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Amarin Corp US0231112063

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    -0,007 -1,21%
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    561.644 Gem. (3M) 1,3M
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  1. Ontop1 27 oktober 2018 07:07

    MaFoCe schreef op 4 oktober 2018 18:09:

    Heb mijn laatste pluk verkocht.

    Van 3 naar bijna 20 in dik een week.

    Ik vind het wel mooi geweest even.

    En nu staan we dan bijna op 22 met volgende week de cijfers in het vooruitzicht
    Met ook nog 10 november hopelijk wordt het dan echt feest.
  2. Ontop1 3 november 2018 08:22
    Slot 2 november $ 22.87
    Op naar 10 november om op 12 november richting $30 te koersen
  3. Ontop1 3 maart 2019 17:19
    Koers gesloten ruim boven de 22 de weg ligt open naar 30 .Het jaar 2019 wordt een mooi jaar voor Amarin
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 maart 2019 17:53
    Is Amarin Sitting on a Goldmine?
    Vascepa could become a top-selling medication. Here's why.
    George Budwell
    Feb 28, 2019 at 10:30AM

    Stocks that skyrocket by nearly 500% in less than 12 months aren't normally bargains. Far from it. But the mid-cap biopharma Amarin (NASDAQ:AMRN) could be one of the few exceptions to this general rule of thumb.

    Amarin went from a largely forgotten small-cap biotech to the belle of the ball last year after the company released the top-line results from REDUCE-IT -- a large cardiovascular outcomes trial for the prescription omega-3 treatment Vascepa. This seven-year study demonstrated that Vascepa significantly lowers the risk of serious cardiovascular events -- such as heart attack, stroke, and even death -- in patients already on statins.
    A glowing dollar sign hovering above a person's open hand.

    Image source: Getty Images.

    The big deal is that Vascepa's apparent cardioprotective effect is quite literally unprecedented. Amarin's management, in kind, thinks the sky is the limit for this prescription fish oil pill. Here's what you need to know right now.
    Vascepa's commercial opportunity may be severely understated

    Prior to Vascepa's cardiovascular outcome results becoming public knowledge, Wall Street pegged the drug's peak sales to top out at about $2 billion. Amarin's management, though, seems to believe that analysts may now need to scale up these sales projections in a big way. During the company's fourth-quarter earnings call yesterday, for instance, CEO John Thero noted, "In the United States, approximately one in four patients have elevated triglycerides, a cardiovascular risk factor independent of LDL cholesterol, including more than 12 million patients in the United States on statin therapy."

    In plain English, tens of millions of Americans may benefit from using Vascepa, which gives the drug an outside chance of breaking into the top five drugs in the world in terms of annual sales. In other words, Vascepa's peak sales might exceed $10 billion a year -- a figure that is five times higher than Wall Street's most optimistic take right now. And that's not even accounting for the drug's sizable commercial prospects in Europe and other parts of the world. The takeaway is that Vascepa's peak sales could turn out to be drastically larger than anyone outside the company ever predicted.

    What's next?

    Amarin plans on submitting Vascepa's supplemental New Drug Application to the Food and Drug Administration in March. With a standard 10-month review cycle, Vascepa's broader label -- assuming approval -- would go into effect in early 2020. The agency, though, might grant Vascepa a quicker six-month priority review, given the unprecedented nature of these trial results and the large unmet medical need the drug would address. In that case, the company would be allowed to expand its marketing efforts to include a direct-to-consumer campaign before year's end.

    In the interim, the market's appetite for this novel omega-3 therapy should become fairly evident over the remainder of 2019. Amarin is already touting the drug's cardiovascular outcome trial results to doctors using its expanded sales force. And Vascepa's cardiovascular outcome trial results aren't exactly a secret to caregivers and opinion leaders, thanks to a high-profile publication in the New England Journal of Medicine.

    So should investors buy the hype? Amarin's brass is clearly shooting for the stars with Vascepa. But this super-optimistic outlook shouldn't necessarily be tossed aside as typical executive salesmanship. After all, Amarin's leadership team has repeatedly been proven right about the drug's prospects, even as the naysayers mounted in numbers. This red-hot biotech stock, therefore, could still have a lot more upside to come.

    George Budwell has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
  5. Ontop1 11 juli 2019 19:53

    LazyDog schreef op 5 juli 2019 09:25:


    Aandeel gaat lekker; Ik sta al op aardig wat winst.
    Wacht maar af tot 28 september of eerder
    Dan gaat dit aandeel helemaal los
    Vorig jaar voor $ 2.77 gekocht.....
    De label uitbreiding is aanstaande en de omzet komt ook een stuk hoger uit.
    Ik verwacht een koers van rond de 30 of hoger.
    Koersdoel $ 51
  6. Wil Helmus 9 augustus 2019 11:41
    Oeps, Adcom in november waarschijnlijk. Blij dat ik op tijd uitgestapt ben. De komende maanden maar even in de gaten houden. Misschien pak ik weer een pluk op
  7. Ontop1 16 november 2019 09:26

    Irenesebregts schreef op 15 november 2019 21:24:

    Het gaat lekker vandaag!! Januari of eerder 30 dollar en daarna op naar de 50!!
    Maandag EVAPORATE dr Budoff.
    En binnen 15 dagen goedkeuring Canada.
  8. Ontop1 16 november 2019 09:30

    MVo_ schreef op 12 november 2019 15:20:

    Knalt weer omhoog, de adcom vragen zijn bekend en blijken enorm soft te zijn :)
    Altijd vertrouwen gehad die ADCOM was eigenlijk niet nodig geweest.
    Voor 28 dec de sNDA maar hoe groot die is daar zal nog over gespeculeerd worden.
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