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TomTom NL0013332471

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OKTOBER - Herfst voor Madame

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  1. holenbeer 25 oktober 2017 22:36

    groeibriljant schreef op 25 oktober 2017 14:42:


    Hoger instappen is soms nog moeilijker dan verlies pakken. Desondanks het kan zeer verstandig zijn. Timing blijft zeer lastig. Zeker met TomTom, maar als morgen het ordertje van Tesla binnen zou komen, dan gaan de trossen toch echt definitief los.
    Ik vraag me af of, en zo ja, hoe lang nog, Tesla een aanbeveling is. Ik denk alleen als TT Autopilot zou redden, en daar lijkt meer mis mee dan TT kan fixen.
  2. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 26 oktober 2017 01:47

    Crash Bandicoot schreef op 25 oktober 2017 20:14:

    Om half 3 vannacht is de Baidu presentatie trouwens.
    Nog ff opblijven dus ;-)
  3. forum rang 5 boem! 26 oktober 2017 03:18

    NewKidInTown schreef op 25 oktober 2017 17:37:


    "How many publicly traded companies are in the world?

    There are over 100K publicly traded companies in the world."


    "By most estimates, approximately 630,000 companies are now traded publicly throughout the world"

    Wederom een verbluffend staaltje van het vele werk dat jij in jouw research steekt.

    Gaat er dan echt geen lichtje bij je branden als je in dezelfde post twee totaal verschillende aantallen ziet?
    Iedereen ziet en weet toch dat het aantal "echt" dagelijks verhandelbare aandelen in de US slechts een fractie is van de 20.000 die onderdeel uit zou maken van de 100.000.

    Maak jezelf niet nog belachelijker en doe eens research en onderzoek naar datgene wat je allemaal vindt op internet.

    Het "quoten" van uitspraken gevonden op het internet zonder die uitspraken te toetsen aan de realiteit getuigt enkel van kopieerdrang en heeft als gevolg dat je geloofwaardigheid afneemt.
  4. forum rang 6 NewKidInTown 26 oktober 2017 07:34
    "Unbelievable Benefits And Drawbacks Of The Self-Driving Car

    Alicia Prince

    In today’s ever more inter-connected world, it appears like technology has something to add to absolutely every industry. The same is true of transportation, with self-driving cars fast becoming a hot topic."

    Unbelievable Benefits, zijn er dan helemaal geen nadelen ?

    Lees het zelf, de pro's en cons:


  5. forum rang 6 NewKidInTown 26 oktober 2017 07:43
    Reference List of Public Deals, Investment, and Acquisitions for Autonomous Vehicles

    Below is a selection of some of the biggest transactions and deals in self-driving tech. For readers interested in specific carmakers, or in the direction of the autonomous vehicle market at large, these resources may prove to be a useful jump-off point for future research:
    Ford $1 billion investment in Argo AI
    Toyota $1 billion investment in Toyota Research Institute
    GM $581 million to acquire self-driving car start-up, Cruise Automation.
    GM $500 million investment in Lyft
    Volvo $300 joint venture with Uber
    Intel $250 million of additional new investments over the next two years to make fully autonomous driving a reality.
    Uber $680 million to purchase Otto
    Intel $15.3 billion to buy Mobileye
    Hyundai $1.7 billion in R&D

  6. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2017 08:15

    Henker schreef op 26 oktober 2017 08:09:

    Candaag nieuw advies van MS

    TomTom: naar 11,70 van 10,40 euro - Morgan Stanley
    Kunnen we bij positieve beurs mooi door de tien
  7. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2017 08:29

    Henker schreef op 26 oktober 2017 08:09:

    Candaag nieuw advies van MS

    TomTom: naar 11,70 van 10,40 euro - Morgan Stanley
    Goedemorgen, iemand linkje van dit advies. Is toch niet de minste bank.
  8. forum rang 6 NewKidInTown 26 oktober 2017 08:29
    Maps nog nodig in de toekomst ?

    ""It's a green field," says Sravan Puttagunta, founder and CEO of CivilMaps. "No company has established a majority market share, and even the ones that have a couple cities are spending billions maintaining those maps."
    As the race heats up, there is a lingering question in the industry about how useful these costly maps will be down the road. Some argue the cars will eventually get smart enough, with deep learning technology, not to need to rely on extensive maps.
    "In the short term, I can see where it's vital, but that long term may not even be 10 years," says Rebecca Lindland, executive analyst with Kelley Blue Book. The "conundrum," she says, is just as comprehensive maps hit the market, car companies "don't need them anymore."
    The team at Ford is "looking at the possibility" of developing algorithms for the car that don't require a prior map, according to McBride. But he's skeptical of ditching maps entirely."

  9. forum rang 6 Dutchy Ron 26 oktober 2017 08:33

    Nvidia Boosted by Delphi-NuTonomy Deal

    Delphi Automotive announced that it would purchase self-driving startup NuTonomy for $450 million.

    Delphi’s (ticker: DLPH) announcement follows investment in Innoviz LiDAR early last month and purchase of Ottomatika in 2015. NuTonomy, a spinoff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was founded in 2013 to develop software for driverless fleet vehicles. We believe the announcement is a positive readthrough to the industry which has proved ravenous for top AV technology and talent ( Intel’s (INTC) $15.3 billion acquisition of Mobileye, General Motors ’ (GM) $1 billion purchase of Cruise Automation, Ford Motor’s (F) $1 billion purchase of Argo AI -- to name a few).

    We believe the announcement, and subsequent growth of autonomous testing fleets, is a positive readthrough for Nvidia (NVIDIA) -- in our view the market leader in centralized fusion processing.

    NuTonomy operates 60 autonomous test vehicles (on five different models) in both Boston and Singapore and has formed partnerships with Nvidia, Lyft, PSA Groupe, Grab and Velodyne. NuTonomy’s Chief Executive Karl Iagnemma stated, “NuTonomy is building for Level 5 and Pegasus (Nvidia’s recently announced Drive PX model) is the kind of platform that will be required to support these types of systems.” The company’s nuCore software is a flexible autonomous driving platform (perception/mapping /localization /decision-making/control) is designed to be deployed across a wide range of sensor configurations, vehicle models and ride hailing applications.

    We believe that Delphi will accelerate NuTonomy’s plan of deploying a self-driving mobility-on-demand service in Singapore in 2018. Furthermore ride-hailing companies have aggressively targeted the autonomous vehicle space. In our talks with Lyft we estimate that within the next five years the majority of rides will be provided by autonomous on-demand vehicles.

    No system takes all the share: While Delphi has announced a strategic partnership with Intel, BMW and Mobileye, we believe that the acquisition of NuTonomy is a positive readthrough to the entire industry -- where we believe Nvidia is a major market leader. Delphi’s expertise is in its centralized domain controller. In Audi’s zFAS platform (used in Level 3 Audi A8) Delphi’s controller is paired with an Nvidia GPU (fusion processing), Mobileye EyeQ3, Altera Cyclone and Infineon Aurix chip. Thus we believe high level advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) (and particularly autonomous taxis/testing fleets) will require massive parallel processing (where Nvidia’s Drive PX has a significant first-mover advantage).
  10. [verwijderd] 26 oktober 2017 08:34

    NewKidInTown schreef op 26 oktober 2017 08:29:

    Maps nog nodig in de toekomst ?

    ""It's a green field," says Sravan Puttagunta, founder and CEO of CivilMaps. "No company has established a majority market share, and even the ones that have a couple cities are spending billions maintaining those maps."
    As the race heats up, there is a lingering question in the industry about how useful these costly maps will be down the road. Some argue the cars will eventually get smart enough, with deep learning technology, not to need to rely on extensive maps.
    "In the short term, I can see where it's vital, but that long term may not even be 10 years," says Rebecca Lindland, executive analyst with Kelley Blue Book. The "conundrum," she says, is just as comprehensive maps hit the market, car companies "don't need them anymore."
    The team at Ford is "looking at the possibility" of developing algorithms for the car that don't require a prior map, according to McBride. But he's skeptical of ditching maps entirely."

    Henk, kan dit irritante mannetje onderhand eens verwijderd worden hier. Is alleen maar aan het bashen.
  11. Jejo303 26 oktober 2017 08:40
    Ford is van mening dat maps nodig zijn in de SDC.

    Ford tested self-driving Fusions in the snow last winter at Mcity, a 32-acre closed course in Ann Arbor. The automaker said then that the test vehicles’ 3-D maps helped the cars “see” when their suite of sensors, cameras, radar and lidar systems could not.

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