foreign policy. Washington relies on confrontation, not cooperation with its allies. I deeply regret this.”

    Mr Seele expressed the belief that Europe did not need US tutorship on energy policy. He said "We'll take care of our own energy policy so that security of deliveries and competitiveness are regulated in such a manner that we find satisfactory.”

    He specified that he did not believe that the possible sanctions against the Nord Stream participating companies would have significant influence since unilateral restrictions always had limited effect.

    Source : Sputnik
  2. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2019 20:24
    EU allows Greece to postpone deadline for coal plant bids

    Reuters reported that European Commission has allowed Greece’s Public Power Corp to postpone to late January a deadline for binding bids for three coal-fired plants. Energy ministry source said that Public Power Corp is selling the plants in northern Greece and on the southern Peloponnese under the terms of Athens’ latest international bailout after an EU court ruled that PPC had abused its dominant position in the coal market.

    The bid deadline has been repeatedly pushed back since the tender was launched last year for different reasons.

    The Commission has approved a Jan. 23 deadline, an energy ministry official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

    The new deadline gives PPC time to conclude a voluntary redundancy scheme, including about 1,400 people employed at the plants.

    PPC, which is 51 percent state-owned, and the energy ministry are handling the divestment and the European Commission is overseeing the process.

    Source : Reuters
  3. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2019 20:26
    Plans for GBP 300 million power station in North East Lincolnshire

    BBC reported that a GBP 300 million power station producing energy from waste could be built in North East Lincolnshire. The proposed plant would be located next to the existing South Humber Bank Power Station near Stallingborough, developers EP UK Investments said.

    The firm added that more than 600,000 tonnes of rubbish, brought in on lorries, would be burnt to produce enough electricity for about 500,000 homes.

    If approved, the station would open in 2022 with the creation of some 50 jobs.

    Mr James Crankshaw, head of engineering for the developers, said the plant was not dependent on securing a contract to provide electricity from the government. He said that "The project is not dependent on securing a Power Purchase Agreement or other form of secured income such as a Contract For Difference as other EFW projects have required..."

    He added that as such the developers "expect to progress to the construction phase soon after planning is approved" and that a planning decision was expected in March.

    Source : BBC
  4. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2019 20:29
    Eurus Energy Group acquisition of Wind Projects in the Netherlands

    Eurus Energy Group has acquired six operational wind farms (total output of 32.18MW) and one wind farm project currently under development (21MW) from YARD ENERGY group, a major wind energy developer in the Netherlands. Through these acquisitions, Eurus Energy Group’s wind power business in the Netherlands will grow to a total of 15 operational wind farms with a combined output of 106.48MW, and two projects under development or construction with an additional output totaling 42MW.

    While 4,340 MW of wind power generation had been introduced into the Netherlands by the end of 2017, the national goal is to reach a cumulative total of 6,000MW by 2023. Thus, the further expansion of the Dutch wind power generation market is anticipated. Eurus Energy Group plans to continue development of its wind power business in this business environment.

    Voor cijfers, zie bijlage.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2019 21:03
    Bouw groene methanolfabriek Botlek loopt vertraging op

    Een consortium van drie bedrijven én het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam hebben de beslissing om te investeren in een groene methanolfabriek in de Botlek uitgesteld. De bouw van de fabriek zou rond €200 mln gaan kosten.

    Groene ethanolfabriek van Enerkem in Edmonton (Canadese provincie Alberta)Foto: Enerkem

    Het besluit om te investeren zou aanvankelijk in de zomer van 2018 vallen, maar dat wordt nu ergens dit jaar, aldus een woordvoerder van Nouryon (voorheen AkzoNobel Chemie). Nouryon werkt in het project samen met het Canadese biotechbedrijf Enerkem, de Franse producent van industriële gassen Air Liquide en het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam.

    De fabriek moet niet-recyclebaar huishoudelijk afval gaan omzetten in methanol, als grondstof voor onder meer plastics. Het gaat om afval dat anders zou worden verbrand. Verwerking tot ethanol bespaart 300.000 ton CO2-uitstoot.

    Afzonderlijke partner
    'Het proces is wat vertraagd', zegt een woordvoerder van Nouryon mede namens de andere partijen. De vertraging had onder meer te maken met keuzes bij de engineering, zoals het ontwerp van de technische processen in de fabriek. Er is gekozen om het ontwerp en inrichting van de fabrieksinstallaties uit te besteden aan 'een afzonderlijke Europese partij', aldus de woordvoerder. 'De andere optie was alle engineering door Enerkem te laten doen.'

    Met de keus voor een externe partij denkt het consortium 'de hoogst mogelijke kwaliteit te bereiken.' Maar de zoektocht naar die externe partij 'kost wel tijd.' Op dit moment lopen de onderhandelingen over de contracten.

    €200 mln
    De bouw van de fabriek voor groene ethanol vergt een investering van €200 mln.
    Enerkem, met hoofdkantoor in Montreal, exploiteert al een groene ethanolfabriek in de Canadese provincie Alberta (Edmonton). Daar maakt het bedrijf ethanol uit afval via vergassing. Het bedrijf wil ook fabrieken bouwen in China en de Verenigde Staten. Ook is het bedrijf in gesprek over een ethanolfabriek in Antwerpen.

    Regels uit Brussel zijn nu duidelijk
    Ook onduidelijkheden over de Europese regelgeving rond de precieze criteria voor bio-methanol, waarvoor klanten meer moeten betalen, hebben voor vertraging gezorgd. Er is nu 'helderheid, en dat is belangrijk voor de businesscase', aldus Nouryon. De initiatiefnemers hebben te maken met Europese regels rond emissierechten, afvalstoffen en circulaire economie. Tegelijk zijn er ook subsidies en financieringen, vanuit de provincie Zuid-Holland, de Nederlandse overheid en Brussel.

    Het afval voor de fabriek wordt geleverd door 700.000 huishoudens.

    Het is nog geen gelopen race dat de fabriek in de Botlek er ook daadwerkelijk komt: 'We zijn bezig de business case rond te maken, om alle puzzelstukjes op hun plaats te krijgen, zodat we een afgewogen beslissing kunnen nemen. Tot die tijd kunnen we niets zeggen', aldus de Nouryon-woordvoerder.

    Partner Enerkem is vol vertrouwen. 'Het project ontwikkelt zich goed', stelt een woordvoerder van Enerkem in een e-mail.

    Eerste installatie in Europa
    De geplande fabriek, die oorspronkelijk in 2020 moest gaan draaien, gaat 360.000 ton niet-recyclebaar huishoudelijk afval omzetten in 220.000 ton 'groene' methanol. Daarmee wordt dat afval niet meer verbrand, waardoor CO2-uitstoot wordt voorkomen. Als ze gebouwd wordt is ze de eerste installatie van dit type in Europa.

    ‘Het project ontwikkelt zich goed’• Enerkem, via email
    De te bouwen fabriek maakt eerst synthesegas, een traditionele basisstof in de chemie, en daaruit methanol. Normaal wordt methanol uit aardgas (fossiel) gemaakt. Enerkem levert de techniek, Air Liquide brengt water- en zuurstof in en Nouryon groene waterstof, terwijl het methanol gaat afnemen. Het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam draagt bij met zijn infrastructuur.

  6. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2019 20:14
    US Ambassador Richard Grenell defends his threats to Nord Stream 2 firms

    Sputnik reported that US Ambassador Richard Grenell, dubbed by some German media outlets as “Trump terrier”, has prompted outrage among some in Germany by sending out letters to European companies, outlining the reputational costs and sanctions risks for their participation in the Russian-European project to build a gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine. In an interview with the German outlet Rheinische Post, US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell defended his threatening letters to the companies involved in the Russian-European venture Nord Stream 2, saying that their wording does not differ from what Washington publicly states. However, he refused to comment on any specific punitive measures that the US government might impose.

    He pointed out that he sees protecting his fellow citizens and defending his homeland’s interests as a diplomat’s central responsibility, and as the US government and Congress have clear reservations about energy security and the geopolitical impact of Nord Stream 2, he will continue to push US policy.

    He stated that the US would not take part in any conversations about the pipeline as a reliable, market-based energy supplier. As the diplomat claimed, the problem with Nord Stream 2 is that it is not an economic venture, but a project that was developed “for only one reason”: to create an alternative route for transporting Russian gas on its way to Europe that does not pass through Ukraine.

    Nord Stream 2 is a joint venture of Russia’s Gazprom and five European companies: French Engie, Austrian OMV AG, UK-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell, German Uniper, and Wintershall. The project is due to be wrapped up before the end of 2019 and envisages the construction of two gas pipelines that will run from Russia, through the Baltic Sea and to a hub in Germany, bypassing Ukraine entirely.

    Source : Sputnik
  7. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2019 20:16
    GE Haliade-X 12 MW prototype to be installed in Rotterdam

    GE Renewable Energy and Future Wind (a Joint Venture between Pondera Development and SIF Holding Netherlands) announced that they have signed an agreement to install the first Haliade-X 12 MW wind turbine prototype in Maasvlakte-Rotterdam (NL) during summer 2019. The deal includes five years of testing and a 15-year full service Operation and Maintenance agreement. This Haliade-X 12 MW prototype will be installed onshore to facilitate access for testing. During the initial period of operations, it will allow GE Renewable Energy to collect data needed to obtain a Type Certificate, a key step in commercializing the product in 2021.

    Mr Allard Castelein, CEO of the Port of Rotterdam said that "We are proud that GE Renewable Energy and SIF are using our port as a test location to develop the most powerful offshore wind turbine in the world. It confirms the port's reputation and validates our focus on being an attractive partner for the offshore wind industry as it drives the energy transition."

    Alderman Bonte, responsible for Rotterdam's Energy Transition, said "In our fight against climate change we need a massive expansion of the number of windfarms at sea. We are delighted that GE has selected the Port of Rotterdam as the test location for the Haliade-X 12 MW, which is the largest wind turbine in the world and can therefore help us accelerate the clean energy transition."

    Mr John Lavelle, VP & CEO of Offshore Wind at GE Renewable Energy said that "As we rapidly progress on assembling the Haliade-X prototype, this announcement is a critical step forward for GE and our customers. The port of Rotterdam has been a real partner and provides all the necessary conditions to test the Haliade-X in the most drastic weather conditions.”

    Mr Fred van Beers, CEO of Sif Holding Netherlands mentioned "we are very pleased to install the Haliade-X 12 MW on the Sif site in Rotterdam, supporting Sif's ambition to remain at the forefront of developments in the offshore wind industry. The project also fits Sif's ambition to become entirely CO2 neutral as the Haliade-X 12 MW will supply carbon-free energy to the electricity grid.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2019 20:28
    Siemens Gamesa launches 10 MW offshore wind turbine

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy launched the SG 10.0-193 DD, the company’s first 10+ MW offshore wind turbine. Based on the experience of its previous generations, the newest wind turbine in the SGRE offshore product portfolio builds on proven technology for maximum energy yield at all wind speeds. It offers the same reliability while improving profitability and reducing risk for customers.

    The 10 MW rating is made possible through a larger generator diameter, building on the proven SGRE Direct Drive generator technology.

    By increasing the rotor diameter to 193 meters, this new wind turbine offers up to 30% more AEP than its predecessor, the SG 8.0-167 DD. Its 94-meter-long-blades provide a swept area of 29,300 m². Each blade is almost the same length as one soccer field.

    Mr Markus Tacke, CEO of SGRE said that “The new SG 10.0-193 DD combines experiences and knowledge from five generations of proven direct drive technology in one 10 MW turbine. A showcase of strong performance, swift time-to-market, and low risk in the offshore wind energy market.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2019 20:35
    Equinor finds gas and condensate in Ragnfrid North well

    Equinor has, together with its partners Petoro, ExxonMobil and Total, proven gas and condensate in the Norwegian Sea Ragnfrid North (6406/2-9 S) exploration well. Recoverable resources are estimated at 6-25 million barrels of oil equivalent. Nick Ashton, Equinor’s senior vice president for Norway and the UK, said “We are pleased to start the new year by announcing a new discovery. Exploring for resources close to existing infrastructure is a central part of Equinor’s strategy to further develop the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). We need this kind of discoveries in the years to come.”

    Ragnfrid North is located around 20 kilometres south of the Kristin platform in the Norwegian Sea. The discovery will help clarify the resource base in the area for the next years.

    The licence partners will now evaluate the discovery for development and tie-in to the Kristin field and further maturing of the Kristin South project.

    Exploration drilling in Ragnfrid North 6406/2-9 S started on 3 October and the well was drilled by the West Phoenix rig in production licence 199. West Phoenix is now being moved to the UK continental shelf to drill the Equinor-operated Bigfoot prospect south of the Mariner field.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2019 20:44
    NTR spends EUR 180 million on Nordic wind farms

    Independent reported that NTR's latest investment fund has acquired a number of operational and in-development onshore wind energy projects in Sweden and Finland. The 200MW portfolio includes three operational wind farms generating a total of up to 94MW of power. The total cost of the acquisition and development of the assets is expected to be more than EUR 180 million. All of the assets were acquired from a consortium of nine industrial companies called Vindin, which includes Dutch paint firm Akzo Nobel. Other members of the consortium include Tara Mines owner Boliden and Germany's Heidelberg Cement.

    NTR announced earlier this month that it had secured commitments of EUR 229 million for its second renewable energy fund, with a target of raising EUR 500 million.

    The company said it has secured €145m for the first close of the fund, and will invest in pre-construction and operational onshore wind and solar projects across a number of European markets.

    The European Investment Bank is investing up to EUR 84 million of equity in the fund, which is guaranteed by the European Fund for Strategic Investments - or Juncker Plan.

    The three operational wind farms acquired by the new fund include a 69MW facility in northern Sweden, a 10MW farm in the east of the country, and a 15MW scheme in the west of Finland.

    NTR said it expects to bring a development cluster of sites in southern Sweden with a combined potential to generate 108MW of power into operation in 2021.

    The company's chief investment officer, Manus O'Donnell, said the investments in Sweden and Finland represent "exciting new geographies" for the latest fund. He said that "This portfolio of projects provides an attractive mix across the development life-cycle, in line with our fund's strategy to complement projects in development with those already up and running.”

    The group said that it will put in place long-term power price contracts for the Swedish projects, adding that there is considerable demand given the scale of the portfolio.

    It added that the 15MW wind farm in Finland benefits from a feed-in tariff programme that's supported by the Finnish government.

    NTR announced in November that its new investment fund had acquired nine operational solar farms in the UK for an enterprise value of €61.3m. The solar plants can generate up to a combined 38.4MW of electricity.

    It also bought wind farms in France, which marked NTR's first entry into that market. It bought an 8.8MW wind farm project in Normandy that is just entering into production, and a 10.2MW plant in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

    Source : Independent ie
  11. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2019 09:10

    Doel 1 en 2 en Tihange 1 gaan opnieuw uit
    De levensduurverlenging van de kerncentrales Doel 1 en 2 en Tihange 1 is bijna halfweg. Maar 40 procent van de vereiste investeringen moet nog gebeuren. Deadline is 31 december 2019.
    BRUSSEL De werken aan de kerncentrales Doel 1 en 2 en Tihange 1 in het kader van de levensduurverlenging zullen waarschijnlijk meer tijd vragen dan eerst geschat, waarschuwt uitbater Engie Electrabel. Het gevolg is dat de drie oudste kerncentrales een groot deel van dit jaar zullen stilliggen.

    Doel 1 en 2 draaien op dit moment al evenmin, door een lek in een watercircuit in de onmiddellijke buurt van de kernreactor Doel 1. Omdat Doel 2 een heel vergelijkbare installatie heeft, wordt ook het watercircuit van deze kernreactor onderzocht. Volgens de huidige planning draait Doel 2 opnieuw vanaf 28 januari, terwijl Doel 1 pas vanaf 15 maart weer operationeel zal zijn.

    Uitbater Engie Electrabel heeft nu aan minister van Energie Marie Christine Marghem (MR) laten weten dat beide reactoren, samen met de oudste kerneenheid van Tihange, in de tweede helft van dit jaar nog maar eens worden stilgelegd.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2019 12:46
    Onderzeese stroomkabel van Zeebrugge naar Britse Kent klaar voor gebruik

    Nemo Link, de eerste onderzeese stroomkabel tussen België en Groot-Brittannië, is af. De kabel, waaraan tien jaar is gewerkt, is getest en wordt eind deze maand in gebruik genomen. De rechtstreekse verbinding verzacht het probleem van een structureel stoomtekort in België en kan de Britten helpen aan goedkopere stroom van het Europese vasteland.

    'Maar eigenlijk heeft heel Europa profijt van de kabel', zegt Bert Maes, de Belgische ceo van Nemo Link, dat een gezamenlijk Brits-Belgisch project is. 'Er komt nu nog een verbinding bij tussen Groot-Brittannië en het vasteland en dat betekent dat de markt meer keuze heeft.'


    Het stroomnet van Groot-Brittannië is met de rest van Europa al verbonden via vier kabels. In de Ierse Zee liggen elektriciteitskabels naar Noord-Ierland en de Ierse republiek, en in de Noordzee en het Kanaal liggen transportkabels die Kent verbinden met Noord-Frankrijk (Calais) en Nederland (Maasvlakte).

    De aanleg van de kabel naar Zuid-Engeland in Zeebrugge.Foto: Elia

    In aanloop naar de brexit groeide het aantal plannen voor zeekabels die Groot-Brittannië blijvend moeten vastklinken aan het Europese elektriciteitsnet. Een kabel naar Noorwegen en een tweede naar Frankrijk zijn in aanleg en als alles volgens plan loopt, komen er ook kabels naar Denemarken en Duitsland. IJsland broedt al geruime tijd op een eigen project, Icelink, dat goedkope, geothermisch opgewekte stroom naar Schotland moet vervoeren.

    Maar of er zo veel kabels moeten bijkomen vanwege de brexit, is niet duidelijk. John Pettigrew, de ceo van National Grid, de beheerder van het hoogspanningsnet in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, stelde eind vorig jaar dat 'wij geloven dat de grondbeginselen van de koppeling onder de brexit niet veranderen'.

    Andere veilingplatformen

    Ook Maes denkt dat het vertrek van het Verenigd Koninkrijk uit de Europese Unie hoogstens beperkte gevolgen heeft. 'Bij een zachte brexit blijft er één energiemarkt en verandert er eigenlijk niets. Bij een harde brexit of een 'no deal'-brexit ligt dat anders. Dan zullen we met andere veilingplatformen moeten werken. Maar de stroom zal ook dan ongehinderd door de kabels kunnen gaan. De Wereldhandelsorganisatie bepaalt dat de handel in elektriciteit vrij moet blijven.'

    Nemo Link werd bedacht lang voordat er in het Verenigd Koninkrijk een referendum over de brexit concreet op de agenda stond. De eerste ideeën waren er in 2008, zegt Maes. In 2015 koos de joint venture van National Grid en de Belgische branchegenoot Elia voor het Duitse Siemens en het Japanse J-Power, een dochter van Sumitomo Electric Industries, voor het uitvoeren van de opdracht voor de kabel tussen Kent en Zeebrugge.


    De dubbele kabel is 140 kilometer lang, waarvan 10 kilometer over land gaat. De totale kosten zijn volgens Maes uitgekomen op zo'n €620 tot €630 mln. National Grid en Elia nemen elk de helft van de kosten voor hun rekening.

    Een van de bedrijven die bij de aanleg betrokken waren, is het Zeeuwse N-Sea. Dat bedrijf uit Zierikzee heeft onder meer de zeebodem geïnspecteerd en kanonnen en ander oorlogstuig en scheepswrakken verwijderd. 'Er zijn 32 zware bommen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog gevonden', zegt Maes. 'De zwaarste was een bom van 1000 kilogram.'

    Even veel als één kernreactor

    De capaciteit van de Nemo-kabel is 1 gigawatt stroom. Dat is ongeveer evenveel als een van de zeven Belgische kernreactoren in Doel of Tihange en genoeg voor 1 miljoen huishoudens. Voor België is de kabel een uitkomst, want het land worstelt om de haverklap met dreigende stroomtekorten. Kabels met beperkte capaciteiten met Frankrijk, Luxemburg en Nederland heeft België al wel en aan een verbinding met het Duitse stroomnet wordt gewerkt.

  13. forum rang 6 hirshi 21 januari 2019 13:54
    In het kader van energietransitie is het komend bod van Shell en Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn PGGM op Eneco, dat zo'n 3 miljard euro waard zou zijn, een goede strategische zet.

    Jammer dat het ABP kennelijk niet meedoet. ABP wil een duurzaam pensioenfonds zijn en maximaal gebruikmaken van invloed als grote belegger voor een duurzame wereld.

    Ik zou zeggen, dit is nu juist een kans.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2019 19:07
    Enel Green Power España starts construction of 90 MW of new wind capacity in Spain

    Enel Green Power España, Endesa’s renewable energy unit, has started construction of three wind farms for an overall capacity of around 90 MW spread across the municipalities of Allueva, Fonfría, Mezquita de Jarque, Fuentes Calientes, Cañada Vellida and Rillo in the Spanish province of Teruel, in the region of Aragon. The total investment in the three facilities amounts to approximately 88 million euros.

    Mr José Bogas, CEO of Endesa said that “We are glad to announce the start of construction of these new wind projects, Allueva, Sierra Pelarda and Sierra Costera I, which bring the total renewable capacity we are building in Spain to around 900 MW. These plants mark the acceleration on a new wave of growth in the renewable energy space that Endesa is committed to pursue in the next years, driving the energy transition in Spain.”

    Mr Antonio Cammisecra, Head of Enel Green Power (“EGP”), the Enel Group’s Global Renewable Energy business line said that “Through the construction of these projects, we reaffirm our commitment to leverage on Enel’s sustainable and innovative approach, benefitting the province of Teruel and Spain as a whole. With our relentless work aimed at boosting our installed wind and solar capacity we are concretely diversifying the Spanish energy mix and helping the country towards its renewable energy targets.”

    The three wind farms are slated to enter into operation by the end of 2019, and once completed they are expected to generate over 295 GWh per year, while avoiding the annual emission of approx. 196,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. The expected capacity of the 7-turbine Allueva plant exceeds 25 MW, while that of the 4-turbine Sierra Pelarda wind farm, situated in Fonfría, is roughly 15 MW. The largest of the three facilities is the 14-turbine Sierra Costera I, which will boast a capacity of around 50 MW and is spread across the municipalities of Mezquita de Jarque, Fuentes Calientes, Cañada Vellida and Rillo.

    With these facilities, EGPE currently has a total of six wind farms under construction in the Teruel province, including those in Muniesa, Farlán and San Pedro de Alacón, which are also due to enter into operation by the end of 2019. The six wind farms will have a total installed capacity of around 218 MW and are due to generate about 708 GWh per year, avoiding the annual emission of approximately 470,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

    EGPE will use a variety of innovative tools and methods to build these parks, such as drones for topographic survey, smart tracking of wind turbine components, as well as advanced digital platforms and software solutions to monitor and remotely support site activities and plant commissioning. These processes and tools will enable swifter, more accurate and reliable data collection, improving the quality of construction and facilitating communication between on-site and off-site teams. In addition, the building phase of the three projects will be based on Enel Green Power's "Sustainable Construction Site” model, including the installation of photovoltaic solar panels at each construction site to meet part of their energy needs. Moreover, water saving measures will be implemented through the installation of water tanks and rainwater collection systems; once construction works are completed, both the PV panels and the water saving equipment will be donated to the municipalities where the projects are located for public use.

    The six wind farms under construction in Teruel are part of the 540 MW that EGPE was awarded in the Spanish government's renewable energy tender held in May 2017. In Aragon, the company will invest around 434 million euros to build 13 wind farms with a total installed capacity of more than 380 MW and an annual expected output of 1,240 GWh. The remaining 160 MW of wind capacity will be located in Andalusia, Castile-Léon, Castile-La Mancha and Galicia. Once fully operational, the new facilities will generate approximately 1,750 GWh per year. EGPE was also awarded 339 MW of solar capacity in the Spanish government's auction held in July 2017.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2019 19:52
    Germany should stick to Nord Stream 2 project - MSC chairman

    Reuters reported that a veteran German diplomat said that Germany should finish the Russian-backed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline despite US opposition and growing domestic concerns, but future energy projects should be coordinated by the European Union. Mr Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference, said “The initial birth defect of the USD 11 billion project was the fact that European treaties had allowed the German government to deem the project as purely commercial. In fact, it was clear that such a large project clearly had a political nature, particularly given Russia's annexation of the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014 and other actions in recent years.”

    Ischinger cautioned against abandoning the project as it neared its completion date of late 2019, citing German foreign policy's focus on consistency and sustainability. He said "Saying 'forget it' now would not be good German foreign policy."

    The pipeline, which would carry gas straight to Germany under the Baltic Sea, has been criticised in some quarters because it would deprive Ukraine of lucrative gas transit fees, potentially making Kiev more vulnerable in the future. Germany and Russia have been at odds since Moscow annexed Crimea, but both countries have a common interest in the pipeline, which will double capacity of the current route.

    Source : Reuters
  16. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2019 20:20
    Swiss court cancels arrest of Gazprom owned Nord Stream shares

    Sputnik reported that a Swiss court has ruled last week to cancel its previous ruling to arrest Russian energy giant Gazprom’s shares in Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 operators. Gazprom said "On January 16, a court of the canton of Zug (Switzerland) decided to completely cancel its decision of May 29, 2018, on imposing interim measures in Switzerland against shares of Gazprom in Nord Stream AG and Nord Stream 2 AG and Gazprom's rights of claim against these companies.”

    The arrest on the shares was imposed as part of Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz’s litigation against Gazprom.

    Nord Stream 2 is a joint venture of Russia's Gazprom and five European companies: French Engie, Austrian OMV AG, UK-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell, German Uniper, and Wintershall. The project is due to be wrapped up before the end of 2019 and envisages the construction of two gas pipelines that will run from Russia, through the Baltic Sea and to a hub in Germany, bypassing Ukraine entirely.

    Source : Sputnik
  17. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2019 20:21
    Germany registered over 16,000 MW of wind power

    Cyclone Florenz brought 50Hertz a new wind power feed-in record. On 13 January, at 8.45 pm, the system control centre of the transmission system operator for north-eastern Germany registered over 16,000 megawatts for the first time ever. The annual peak load in the 50 Hertz grid area is also around 16,000 megawatts. During this time, the grid area of 50Hertz could have been completely supplied with wind power and would have even exported energy.

    Mr Andreas John, Head of System Management at 50Hertz said that “This figure has once more shown us that as a company, we and our neighbouring grids and partners are well prepared for such extreme situations. The grid can bear these loads.” His team at the Transmission Control Centre, the 50Hertz grid management hub in Neuenhagen near Berlin, had the situation under control at all times.

    The record value is not least the result of last year’s increase in wind turbines within the 50Hertz control area. At the closing date (31 December 2018), preliminary figures indicated 19,400 megawatts of installed wind power capacity in this area, of which more than 1,000 were in the Baltic Sea.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 21 januari 2019 20:23
    End Groningen gas production - Dutch citizens

    Reuters reported that Dutch citizens have asked their country's highest court to put an immediate end to gas production in the Groningen region due to the risk of life-endangering earthquakes. Decades of extraction from what once was Europe's largest natural gas field have led to dozens of minor tremors every year, damaging thousands of homes and sparking unrest among locals. An unusually severe, magnitude 3.4 quake prompted the Dutch government last year to decide to end production by 2030 and to lower it as quickly as possible in coming years.

    Many in the region still feel their safety concerns are being ignored, as tremors are expected to continue, while numerous attempts to set up a compensation scheme for damage and repairs have failed. The petitioners demand drilling be stopped immediately, or at least capped at 12 bcm per year, a level the Dutch gas regulator last year said would limit risks.

    Gas production at Groningen is run by NAM, a 50-50 joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil. Output is set to drop to 19.4 billion cubic metres in the year that began in October, down 65% from its 2013 peak, and will be cut by another 75% in the next five years.

    Source : Reuters
  19. forum rang 10 voda 23 januari 2019 19:38
    Serbia aims to complete building TurkStream gas pipeline section by Dec 15

    SeeNews reported that head of state-owned monopoly Srbijagas, Dusan Bajatovic, said that Serbia aims to complete the construction of its section of TurkStream pipeline for transit of Russian natural gas to Europe by December 15, 2019. He said “Srbijagas is in talks with financial institutions for securing financing for the project, which is expected to start in the second half of March.”

    Serbia's Gastrans, the company in charge of the project, has already secured UR 300 million of financing from its shareholders for the construction of the pipeline

    Gastrans is 100%-owned by Swiss-based South Stream Serbia, according to data from Serbia's commercial register. Russia's Gazprom owns a 51% stake in South Stream Serbia, while Srbijagas holds the remaining 49%, according to Gazprom data.

    Russia's Gazprom plans to build a string of TurkStream for transit of gas to Europe from Turkey via Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary. The TurkStream offshore gas pipeline, stretching 930 km across the Black Sea from Russia to Turkey, will consist of two parallel strings with annual throughput capacity of 15.75 billion cubic metres of gas each. One string is intended for consumers in Turkey, while the second will carry gas to customers in Europe.

    Source : See News
  20. forum rang 10 voda 24 januari 2019 21:01
    EC sees no problems with Russian gas supplies via Ukraine this winter

    European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic said after hosting trilateral gas talks with Russia and Ukraine on Monday that he expected no problems with supplies of Russian gas via Ukraine to Europe this winter. Sefcovic also said he expected to host another meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian ministers in May. He presented the sides with a new proposed gas deal but did not elaborate.

    Ukrainian state energy company Naftogaz said earlier in the day it did not expect progress in the talks on Monday, accusing Moscow of stalling gas transit negotiations to get the Nord Stream 2 pipeline built first.

    Source : Reuters
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