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Lehman Brothers

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  1. forum rang 4 shaai 2 april 2019 15:21

    Snarfie schreef op 2 april 2019 13:51:


    Als bovenstaand de regeling is dan zou dus elke bank per klant moeten beoordelen of die klant in aanmerking komt om tot proffessionele klant te mogen worden geupgrade. Nou dan hebben ze mooi te kort geschoten ik heb nooit een vragen lijst/assessment whatever van hun gehad.
    de regels gaan er imo min of meer vanuit dat je retail bent, maar als consumer onder voorwaarden kan aanvragen om als pro geklassificeerd te worden.
    imo niet dat de bank dat actief hoeft te monitoren, de opzet is dat je als pro consumentenbescherming opgeeft, als je dat zelf wil.
  2. [verwijderd] 2 april 2019 15:35
    Kreeg net van mn bank te horen dat upgrade naar proffessionele partij niet relevant is om dat je geen qualified note holder bent. En die eisen zijn wel bekend en daar ga je nooit aan voldoen.

    Directive, entities authorised or regulated by a Member State without reference to a Directive, and entities authorised or regulated by a third country:
    (a) credit institutions;
    (b) investment firms;
    (c) other authorised or regulated financial institutions;
    (d) insurance companies;
    (e) collective investment schemes and management companies of such schemes;
    (f) pension funds and management companies of such funds;
    (g) commodity and commodity derivatives dealers;
    (h) locals;
    (i) other institutional investors.
    Large undertakings meeting two of the following size requirements on a company basis:
    (a) balance sheet total: EUR 20,000,000;
    (b) net turnover: EUR 40,000,000; and
    (c) own funds: EUR 2,000,000. ?
  3. forum rang 4 shaai 18 april 2019 15:33
    daar komt ie dan:
    final op 2 mei van 2,2093% (van admissable, dus niet van je nominaal)


    No rights can be derived from any information contained in this notice, including any information
    related to the timing and rate of distributions. Nothing in this notice should be deemed or construed as
    an admission of liability or claims, or as a waiver of any rights, claims or defenses by LBT.
    Noteholders or any interested parties should seek their own financial, tax or legal advice when
    assessing the information contained in this notice or related to LBT, the Composition Plan and the
    Information Notice.
    Notice from Lehman Brothers Treasury Co. B.V. in liquidation ("LBT")
    15 April 2019
    Reference is made to the court approved composition plan (faillissementsakkoord) which
    became effective on 3 April 2013 (the "Composition Plan") and the information notice on the
    Partial Wind-Down dated 24 January 2019 (the "Information Notice"), which are available on
    www.lehmanbrotherstreasury.com (the "LBT Website"). Unless indicated otherwise,
    capitalised terms used in this notice have the meaning ascribed to them in the Information
    LBT will make the Final Distribution on Cash-Out Notes and Cash-Out Other Ordinary Claims
    on 2 May 2019 (the "Distribution Date"). The Distribution Date may be delayed should market
    circumstances so dictate.
    The indicative distribution rate of the Final Distribution, calculated as the amount of the Final
    Distribution converted into EUR1 and expressed as a percentage of the sum of the Admissible
    Amounts of Cash-Out Claims (denominated in EUR) is 2.2093%.
    The Final Distribution is made in accordance with and is subject to the Composition Plan and
    the Information Notice. In accordance with the conditions and existing legal provisions of the
    Note documentation and other provisions related or applicable to the holding or trading of Notes,
    as well as the legal and operating arrangements between LBT and the Distribution Agent (as
    defined in the Composition Plan), LBT will make distributions on the Cash-Out Notes to the
    relevant Clearing Systems or, to the extent applicable, to the entities designated by the relevant
    Clearing Systems for onward payment to the relevant Direct Participants. Direct Participants will
    be responsible for allocating distributions to Noteholders.
    This is LBT's final distribution on Cash-Out Claims, and no further distributions will be made
    on Cash-Out Claims. On 25 April 2019, all Cash-Out Notes will be blocked by the relevant
    Clearing System before payment of the Final Distribution. After payment of the Final

    1 Based on the WM fixing (as adjusted for a dealing spread) foreign exchange rate that prevailed on
    11 April 2019, being: USD 1 is equal to EUR 0.8867 (which is equivalent to EUR 1 is equal to USD 1.1278.
    2 This indicative distribution rate is calculated based on the Final Distribution amount expressed in EUR at the
    foreign exchange rate that prevailed on 11 April 2019. The corresponding actual distribution rate will depend
    upon the USD/EUR foreign exchange rate that will prevail on the date approximately five business days before
    the Distribution Date.
    No rights can be derived from any information contained in this notice, including any information related to
    the timing and rate of distributions. Nothing in this notice should be deemed or construed as an admission of
    liability or claims, or as a waiver of any rights, claims or defenses by LBT. Noteholders or any interested
    parties should seek their own financial, tax or legal advice when assessing the information contained in this
    notice or related to LBT, the Composition Plan and the Information Notice.
    Distribution, the Cash-Out Other Ordinary Claims will be fully extinguished and the Cash-Out
    Notes will be cancelled. The cancellation of Cash-Out Notes is an administrative settlement,
    whereby such Cash-Out Notes will be deregistered, or otherwise removed, from the Clearing
    The Final Distribution is made free of withholding tax, unless such withholding is required by
    applicable law, rule, regulation or practice. Clearing Systems, Direct Participants, Noteholders,
    Intermediary Institutions, holders of Cash-Out Other Ordinary Claims or any other party entitled
    to any distributions from LBT are responsible for any and all tax consequences in any
    jurisdiction related to the direct or indirect receipt of, or entitlement to these distributions. The
    distributions made by LBT qualify as payment of liquidation proceeds made in accordance with
    the Composition Plan. If such qualification would not be recognised in certain markets, and as
    a consequence distribution payments would be characterised as a (partial) return of principal
    or interest in those markets, any such characterisation, from LBT's perspective, is made solely
    for operational and practical purposes in order to facilitate payment.
    An overview of the Pro Rata Share (as defined in the Composition Plan) of the Final Distribution
    amount applicable to each outstanding series of Cash-Out Notes and each Cash-Out Other
    Ordinary Claim that will be paid by the Distribution Agent as well as the foreign exchange
    conversion rates applicable to non-USD denominated Outstanding Series and to non-USD
    denominated Other Ordinary Claims (as referred to in Article 4.2 of the Composition Plan), will
    be published on or one business day before the Distribution Date on the LBT Website.
    This is a communication as referred to in Article 3.4 of the Composition Plan.
    Amsterdam, 15 April 2019
    Lehman Brothers Treasury Co. B.V. in liquidation
    Rutger J. Schimmelpenninck Frédéric Verhoeven
    Contact details: Lehman Brothers Treasury Co. B.V. in liquidation
    Att. The liquidators
    c/o Houthoff
    PO Box 75505
    NL-1070 AM Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  4. forum rang 4 shaai 18 april 2019 15:35
    en ook op de substitution notes, (maar hoeveel is dat ongeveer in % op de oude notes?)


    The indicative distribution rate of this first distribution to Holders of
    Substitute Notes, calculated as Available Cash to be distributed expressed as a percentage of the Aggregate Nominal Amount of the Substitute Notes on issue (both denominated in U.S. Dollars), is 0.0380%.
  5. forum rang 4 shaai 24 april 2019 17:54

    The following are the proposed terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions", which expression
    includes these terms and conditions as amended, modified, supplemented and/or replaced from time to
    time) of the Substitute Notes, which will be incorporated by reference in each Global Certificate and
    will be attached to each Individual Certificate, in the latter case, only if permitted by the relevant
    authority (if any) and agreed by the Issuer at the time of issue but if not so permitted and agreed, such
    Terms and Conditions will be endorsed upon such Individual Certificate.

    The substitute notes (the "Substitute Notes") are issued by Lehman Brothers Treasury Co. B.V. in liquidation (the "Issuer") pursuant to the Issuer's solicitation memorandum dated 24 January 2019
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 januari 2020 13:14

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 28 februari 2018 17:58:

    Ik krijg net bericht dat er een bod gedaan is van 7% op de Lehman Brothers UK Cap Fund 2005 door Scalene Funding.
    Dit bod is vele malen hoger dan het bod van Deutsche Bank...!!
    Weer een nieuw bod van Scalene: nu 27,%.........!!!

    Binnenkort waarschijnlijk een laatste uitspraak van een rechtbank en de ontknoping.
  7. forum rang 4 shaai 20 januari 2020 17:55
    Ik ben u heel (on)dankbaar voor deze mededeling...
    Ik had ooit heel veel van deze voor bijna niets gekocht.
    Volgens mij voor 10x niets (bijna niets) weggedaan...
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 januari 2020 14:23

    jus1711 schreef op 21 januari 2020 14:12:

    DZR ingaan op bod of toch wachten op laatste uitspraak?
    De rechter moet alleen nog de juiste rangorde bepalen.
  9. [verwijderd] 21 januari 2020 16:13
    bedoel je deze 3 : XS0215349357, XS0229269856 en XS0243852562, resp: Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding I LP 10.00% (funding 1 2 en 3)?

    En waar kun je daar nog in handelen?

  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 januari 2020 17:36

    lute11 schreef op 21 januari 2020 16:13:

    bedoel je deze 3 : XS0215349357, XS0229269856 en XS0243852562, resp: Lehman Brothers UK Capital Funding I LP 10.00% (funding 1 2 en 3)?
    En waar kun je daar nog in handelen?
    Kleine beleggers kunnen er niet meer in handelen, hoogstens nog verkopen.
    Ik vindt dat absoluut schandalig, maar dat komt door allerlei belachelijke nieuwe beursregels.
  11. forum rang 4 geldmaker 29 januari 2020 09:18

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 21 januari 2020 17:36:

    Kleine beleggers kunnen er niet meer in handelen, hoogstens nog verkopen.
    Ik vindt dat absoluut schandalig, maar dat komt door allerlei belachelijke nieuwe beursregels.
    Ridder zit je nog in AMG?
  12. forum rang 4 shaai 19 februari 2020 11:35

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 20 januari 2020 13:14:

    Weer een nieuw bod van Scalene: nu 27,%.........!!!

    Binnenkort waarschijnlijk een laatste uitspraak van een rechtbank en de ontknoping.
    ik heb gehoord dat dat bod is gecancelled. Gister ging er 25k op 15%.
    Maar geen idee welke brokersnog wel in kunnen leggen. Imo niet meer via Binck, Rabo, ING, DeGiro en Lynx in ieder geval
  13. forum rang 4 shaai 7 mei 2020 15:00
    op de NL Lehman www.lehmanbrotherstreasury.com/genera...
    is ondertussen al weer 3x op de subsitution notes uitgekeerd, ca 0,25% 0,2% en 0.0473%.

    dan lijkt vooralsnog die final distribution van 2,2% niet zo heel slecht, maar op de substitution notes zal ooit nog wel iets meer volgen als alle reserveringen voor juridische uitspraken ooit vrijvallen. leuke klus voor de curatoren en advocaten zo...
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Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 26 september

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de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht