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  1. [verwijderd] 27 oktober 2020 20:05

    Plein777 schreef op 27 oktober 2020 19:43:

    Biden heeft geen honderden duizenden amerikanen het leven gered !


    Dead Wrong @ Plein777. Joe Biden en Barack Obama hebben 3 gezondheidscrises af moeten wenden in hun 8 jaar regeringstijd : Ebola , Swine Flu , en Zika Virus. Die 3 crises bij elkaar hebben samen veel minder overlijdens gebracht dan de 8 maanden Corona onder Donald Trump.
  2. forum rang 6 asti 27 oktober 2020 23:37

    ff_relativeren schreef op 27 oktober 2020 20:05:

    Dead Wrong @ Plein777. Joe Biden en Barack Obama hebben 3 gezondheidscrises af moeten wenden in hun 8 jaar regeringstijd : Ebola , Swine Flu , en Zika Virus. Die 3 crises bij elkaar hebben samen veel minder overlijdens gebracht dan de 8 maanden Corona onder Donald Trump.
    Dat wil weinig zeggen. Zo was ebola bijvoorbeeld veel minder besmettelijk dan SARS-CoV-2 en de 'swine flu' veel minder dodelijk. Ook wereldwijd zie je dat SARS-CoV-2 veel meer overlijdens heeft veroorzaakt dan de drie door jou genoemde pathogenen.

    Je moet je wat meer verdiepen in de inhoud en niet meteen alles geloven wat Biden en Obama je proberen wijs te maken.
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 29 oktober 2020 20:46

    Joe Biden

    Jill (zijn vrouw) and I are keeping the French people in our prayers following the horrific terror attack in Nice — which targeted innocents in a house of worship. A Biden-Harris administration will work with our allies and partners to prevent extremist violence in all forms.

  4. forum rang 4 Al Kipone 30 oktober 2020 13:18
    Elizabeth Warren wants to be Joe Biden's Treasury secretary and will make her case for it if he wins next week, according to three Democratic officials who have spoken with her inner circle.

    “She wants it,” two of them said matter-of-factly.

    Warren’s moves could set up the marquee fight between the party's left and its center over what will be one of the most consequential Cabinet roles in the next administration. The Treasury Department will be tasked with steering the U.S. economy out of a deep recession, even as the country continues to struggle with the coronavirus pandemic.

    If Warren gets the nod, the pushback from Wall Street would likely be swift, given some banking executives' fears that Warren would spearhead harsher regulations on the financial sector. It’s a reputation Warren herself embraced during the Democratic primary, touting reports that financial industry leaders were concerned about the possibility she could win the Democratic nomination.


  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 31 oktober 2020 11:03


    Biden Blasts Trump’s ‘Mental Acuity,’ Mocks Him as ‘Stable Genius’ Who Thinks ‘Wind Power Causes Cancer’

    Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden blasted President Donald Trump’s mental acuity during a Friday rally in Des Moines, IA — mocking him for thinking that wind power causes cancer.

    The former vice president first attacked Trump for his failure to condemn white supremacy during their first debate, later faulting him for denying climate change.

    “We don’t have a lot of time. Donald Trump, when they say climate change, he thinks ‘hoax,'” Biden said. “And the stable genius, as he calls himself continues to say, wind power causes cancer. The same guy who said, by the way, and you think I’m making this up, when he was advised about the increasing hurricanes coming across the Atlantic because of the warm water, he said, ‘Maybe we should drop a nuclear weapon on them.'”

    “Holy mackerel,” Biden added, making the sign of the Cross. “This also is a guy, you may recall, the stable genius, said the problem with the Revolutionary War was we didn’t have enough airports. He talks about mental acuity? Whoa.”

    He went on to note that protecting the climate creates jobs in both Iowa and across the country — praising the state for creating thousands of jobs because of their commitment to wind energy.

    “Notwithstanding, that the stable genius says wind power causes cancer. Wind power helps save the planet, generates millions of dollars of economic growth, and provides good prevailing wage jobs,” he added.

    Trump was apparently watching the roasting, as he tweeted about Biden’s — calling out Fox News for airing it:

    Donald J Trump@realDonaldTrump :

    Biden’s speech is 90% made up stories and lies. Only broadcast on
    8:05 pm October 30,2020


  6. forum rang 6 Plein777 31 oktober 2020 13:07
    Ik raad iedereen aan met belangstelling voor de USA naar deze serie te kijken over Fox News :

    The loudest voice te kijken vrijdagavond op NPO2
    De eerste 2 afleveringen zijn gratis te zien op NPOstart.nl

    The Loudest Voice
    S 1, Afl 2: 2001

    Roger Ailes heeft het verbruid bij zijn werkgever CNBC en besluit aan de slag te gaan voor Fox News, een nieuwe concurrerende nieuwszender van Rupert Murdoch. De nietsontziende Ailes is van drie zaken overtuigd: conservatieve kijkers hebben behoefte aan hun eigen nieuws, nieuws hoeft niet per se over feiten te gaan, en als het goed gaat met Fox, kan hij niet de laan uit worden gestuurd. | Kijkwijzer: Let op met kinderen tot 16 jaar, programma bevat geweld, grof taalgebruik en drugs- en/of alcoholgebruik.
  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 31 oktober 2020 13:42

    Joe Biden is pushing to the finish line in the Midwest, with two campaign events in Michigan, where former President Obama will join him for the first time. Meanwhile, Sen. Kamala Harris, will continue campaigning in Florida, after a stop in Texas. @GeoffRBennett has more.

    video 2:57 minuut
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