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Flow Traders BMG3602E1084

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  1. forum rang 4 Cato de jongere 8 maart 2023 09:30
    De MOVE Index is inmiddels nog harder gestegen naar 133. Dat is het hoogste punt dit jaar.

    Het komt hiermee in de buurt van de waardes van Q4 en staat al hoger dan Q3 gemiddeld.
  2. forum rang 4 Cato de jongere 14 maart 2023 14:44
    Onderstaande reactie heb ik ontvangen n.a.v. mijn vraag over de status van het aandeleninkoop programma:

    "Thank you for your email and apologies for responding in English.

    I am not sure why there is ‘wild speculation’ about our share buyback programme on the IEX forum. We have paused previous share buybacks as a matter of routine. Indeed, in the original announcement regarding the share buyback made on 27 October 2023, we stated that the share buyback purchase would take place over a maximum period of 12 months. As before, the decision as to when any repurchases are made is, of course, at the discretion of the company and considered in light of our overall capital allocation framework.

    I can confirm that the new corporate holding structure has no impact on the share buyback programme. You will note that share repurchases were conducted after the closing of the holding structure process on 13 January 2023 until just prior to publication of our Q4 results."
  3. boxer2 14 maart 2023 15:07
    [quote alias=Cato de jongere id=14703867 date=202303141444]
    Onderstaande reactie heb ik ontvangen n.a.v. mijn vraag over de status van het aandeleninkoop programma:

    Nogmaals dank, Dit stelt me weer gerust,

    groet, Boxer
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