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  1. WSchut 15 november 2016 14:07
    ~ Company Structure Simplified; Manufacturing to be Consolidated into Lexington, MA
    ~ Preparation Underway for Late-Stage Development in Hemophilia B

    ~ Cost Savings Expected to Extend Cash Resources into 2019

    ~ Company to Host Investor Conference Call Today at 8:30 a.m. ET

    LEXINGTON, Mass. and AMSTERDAM, the Netherlands, Nov. 15, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- uniQure N.V. (NASDAQ:QURE), a leader in human gene therapy, today announced the completion of a company-wide strategic review aimed at refocusing its pipeline, consolidating its manufacturing and enhancing overall execution to drive shareholder value. As a result of this initiative, the Company will prioritize programs in hemophilia B, Huntington’s disease and those associated with its landmark collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squib (BMS) in cardiovascular disease. Additionally, the Company will restructure its research and development organization in the Netherlands and consolidate manufacturing in the United States. These actions are expected to reduce operating expenses and create a more efficient company focused on the successful and timely development of gene therapies for patients with serious unmet medical needs.

    As part of its effort to focus resources on key priorities, uniQure has initiated discussions with its collaborator regarding the potential discontinuation of licensing discussions for AMT-110 for the treatment of Sanfilippo B, and will pursue partnering opportunities for its academic-sponsored program in Parkinson’s disease.

    uniQure expects to realize €5 to €6 million of annualized cost savings in personnel and other related operating expenses as a result of the elimination of approximately 50 to 60 positions, or 20% to 25% of global headcount, by the end of 2017. Additionally, the Company expects to further reduce planned operating expenses by €11 to €15 million over the next two years through the focusing of its pipeline. Based on its strong cash position and the above actions, uniQure believes its existing cash resources will be sufficient to fund operations into 2019.

    “The strategic restructuring brings enhanced focus to our pipeline, streamlines operations and improves our financial strength,” stated Matthew Kapusta, interim chief executive officer of uniQure. “We are committed to the timely development of our programs in hemophilia B and Huntington’s disease, as well as the support of our collaboration with BMS. Along with our investigators and collaboration partner, we are enthusiastic about the interim data from our ongoing Phase I/II study of AMT-060 in hemophilia B and will allocate necessary resources to expedite bringing AMT-060 to market, with commercial manufacturing capabilities in our state-of-the-art U.S. facility which is already in place.”

    “We are confident that these efforts will significantly streamline operations and position us well for the future,” Mr. Kapusta added. “We are grateful for the contributions that the employees affected by this outcome have made to uniQure, and we will be supporting them throughout this transition.”

    Key Outcomes of the Strategic Review

    Pipeline Prioritization

    uniQure has decided to prioritize the following programs within its gene therapy pipeline:

    Pursue as top priorities the clinical development of its product candidates in hemophilia B and Huntington’s disease. The Company intends to initiate a pivotal trial in hemophilia B pending discussions with regulatory authorities and to file an investigational new drug (IND) application for Huntington’s disease following the completion of ongoing IND-enabling studies.
    Provide greater focus on new product generation, with an emphasis on liver-directed diseases. This includes the internal development or in-license of new product candidates in rare and orphan diseases that can leverage the Company’s next-generation vector and promoter platform and manufacturing capabilities.
    Advance uniQure’s collaboration with BMS in cardiovascular diseases as a top research priority, specifically focused on the advancement of S100A1 in congestive heart failure.
    Evaluate options for its gene therapy programs targeting Sanfilippo B and Parkinson’s disease, including partnering opportunities. Two of the four patients in the ongoing Phase I/II clinical trial in Sanfilippo B have completed their 30-month evaluations, and the 30-month data on all four patients in the study are expected to be available for presentation in the first quarter of 2017. Regarding the academic-sponsored trial in Parkinson’s disease, uniQure will evaluate partnership opportunities to accelerate completion of the ongoing study and further develop the program.
    Consolidate Global Manufacturing

    uniQure will consolidate all GMP manufacturing at its Lexington, MA facility. The Lexington facility is fully operational and has the capability of scaling up to 2,000L capacity, which uniquely positions the Company for late-stage development and commercialization of its gene therapy products.
    The Company will maintain a smaller, but fully integrated research and development organization in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The team is expected to move into a new facility in the first half of 2017.
    Streamline Research and Development

    The previous organizational structure based on therapeutic areas of focus is being eliminated. As a result of this change, Deya Corzo, M.D., senior vice president of the liver and metabolic therapeutic area, and Charles Richard, M.D., Ph.D., senior vice president of the central nervous system therapeutic area are transitioning their responsibilities and will be leaving the Company by the end of the year.
    Christian Meyer, M.D., Ph.D., chief medical officer, will assume full responsibility for advancing the company’s hemophilia B gene therapy program.
    Harald Petry, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, will continue to lead uniQure’s preclinical research, including IND-enabling studies in Huntington’s disease.
    “We have simplified the structure of the Company to drive focus and provide for a strong foundation upon which to execute our key priorities,” stated Philip Astley-Sparke, chairman of the uniQure Board of Directors. “Further details on how we expect to position our hemophilia program will be provided after we have met with regulatory authorities early next year to discuss our plans for a pivotal study. We will further direct capital into programs that we believe will create near-term value, as well as continue to leverage our core assets, including next-generation vector development and best-in-class manufacturing capabilities.”

    Conference Call Information

    uniQure will host a conference call today, November 15, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. ET to discuss this announcement. To access the live call by phone, dial (877) 280-2296 (United States) or +44 (0)20 3427 1917 (international); the conference ID is 4243017. The call may also be accessed through the Investors section of the Company’s website at www.uniQure.com. Following the live webcast, a replay of the call will be available at the same location through November 30, 2016.
  2. pommeraie 15 november 2016 14:09

    Prof. Dollar schreef op 28 september 2016 23:15:

    De uitspraak '[..] we currently have two manufacturing facilities' van Kapusta geeft een mogelijke hint. Mijn verwachting is daarom dat ze de productiefaciliteit in Amsterdam sluiten. Evenals breedte onderzoek want dat kunnen ze uitbesteden aan universiteiten en partners.

    Dus research in academia, development in Nederland en manufacturing, distributie en commercie in de VS.

    Verder strakke focus op het productieplatform (kennis en ontwerp van proces en toediening), vectorplatform (kennis en kunde van vector, promotor, capsid) en portfolio (kennis en ervaring van targets).
    Nou Prof je full hit !! Het communicatie-kwartet heeft´t er maar druk mee...:

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Biotechnologiebedrijf UniQure schrapt tientallen banen in Nederland. Dat maakte het voormalige Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics (AMT) dinsdag bekend.

    UniQure, dat een notering heeft aan de aandelenbeurs in New York, verhuist zijn productie grotendeels naar de Verenigde Staten. Bij die reorganisatie verdwijnen in totaal vijftig à zestig banen, waarvan het merendeel in Nederland. Een woordvoerster van het bedrijf kon niet aangeven hoeveel banen er exact in Nederland verdwijnen.
    UniQure legt zich in Nederland voortaan toe op onderzoek en ontwikkeling. De werkgelegenheid op dat vlak wordt door de reorganisatie niet geraakt. UniQure biedt momenteel werk aan 175 medewerkers in Amsterdam en 70 in Lexington, in de Amerikaanse staat Massachusetts.
  3. ch@rter 15 november 2016 15:01
    Investeerders zien altijd graag bezuinigingen, mits de focus naar de toekomst wijst en productie/ontwikkeling niet in het gedrang komt. Cashflow tot 2019, prima. Ook de amerikanen zullen sneller intresse tonen wanneer zij meer veramerikaniseren.
  4. QLVT 15 november 2016 22:32
    Toch eigenlijk goed nieuws,we wisten + 3 jaar geleden al dat ze 10.000 vierkante meter in amerika gingen bouwen,nu is het zover ,hier mensen eruit daar weer uitbouwen.Nu maar hopen dat vanaf morgen het aandeel in amerika weer gaat stijgen naar ouwerwetse hoogten van 2 de paasdag 2015....................
  5. forum rang 10 rationeel 15 november 2016 22:38
    Met een GROTER dan gemiddeld volume een rode candle. Steun 7,50 Weerstand 8,10 Sk 7,75
    Het aandeel is uit de overbought situatie. Staat nog in de up trend.
  6. ch@rter 15 november 2016 23:18

    cqtvld schreef op 15 november 2016 22:32:

    Toch eigenlijk goed nieuws,we wisten + 3 jaar geleden al dat ze 10.000 vierkante meter in amerika gingen bouwen,nu is het zover ,hier mensen eruit daar weer uitbouwen.Nu maar hopen dat vanaf morgen het aandeel in amerika weer gaat stijgen naar ouwerwetse hoogten van 2 de paasdag 2015....................
    Vind ik ook
    Toch reageert de uniqure koers zeer ouderwetsch
    (Vroeger gingen beleggers zich zorgen maken bij besparingen, tegenwoordig kickt elke belegger daarop en gaat de koers 10 van de 10 keer omhoog.

    Dit is uniqure .. i know.
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 november 2016 23:49

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 5 december 2012 15:03:

    Wil ik deze aandelen (UniQure) hebben.....????
    Nee, natuurlijk niet, ik zit in Galapagos.
    Leuk om dit soort berichten terug te zien.....
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 november 2016 23:52

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 30 november 2012 14:19:

    Kasstroom ontwikkelen...???
    Je bent zeker een grapjas.
    Dit bedrijf zal nog vele, vele jaren geen positieve kasstroom hebben en zeer waarschijnlijk binnenkort weer nieuw geld nodig hebben.
    Ben benieuwd of je dan nog zo blij bent, als je geld bij moet storten of als je bezit weer fors verwaterd.

    Als je wil weten hoe het afloopt; zie Pharming.
    4 jaar later.......
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 15 november 2016 23:55

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 19 december 2012 09:31:

    Ik kan alle bezitters van UniQure van harte aanbevelen om hun aandeeltjes te verkopen en om te wisselen in Galapagos (die heb ik net bijgekocht).

    Deze ruil levert veel geld en veel minder ergernis op in de nabije en verre toekomst.

    Kijk eens hoe lang het geduurd heeft bij winnaar Crucell voordat er enige winst gemaakt werd, dat zal bij UniQure nog veel langer duren (als ze niet voortijdig failliet gaan).
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 november 2016 00:01

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 19 december 2012 10:24:

    [...]Galapagos kans op succes: 90%

    UniQure kans op succes: 5%
    En met succes bedoel ik winst.
    Geen gekke voorspelling voor iemand die geen verstand heeft van biotech.....
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 november 2016 06:32

    Fartknock schreef op 16 november 2016 05:27:

    Grote jongen. Succes verder op het Galapagos forum.
    Ik zit op het MDxHealth-forum; dit aandeel biedt zeer grote (overname)kansen bij een beperkt risico en dat kom je zelden tegen in de bio-tech.
  12. ch@rter 16 november 2016 22:24
    Hey .. de zwarte riddert one mens show .. altijd grappig.

    Enfin de trumppump is weer voorbij zag ik, ploff terug naar de 7, kortom het geduld wordt weer aardig op de proef gesteld. Ik had mijzelf nog voorgenomen op 1/3e er boven de 8.20 uit te knikkeren .. hebberigheid kent geen tijd.
  13. forum rang 10 rationeel 16 november 2016 22:55
    Met GROOT volume een rode candle. Steun 6,75 Weerstand 7,48 Sk 7,02
    Aandeel is weer in de down trend.
  14. T. Montana 17 november 2016 11:49
    Chardan Capital reissued their buy rating on shares of uniQure NV (NASDAQ:QURE) in a report released on Tuesday. The brokerage currently has a $12.00 price target on the stock.
    Zelfs de "buys" doen pijn ...
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 17 november 2016 13:07

    T. Montana schreef op 17 november 2016 11:49:

    Chardan Capital reissued their buy rating on shares of uniQure NV (NASDAQ:QURE) in a report released on Tuesday. The brokerage currently has a $12.00 price target on the stock.
    Zelfs de "buys" doen pijn ...
    Jullie kunnen beter omruilen naar MDxHealth, dan heb je tenminste nog een kans om je verliezen ooit terug te verdienen.....
  16. ch@rter 17 november 2016 15:03

    T. Montana schreef op 17 november 2016 11:49:

    Chardan Capital reissued their buy rating on shares of uniQure NV (NASDAQ:QURE) in a report released on Tuesday. The brokerage currently has a $12.00 price target on the stock.
    Zelfs de "buys" doen pijn ...
    de 1 zegt 36$ de ander 12$ en alles wat daar tussen ligt .. voorlopig heeft niemand het bij het rechte eind.
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