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Pharming Group NL0010391025

Laatste koers (eur)

  • Verschill

    +0,022 +2,45%
  • Volume

    2.763.190 Gem. (3M) 6,7M
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Grafische analyse

97 Posts
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  1. [verwijderd] 30 maart 2017 18:38
    En hij blijft maar beweren dat: " Our main shareholder, a hedge fund called Hudson Bay Capital (https://hudsonbaycapital.com) still owns 28.80% of the capital"

    Onzin dus.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 30 maart 2017 18:47
    Beur en anderen, de enige reden die ik kan bedenken, dat deze bedenkelijke draad nog open staat is het feit dat er veel kijkers zijn. Leuk voor de IEX, maar discutabel. Laat de IEX maar een beslissing nemen, maar het is wel krom beleid, mijns inziens?

    Ben je het daar mee eens, Beur?
  3. [verwijderd] 30 maart 2017 19:12

    voda schreef op 30 maart 2017 18:47:

    Beur en anderen, de enige reden die ik kan bedenken, dat deze bedenkelijke draad nog open staat is het feit dat er veel kijkers zijn. Leuk voor de IEX, maar discutabel. Laat de IEX maar een beslissing nemen, maar het is wel krom beleid, mijns inziens?

    Ben je het daar mee eens, Beur?
    Nou, deze draad heeft ook weer niet zoveel kijkers: kijk maar naar het Pharming 2 euro BB-draadje. Dat heeft met minder postings bijna 2x zoveel kijkers.
    Maar het beleid van IEX is ook mij onduidelijk aangezien deze man steeds maar blijft vragen naar een in principe concurrerend Pharming-forum te komen.
  4. [verwijderd] 3 april 2017 17:50

    First day of insignificant stock market quotation for pharming group, insignificant because in recent days the volume is anemic. I put the new benchmarks for the week and the month below. We notice that the MM7 weekly dropped to 0.30 and when we iron it on a Friday, the rise will start again. We see big movements on bios in recent weeks, as in 2014, patience to us our turn will arrive.
    I let you read the post of Gilles with the interview of Mr De Vries by Kreos, more and more present in the media.
    Also in the conference call, nicely decrypted by Amitai, Mr De Vries does not answer questions about the FDA, secret defense it seems!
    Do not hesitate to bet on the forum on the board of Q1, we have created a small post. The publication of the first quarter's turnover in May will certainly launch the catch-up of our stock because the figure we do annually, we will do it quarterly. We also expect a return from the FDA this year which I think will come by surprise. All analysts see Pharming Group between 0.66 € and 1.30 € (PDF at the top of the forum) so it's for when catching up, I averaged the estimates and we are at 0.91 €.

    Here is the graphical analysis over several time horizons:

    SHORT-TERM ANALYSIS (daily chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few days to a few weeks, only the closing at the end of the day counts)

    To start here is the graph: www.actionnaires-pharming-group.sitew...
    We are still in a channel with as low point 0.281 and as high point 0.326. We call it trading range, lateralization and for even better understanding, look at the video of Tradosaure tradosaure-trading.blogspot.fr/2015/0... .html:
    It is confirmed our triangle is broken, fortunately without volume so the consequences will not be enormous. Normally we should drop as a result of this break, but the support of the range at 0.281 and the low volumes let me say that the drop will not go very far. A break of 0.281 would do some damage, but the medium and long term support would be there.
    We are still at the top of the MM7 at 0.289, now it is going up, we tested it today and it held the shock and we ended up hair stack on it as last Friday. The fact that it rises is good news because soon it will cross the MM20 and finally we will leave this zone. Good news, we are returning the tenkan enclosure. We are still under the cloud ichimoku so the short term is bearish, we will be bullish when we will be above the cloud at 0.317 then the MM20 at 0.296.
    When we close above 0.326 (better closing in recent months) prices will quickly go towards the 0.366 (the highest of these last months out of closing).

    MEDIUM-TERM ANALYSIS (weekly chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few weeks to a few months, only the close of Friday counts)

    To begin, here is the graph: www.actionnaires-pharming-group.sitew...
    To know if we are bullish on the medium term, there is a first method that is to look or is the MM30, it is 0.252 this week we are above so we are bullish on the medium term. Watch the video of Tradosaure on Pharming Group:
    To know also if we are bullish on the medium term, we must look at the cloud ichimoku, when we are above it means that we are bullish, look at the rebound on the last two weeks it is at 0.277 so we are bullish With regard to ichimoku over the medium term. We have two small resistors above our heads, the MM7 at 0.30 and the Tenkan at 0.303.

    LONG-TERM ANALYSIS (monthly chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few months to a few years, only the closing of the last day of the month counts)

    We are at the dawn of a large-scale movement over several months, to understand my post:

    On the stock market an action does not rise in a straight line, it rises strongly as shown in the graph below, we have gone from 0.15 in June 2016 to 0.366 in January 2017 and since the action consolidates and we see graphically with the ratios Of fibonacci: www.noelshack.com/2017-13-1490976347-...
    When we return to a landing at the end of the month, she will leave on the next landing.

    We have gone very bullish on the monthly since March 1st because we recently passed over the MM7 and MM20 and better yet, they crossed the first of March. An explosion will come soon but when, impossible to know. We are bullish as long as the MM7 at 0.265 and the MM20 at 0.249 will be below us. To show the power of long-term supports, look at what stopped the fall in recent weeks, it's tenkan at 0.284 and kijun at 0.277.
    In view of ichimoku we are bearish because we are below the cloud, when we will close at the end of me above 0.43, we will return to the cloud and the trend will become neutral. And at that time a battle will take place between 0.43 and 1.37 (top of the cloud). So watch out for the next upward leg, in case of 0.43 passing prices will go towards 1.29 in a few months.

    VERY LONG-TERM ANALYSIS (annual chart corresponding to the objectives of several years, only the closing of 31/12)

    We are at the dawn of a large-scale movement over several years, to understand read the post called:

    We are under the MM7 for many years and incredible the annual MM7 is at 0.34 so within reach of hands. If we close above on 31/12 we will target the annual tenkan at 4.40 in the following years.

    You can find the graphs here:

    To summarize, we are at the dawn of a movement of great magnitude that will last several months to several years, for it will be necessary to break the just resistances above our heads.
    The short term is still bearish, there is no volume and the pharming round for a recovery of the rise has not yet come.



    - Our main shareholder, a hedge fund called Hudson Bay Capital (https://hudsonbaycapital.com) still owns 28.80% of the capital
    - a rare cross MM7 and MM20 took place on 01 March 2017 which will lead to an increase of several months to a few years
    - the annual MM7 is at 0.34 and in case of closure above at 31/12, increase of several years
    - We should have in the year an FDA News that is in discussion with Pharming for HAE and prophylaxis.
    - Clinical trials for the auto-injection of ruconest will take place
    - Analysts' opinions are above the forum, they range from 0.66 € to 1.40 €
    - In the third quarter, we will have the results of clinical tests of ruconest on children
    - Mr De Vries said several times in the annual report that he was looking for partners for other Fabry diseases, Pompe, Hemophilia ....

    Finally I say that I own 500,000 shares, that I do not give advice of purchase or sale and that my AT is purely informative (sorry for this small sentence which serves to protect me against the evil spirits)

    Cucugno (David)
  5. [verwijderd] 3 april 2017 22:14
    Uit het Financieel Dagblad

    Laat je niet foppen

    Elke ochtend biedt televisiezender Net5 het interactieve AstroTV. De presentatrices van deze show ontvangen een bonte stoet van mediums, astrologen, tarotisten, readers, droomduiders en paragnosten. Voor €0,90 per minuut kunnen kijkers ze telefonisch consulteren voor bijvoorbeeld een toekomstvoorspelling, een zakelijk of liefdesadvies, een horoscoop of contact met overleden
    dierbaren. Van de ruim tachtig medewerkers van AstroTV is slechts een handvol man. Zouden dus vooral vrouwen een zesde zintuig hebben? Nee hoor. Niets is minder waar.
    Ook mannen zijn dol op vooruitkijken, alleen niet op emotioneel terrein. Liever voorspellen ze voelbaluitslagen. En nóg liever: aandelenkoersen. Sommige mannen, zoals technisch analisten (TA’s), verdienen met profeteren zelfs hun brood. Een TA voorspelt effectenkoersen op basis van het verleden. Geef hem een lijngrafiek en hij gaat steun­ en weerstandslijnen trekken, net zoals een astroloog hemellichamen met elkaar verbindt om je levensloop te kunnen bepalen. Vanaf een
    steunlijn kan de waarde van een effect volgens de TA omhoog stuiteren, en vanaf een weerstandslijn juist terugkaatsen naar omlaag. Tenzij er sprake is van een ‘uitbraak’. In dat geval schiet de koers door een steun of weerstand heen, wat suggereert dat deze trefzeker een bepaalde richting kiest.
    Door te knutselen met grafische waarden, bereikt een TA het scherpschutterseffect. Deze gruwel van statistici is genoemd naar de denkbeeldige man die altijd raak schiet. Hij vuurt namelijk op een groot vel blanco papier. Pas nadat de kogel is ingeslagen, tekent hij het doel rondom het schot. Ook een TA fabriceert patronen uit bestaande informatie, net zoals een kind een monster kan herkennen in een wolkenpatroon. Die gedachtenspinsels kun je eenvoudig ontmaskeren als onzinnig. Zet de waarden in een TA­grafiek om in een
    andere valuta, toon een langere termijn of juist een kortere periode. En het gesuggereerde toekomstige koersverloop zal niet zelden wijzigen of niet meer
    gelden. Het is maar hoe je iets bekijkt.

    Technische analyse is herhaaldelijk door wetenschappers als onzin afgedaan (zie kader*). Toch blijft een flinke groep beleggers er hardnekkig in
    geloven. Dat zit hem in ons brein. Onze hersenen zijn gemaakt voor nformatievergaring, het combineren van gegevens en deze verwerken tot conclusies. Dat kan goed gaan, maar je kunt er ook flink naast zitten. Stel een medewerker van reisorganisator A behandelt je onaardig. Een dag later ligt ook de internetsite van A eruit. Je oordeelt: A is een slecht bedrijf. Toch kunnen de twee gebeurtenissen toeval zijn.
    Anderzijds kun je ook door toeval onterecht concluderen dat iets wél goed is. Stel technisch analist X heeft vijftien jaar achtereen ‘de markt verslagen’. X. wordt uitgeroepen tot analist van de eeuw, en beleggers verdringen zich om hun geld volgens zijn adviezen te beleggen. Is X geniaal? Nou, niet qua beleggen, maar wel qua marketing. Want als duizend TA’s elk jaar een muntje zouden opgooien, is de kans dat een van hen vijftien jaar lang kop gooit, maar liefst 3% (1 op 33!). Het is dus juist verbazend dat maar weinig TA’s zo ‘goed’ zijn als X.
    Patroonherkenning kan levensreddend zijn als je als soldaat in de frontlinie vecht en snel moet beslissen. Maar het kan je de kop kosten als je lukraak in de patronen van anderen gelooft. Met open ogen tuin je dan in de opgepoetste grafieken van financiële aanbieders. Of je laat je foppen door beleggingsadviezen die onzinnig of schadelijk zijn. Wetenschappers hebben keer op keer aangetoond dat niemand koersen kan voorspellen. Je hebt meer aan enig statistisch en rekenkundig inzicht, een gezond wantrouwen, een goede spreiding van je beleggingsrisico’s en minimale beleggingskosten. Dat lijkt mij een passende waarschuwing op 1 april.

    *De waarde van technische analyse (TA) is de afgelopen decennia vele malen
    wetenschappelijk onderzocht. Een voorbeeld van zo’n wereldwijde studie is
    het in 2010 verschenen paper Technical Analysis Around the World van de
    Nieuw Zeelandse hoogleraren B. Marshall, R. Cahan en J. Cahan. Deze
    heren onderzochten ruim 5000 op TAgebaseerde beleggingsadviezen in de
    hele wereld. Ze concludeerden dat TA geen meerwaarde oplevert ten opzichte
    van willekeurig gegeven adviezen. Een vergelijkbare conclusie trok onderzoeker
    dr Dirk Gerritsen van de Universiteit van Utrecht vorig jaar op basis van 5000 op TA gebaseerde koop­ en verkoopaanbevelingen. Hij vond geen
    bewijs voor abnormale aandelenwinsten na de publicatie van deze aanbevelingen.
  6. [verwijderd] 4 april 2017 18:35

    A new insignificant day at volume level, except wait and watch other actions, not much to do. Small decrease today, due to the break of the triangle by the bottom (see my AT yesterday) but as I thought the supports underneath are too solid to be broken.
    When the volume returns, volatility will be present and will certainly correlate with the speculation of Q1 results already known to the pharming management.
    Do not forget what I've already told you, if pharming group makes 50 million as analysts predict, you'll never see the 0.30, pay attention in May ....
    For newcomers or even regulars, do not hesitate to read the PDF files at the top of the forum with various summaries.
    Do not hesitate to bet on the forum on the board of Q1, we have created a small post. The publication of the first quarter's turnover in May will certainly launch the catch-up of our stock because the figure we do annually, we will do it quarterly. We also expect a return from the FDA this year which I think will come by surprise. All analysts see Pharming Group between 0.66 € and 1.30 € (PDF at the top of the forum) so it's for when catching up, I averaged the estimates and we are at 0.91 €.

    Here is the graphical analysis over several time horizons:

    SHORT-TERM ANALYSIS (daily chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few days to a few weeks, only the closing at the end of the day counts)

    To start here is the graph: www.actionnaires-pharming-group.sitew...
    We are still in a channel with as low point 0.281 and as high point 0.326. We call it trading range, lateralization and for even better understanding, look at the video of Tradosaure tradosaure-trading.blogspot.fr/2015/0... .html:
    The triangle no longer exists and we have fallen today following this break without too much damage. We break nevertheless two supports the MM7 to 0.289 and the tenkan to 0.29, the latter will now resistances.
    We are still under the cloud ichimoku so the short term is bearish, we will be bullish when we will be above the cloud at 0.321 then the MM20 at 0.294.
    When we close above 0.326 (better closing in recent months) prices will quickly go towards the 0.366 (the highest of these last months out of closing).

    MEDIUM-TERM ANALYSIS (weekly chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few weeks to a few months, only the close of Friday counts)

    To begin, here is the graph: www.actionnaires-pharming-group.sitew...
    To know if we are bullish on the medium term, there is a first method that is to look or is the MM30, it is 0.252 this week we are above so we are bullish on the medium term. Watch the video of Tradosaure on Pharming Group:
    To know also if we are bullish on the medium term, we must look at the cloud ichimoku, when we are above it means that we are bullish, look at the rebound on the last two weeks it is at 0.277 so we are bullish With regard to ichimoku over the medium term. We have two small resistors above our heads, the MM7 at 0.30 and the Tenkan at 0.303.

    LONG-TERM ANALYSIS (monthly chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few months to a few years, only the closing of the last day of the month counts)

    We are at the dawn of a large-scale movement over several months, to understand my post:

    On the stock market an action does not rise in a straight line, it rises strongly as shown in the graph below, we have gone from 0.15 in June 2016 to 0.366 in January 2017 and since the action consolidates and we see graphically with the ratios Of fibonacci: www.noelshack.com/2017-13-1490976347-...
    When we return to a landing at the end of the month, she will leave on the next landing.

    We have gone very bullish on the monthly since March 1st because we recently passed over the MM7 and MM20 and better yet, they crossed the first of March. An explosion will come soon but when, impossible to know. We are bullish as long as the MM7 at 0.265 and the MM20 at 0.249 will be below us. To show the power of long-term supports, look at what stopped the fall in recent weeks, it's tenkan at 0.284 and kijun at 0.277.
    In view of ichimoku we are bearish because we are below the cloud, when we will close at the end of me above 0.43, we will return to the cloud and the trend will become neutral. And at that time a battle will take place between 0.43 and 1.37 (top of the cloud). So watch out for the next upward leg, in case of 0.43 passing prices will go towards 1.29 in a few months.

    VERY LONG-TERM ANALYSIS (annual chart corresponding to the objectives of several years, only the closing of 31/12)

    We are at the dawn of a large-scale movement over several years, to understand read the post called:

    We are under the MM7 for many years and incredible the annual MM7 is at 0.34 so within easy reach. If we close above on 31/12 we will target the annual tenkan at 4.40 in the following years.

    You can find the graphs here:

    To summarize, we are at the dawn of a movement of great magnitude that will last several months to several years, for it will be necessary to break the just resistances above our heads.
    The short term is still bearish, there is no volume and the pharming round for a recovery of the rise has not yet come.



    - Our main shareholder, a hedge fund called Hudson Bay Capital (https://hudsonbaycapital.com) still owns 28.80% of the capital
    - a rare cross MM7 and MM20 took place on 01 March 2017 which will lead to an increase of several months to a few years
    - the annual MM7 is at 0.34 and in case of closure above at 31/12, increase of several years
    - We should have in the year an FDA News that is in discussion with Pharming for HAE and prophylaxis.
    - Clinical trials for the auto-injection of ruconest will take place
    - Analysts' opinions are above the forum, they range from 0.66 € to 1.40 €
    - In the third quarter, we will have the results of clinical tests of ruconest on children
    - Mr De Vries said several times in the annual report that he was looking for partners for other Fabry diseases, Pompe, Hemophilia ....

    Finally I say that I own 500,000 shares, that I do not give advice of purchase or sale and that my AT is purely informative (sorry for this small sentence which serves to protect me against the evil spirits)

    Cucugno (David)
  7. [verwijderd] 6 april 2017 17:57

    Another quiet day of lateralization, we are accustomed and it is better like that because the traders do not make any return on it. Everyone is placed and at the slightest spark she will leave. We notice that the medium-term mediums will not be depressed, the proof at each drop they put it in the right way.
    More than 1 month and 10 days before the results of Q1, I have been a pharmacy shareholder since 2014 and I have never looked forward to the results, but this time it is different because it is the first CA without Valéant and Apart from the management of pharming, no one knows what this number will be. If it is really exceptional, a speculation will take place between May 01 and May 17 so waiting patience and who knows, an FDA news may fall before because at pharming it's secret defense this topic right now.
    When the volume returns, volatility will be present and will certainly correlate with the speculation of Q1 results already known to the pharming management.
    Do not forget what I've already told you, if pharming group makes 50 million as analysts predict, you'll never see the 0.30, pay attention in May ....
    For newcomers or even regulars, do not hesitate to read the PDF files at the top of the forum with various summaries.
    Do not hesitate to bet on the forum on the board of Q1, we have created a small post. The publication of the first quarter's turnover in May will certainly launch the catch-up of our stock because the figure we do annually, we will do it quarterly. We also expect a return from the FDA this year which I think will come by surprise. All analysts see Pharming Group between 0.66 € and 1.30 € (PDF at the top of the forum) so it's for when catching up, I averaged the estimates and we are at 0.91 €.

    Here is the graphical analysis over several time horizons:

    SHORT-TERM ANALYSIS (daily chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few days to a few weeks, only the closing at the end of the day counts)

    To start here is the graph: www.actionnaires-pharming-group.sitew...
    We are still in a channel with as low point 0.281 and as high point 0.326. We call it trading range, lateralization and for even better understanding, look at the video of Tradosaure tradosaure-trading.blogspot.fr/2015/0... .html:
    Always the MM7 at 0.289 and the tenkan at 0.29 which block us, these are since their breaks resistance and today it is the latter who stopped the rise.
    Small novelty, in 2-3 days the MM7 will cross the MM20 and a small rebound will take place, for that it is necessary to iron the MM7.
    We are still under the cloud ichimoku so the short term is bearish, we will be bullish when we will be above the cloud at 0.311 then the MM20 at 0.292.
    When we close above 0.326 (better closing in recent months) prices will quickly go towards the 0.366 (the highest of these last months out of closing).

    MEDIUM-TERM ANALYSIS (weekly chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few weeks to a few months, only the close of Friday counts)

    To begin, here is the graph: www.actionnaires-pharming-group.sitew...
    To know if we are bullish on the medium term, there is a first method that is to look or is the MM30, it is 0.252 this week we are above so we are bullish on the medium term. Watch the video of Tradosaure on Pharming Group:
    To know also if we are bullish on the medium term, we must look at the cloud ichimoku, when we are above it means that we are bullish, look at the rebound on the last two weeks it is at 0.277 so we are bullish With regard to ichimoku over the medium term. We have two small resistors above our heads, the MM7 at 0.30 and the Tenkan at 0.303.

    LONG-TERM ANALYSIS (monthly chart corresponding to objectives ranging from a few months to a few years, only the closing of the last day of the month counts)

    We are at the dawn of a large-scale movement over several months, to understand my post:

    On the stock market an action does not rise in a straight line, it rises strongly as shown in the graph below, we have gone from 0.15 in June 2016 to 0.366 in January 2017 and since the action consolidates and we see graphically with the ratios Of fibonacci: www.noelshack.com/2017-13-1490976347-...
    When we return to a landing at the end of the month, she will leave on the next landing.

    We have gone very bullish on the monthly since March 1st because we recently passed over the MM7 and MM20 and better yet, they crossed the first of March. An explosion will come soon but when, impossible to know. We are bullish as long as the MM7 at 0.265 and the MM20 at 0.249 will be below us. To show the power of long-term supports, look at what stopped the fall in recent weeks, it's tenkan at 0.284 and kijun at 0.277.
    In view of ichimoku we are bearish because we are below the cloud, when we will close at the end of me above 0.43, we will return to the cloud and the trend will become neutral. And at that time a battle will take place between 0.43 and 1.37 (top of the cloud). So watch out for the next upward leg, in case of 0.43 passing prices will go towards 1.29 in a few months.

    VERY LONG-TERM ANALYSIS (annual chart corresponding to the objectives of several years, only the closing of 31/12)

    We are at the dawn of a large-scale movement over several years, to understand read the post called:

    We are under the MM7 for many years and incredible the annual MM7 is at 0.34 so within reach of hands. If we close above on 31/12 we will target the annual tenkan at 4.40 in the following years.

    You can find the graphs here:

    To summarize, we are at the dawn of a movement of great magnitude that will last several months to several years, for it will be necessary to break the just resistances above our heads.
    The short term is still bearish, there is no volume and the pharming round for a recovery of the rise has not yet come.



    - Our main shareholder, a hedge fund called Hudson Bay Capital (https://hudsonbaycapital.com) still owns 28.80% of the capital
    - a rare cross MM7 and MM20 took place on 01 March 2017 which will lead to an increase of several months to a few years
    - the annual MM7 is at 0.34 and in case of closure above at 31/12, increase of several years
    - We should have in the year an FDA News that is in discussion with Pharming for HAE and prophylaxis.
    - Clinical trials for the auto-injection of ruconest will take place
    - Analysts' opinions are above the forum, they range from 0.66 € to 1.40 €
    - In the third quarter, we will have the results of clinical tests of ruconest on children
    - Mr De Vries said several times in the annual report that he was looking for partners for other Fabry diseases, Pompe, Hemophilia ....

    Finally I say that I own 500,000 shares, that I do not give advice of purchase or sale and that my AT is purely informative (sorry for this small sentence which serves to protect me against the evil spirits)

    Cucugno (David)
  8. [verwijderd] 9 mei 2017 10:05

    cucugno schreef op 26 april 2017 19:33:

    [Modbreak IEX: Gelieve niet voortdurend links te plaatsen zonder enige eigen toegevoegde waarde.]
    Ik mis Cucugno wel hier. Zeker zijn verhaal erbij. Las het 's avonds geregeld.
  9. $rob$ 9 mei 2017 13:12

    marlanki schreef op 9 mei 2017 10:05:

    Ik mis Cucugno wel hier. Zeker zijn verhaal erbij. Las het 's avonds geregeld.
    Ik wist niet dat je zoveel van sprookjes hield.....?
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