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woensdag 29 mei 2013

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  1. forum rang 6 €d_Modus Vivendi 29 mei 2013 20:29
    A Federal Reserve official who has strongly supported the central bank's bond-buying stimulus efforts is willing to see the purchases pared soon if the economy continues to recover at its current pace.
    "It may be undesirable to abruptly stop purchases, so it may make sense to consider a modest reduction in the pace of asset purchases if we see a few months more of gradual improvement in labor markets and improvement in the overall growth rate in the economy," Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren said in a speech Wednesday.
    The official noted that he expects the recovery to continue, which suggests Mr. Rosengren, who is also a voting member of the monetary policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee, is joining with other key officials in the expectation the Fed is nearing the day when it can dial down its purchases of Treasury and mortgage bond debt.
    Mr. Rosengren spoke in the wake of testimony last week by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, who also signaled a willingness to reduce the pace of what are now $85 billion in monthly bond purchases. While a number of Fed officials have been hinted that they are gravitating to the view the Fed can soon begin to do less to aid the economy, Mr. Bernanke's words hit financial markets hard, driving down bond prices and driving up yields, as investors brace for a reduction in the level of central bank stimulus. The Fed's bond-buying stimulus has aimed to keep yields low to help stimulate growth.
    Fed officials who have spoken on the matter generally support slowing bond purchases as a prelude to stopping them outright. A number of officials, like New York Fed President William Dudley, have said the central bank could easily increase the asset buying again if the economy warranted that action.
    Mr. Rosengren's comments on Wednesday--they came from a speech before the Economic Club of Minnesota--saw the central banker in broad alignment with key Fed decision makers. He said it would be "premature" to end the Treasury and mortgage bond purchases now, and added "significant accommodation remains appropriate at this time."
    "I believe the Fed should continue the purchase program until we see more sustained improvement in labor markets and have greater confidence that the economic recovery is sufficiently self-sustaining to yield continued progress in reducing the still very high unemployment rate," Mr. Rosengren said.
    As the Fed moves forward with shifts in its bond-buying stimulus, "adjustments could be down or up," the official said. "If the incoming economic data do not reflect improvements consistent with both elements of our dual mandate, I believe the Fed should be willing to increase asset purchases," Mr. Rosengren said. The Fed is legally charged with keeping a lid on inflation, while promoting maximum sustainable job growth.
    The central bank official said that the case for pressing forward with stimulus continues to be strong, and that the costs of the program don't outweigh the benefits. He said he doesn't see signs that the purchases are disrupting markets or causing imbalances or bubbles in markets.
    Mr. Rosengren said there's evidence of "strengthening labor markets" and that he expects what is currently a 7.5% unemployment rate to ebb to 7.25% or a hair lower by year's end. That said, "the unemployment rate remains well above what can be considered full employment, and the inflation rate remains well below target," the central banker observed.
    The official also noted that there's some uncertainty in the ultimate size of the Fed's balance sheet now given that it's hard to say what the future pace of Fed bond-buying will be.
  2. [verwijderd] 29 mei 2013 22:41

    johjoh schreef op 29 mei 2013 19:42:

    Ik vrees gezien het koersverloop in de us dat je die order wel op je buik kan schrijven
    Denk je? Als ik de aex future zo zie verwacht ik morgen toch weer een groene dag en daar zal ing ook van profiteren.
    We zien het morgen wel.
    Welterusten, morgen vroeg op.
  3. [verwijderd] 30 mei 2013 12:53
    Wow, ben ik ff blij dat ik mijn verkooporder vanochtend nog heb geroyeerd, dacht het wordt toch niks gezien de stand van de futs en japan.
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