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  1. forum rang 10 voda 28 maart 2017 17:09
    Hebei Province found fudging steel capacity cuts as new probe ordered by Beijing

    Last January, the hub of China's steel production, the northern province of Hebei, had announced that it would cut output to ease pollution and help curb oversupply. Hebei Governor Zhang had told local lawmakers that it planned to reduce steel output by 8 million tonnes in 2016. More than one year later, it appears that Governor Zhang lied about Hebei's intentions, and according to a provincial notice by the Chinese province, it has emerged that China's compliance with its own mandatory production cuts has been problematic.

    According to Reuters, the same Hebei province has launched a probe into steel overproduction in the city of Tangshan amid concerns that firms have continued to raise output despite mandatory capacity cuts. Hebei province government has been ordered by China's central government on March 25 to investigate firms in Tangshan that have restricted but not cut production, restricted production but not actually cut emissions and cut capacity but actually increased output

    The document was issued by a special provincial policy team responsible for restructuring the steel industry. It said Hebei has already established an inspection team and Tangshan must begin its own investigations immediately.

    Cited by Reuters, an industry source based in Tangshan confirmed the veracity of the document, but said it was unclear whether the new round of inspections would have any immediate impact on production or prices.

    Tangshan produces around 90 million tonnes of steel a year, more than the whole of the United States.

    Environmental group Greenpeace said in February that China's active steel capacity actually rose by 35 million tonnes in 2016 after the high-profile closure program focused mainly on shutting plants that had already been idled. Lauri Myllyvirta, senior global campaigner at Greenpeace East Asia said that "The steel industry's capacity reduction targets need to be upgraded to reductions in actual production - only then will we see real improvements in air quality.”

    Source : Zero Hedge
  2. forum rang 10 voda 28 maart 2017 17:13
    JSW Steel proposes to set up 10 million tonne steel plant in Odisha

    Express News Service reported that in a significant development, JSW Steel has expressed its intent to set up a mega steel project of 10 million tonne capacity in Jagasingpur district. The company has proposed to set up a integrated steel project with a captive power plant of 900 MW capacity with an investment of INR 50,000 crore.

    As per report, the state level single window clearance authority recommended two projects proposal of JSW Group, including the steel project to the high-level clearance authority (HLCA) headed by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.

    An industrial infrastructure investment proposal of INR 3,700 crore by JSW Infrastructure, another subsidiary of JSW Group, was also referred to the HLCA. While the steel project has employment potential for 30,000 people, the infrastructure project proposed to create employment opportunities for 350 people.

    The investment proposal assumes significance in the back drop of Korean steel major Posco backing out of its steel project in the district. Posco-India which has handed over about 1,700 acres of land near Paradip in Jagatsingpur district has recently requested the state government to take back the land.

    Source : Indian Express
  3. forum rang 10 voda 28 maart 2017 17:15
    Capping iron ore prices will be fatal for industry

    Amid talks of capping iron ore prices, miners' body FIMI has warned that any such move by the government could prove fatal for the industry at a time when there are signs of turnaround.

    India's iron ore output is projected to grow to about 170 million tonnes this fiscal despite ban and has surged 27% to 154.48 million tonnes during April to January as against 122 million tonnes in the same period of 2015-16.

    Secretary General, Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI), Mr RK Sharma told that "If at all the government has to put a price cap, it should cap steel prices which impact millions of consumers through downstream industries instead of iron ore for which there are limited buyers a few steel companies.”

    Source : DNA India
  4. forum rang 10 voda 28 maart 2017 22:02
    Sjoerd den Daas • Economie & Politiek

    Staalcrisis China: inspecteurs moeten controleren of fabrieken wel écht sluiten
    Ondanks verwoede pogingen van de Chinese overheid om de overcapaciteit in de industrie terug te dringen blijkt het makkelijker om fabrieken open te houden, dan ze te sluiten. In Hebei probeert men daar nu een stokje voor te steken. Er zijn inspectieteams onderweg naar Tangshan, China’s ‘staalhoofdstad’, die moeten controleren of de fabrieksdeuren echt dicht blijven.

    Afgelopen jaar lanceerde het Chinese ministerie van Industrie en Informatietechnologie een omvangrijk plan. Kansrijke fabrieken zouden in aanmerking komen voor opwaardering, minder kansrijke - vervuilende, verlieslatende of inefficiënte – hoogovens moesten dicht. Ook in staalhoofdstad Tangshan, dat met een capaciteit van circa 100 miljoen ton verantwoordelijk is voor een tiende van China’s jaarlijkse staaloutput.

    Een werknemer van een Chinese staalfabriek in Huaibei.

    Foto: HH

    Volgens Peking een exercitie die lange tijd volgens het spoorboekje verliep. Afgelopen jaar zou er 65 miljoen ton uit de markt zijn gehaald. In de afgelopen vier jaar werd er alleen al in Tangshan, zo stelden de lokale autoriteiten eind vorig jaar nog trots, bijna 32 miljoen ton aan capaciteit geschrapt.

    Maar waar Peking lange termijndoelstellingen als blauwe luchten, onvervuilde grond en schoon grondwater voor ogen heeft prevaleert bij lokale overheden zoals die in Tangshan vaak vooral het korte termijngewin. Werkgelegenheid en economische groei concurreren op dat prioriteitenlijstje om de toppositie. In China’s planeconomie blijkt de praktijk zoals zo vaak ook hier weerbarstiger dan de papieren werkelijkheid.

    Stijgende staalprijzen, in eerste instantie veroorzaakt door verminderde capaciteit, waren voor veel lokale overheden reden een oogje dicht te knijpen waar het ging om het handhaven van de eerder gedane beloftes. Fabrieken werden wel gesloten, maar niet voorgoed. Bovendien, zo rapporteerde Greenpeace eerder dit jaar, is tweederde van de capaciteitsdaling in het afgelopen jaar toe te schrijven aan fabrieken die sowieso al niet meer operationeel waren.
    Zelfs het Nationale Statistiekbureau in Peking kon daar in de publicatie van de productiecijfers geen ander verhaal laten zien dan dat de productie van staal, ondanks de vermeende capaciteitsdaling, afgelopen jaar zelfs iets is gestegen, naar in totaal 808 miljoen ton.

    Zwaarste jaar

    Reden te meer voor premier Li Keqiang om tijdens het Volkscongres nog eens te benadrukken dat het hem menens is waar het gaat om fabriekssluitingen en het creëren van een hoogwaardiger staalindustrie.
    Dit jaar moet nog eens 50 miljoen ton aan capaciteit uit de markt halen, zo zei hij in zijn werkrapport, om in 2020 uit te komen op een totale reductie van 100 tot 150 miljoen ton ten opzichte van de niveaus eind 2015. Zonder Tangshan zal hem dat niet lukken. Gouverneur Zhang Qingwei van de provincie Hebei, zeg maar de achtertuin van Peking, toonde eerder dit jaar al zijn goede wil toen hij liet weten vaart te willen maken met de transitie.

    ‘2017 zal het zwaarste jaar worden als het gaat om het reduceren van overcapaciteit’, zei hij rond de jaarlijkse bijeenkomst van het Chinese parlement. Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat de boodschap richting lokale overheden van de provinciale overheid komt die onder zijn leiding staat.


    Volgens de notitie, die is ingezien door verschillende media, wil de overheid van Hebei inspectieteams naar Tangshan stuurt om te controleren of fabrieken die zijn opgegeven als gesloten inderdaad niet meer operationeel zijn. Een actie die niet alleen essentieel is voor het indammen van de overcapaciteitsproblemen.
    Ook voor de CV van Zhang is succes welkom. Sinds 2011 zit hij op zijn post als gouverneur, voor Chinese begrippen relatief lang. Met een partijcongres voor de boeg in de tweede helft van dit jaar hoopt hij de partijtop te overtuigen van zijn kwaliteiten, en de sprong te maken naar de hoogste partijechelons.

  5. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:43
    Tata Steel could cut DB scheme adrift within three months

    A deal on separating the British Steel Pension Scheme from Tata Steel may be just two or three months away, according to reports. The Telegraph has reported the GBP 15 billion final salary scheme, which is believed to be considering a regulated apportionment arrangement, could be close to reaching a deal after more than a year of negotiations.

    Members could also be transferred into a new scheme with lower benefits or dropping the scheme into the Pension Protection Fund (PPF). However, a source told the newspaper the latter option was unlikely because of the "onerous" levy.

    It comes as the scheme is set to close to future accrual on 31 March after 70% of members approved a deal last month to transfer to a defined contribution scheme.

    A triennial valuation process will also begin on the same day, with estimates suggesting the BSPS will have an actuarial deficit of GBP 2 billion.

    At the last triennial valuation on 31 March 2014, the scheme had a deficit of just GBP 90 million on the technical provisions measure. Rolled forward to the same date in 2015, however, this had increased to GBP 485 million.

    If an RAA was agreed for BSPS, it may follow the British Home Stores schemes to be one of the first to become subject to the PPF's proposed new levy for schemes with no substantive sponsor.

    However, concerns have been raised that the new levy could scupper RAAs going forward.

    Source : Professional Pensions.com
  6. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:44
    Gerdau Dinwiddie mill makes half million tons of steel annually

    Progress index reported that many firms claim to hold up a local economy. But for Gerdau, that statement can be taken quite literally: the half a million tonnes of steel the company produces in Dinwiddie every year not only employ hundreds in the region but also hold up buildings all across the nation. Tucked away off Hofheimer Way, behind bands of forest, Gerdau's Dinwiddie steel mill has been producing steel products used in construction, automotive and other projects for almost 20 years.

    Built by Chaparral Steel in the county in 1998, the mill was acquired by Gerdau Ameristeel in 2007; that company has operated it ever since, although it dropped the second half of its name four years ago. ("Same company, just changed the marketing name," said human resources manager Guy Colombo.)

    Inside the massive 700 acre plant, scrap steel is transformed through an intricate process into three kinds of "long steel" products, a term for steel that, unsurprisingly, comes in very long pieces.

    The most awe inspiring stage of that transformation occurs in the melt shop, the portion of the mill that contains the furnaces. There, the recycled steel is heated to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit in a furnace fueled by an electric arc that forms between the steel and giant electrical conductors lowered from the ceiling.

    Overall, 21st-century steelmaking is far less risky and dirty than its 19th-century counterpart: many operation sites now have air conditioning, and, said quality assurance manager Alice Pitchford, the industry is moving increasingly toward automation.

    All told, the Dinwiddie mill is capable of producing up to 1.2 million tons of steel annually, although its average annual output is between 400,000 and 500,000 tons. That tonnage goes toward three main product lines: wide-flange beams, H-pilings and sheet piling.

    The first two lines, wide-flange beams and H-pilings, are used in large-scale construction, industrial complexes, truck trailer beds and some houses. Sometimes referred to colloquially as "girders," they are similar to the beam seen in the famous "Lunch Atop a Skyscraper" photo, which depicts construction workers sitting high above New York City on a girder while eating lunch. (Of course, Colombo added, "We do not support those unsafe behaviors.")

    Sheet piling is also used in construction. The product Gerdau makes, called PZC, interlocks multiple steel pieces together using a ball and socket design that is extremely strong and allows a more flexible construction than a standard beam.

    Source : Progress Index
  7. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:47
    OSHA asks AK Steel to investigate alleged workplace hazards at Middletown plant

    Journal News reported that AK Steel has been asked to investigate after allegations of hazards were made at its Middletown Works site. OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, sent a March 22 letter to AK Steel of the alleged hazards, including “welders have no certification to weld or pressure pipes, structures, railings, etc. No welding logs are being kept for certifications purposes.”

    OSHA, which is charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation, said it would not be conducting an investigation, but said AK Steel must look into the alleged hazards.

    The letter from OSHA said that “We have not determined whether the hazards, as alleged, exist in your workplace, and we do not intend to conduct an inspection at this time. However, because allegations of violations and/or hazards have been made, we request that you immediately investigate the alleged conditions and make any necessary corrections or modifications.”

    OSHA informed AK Steel it had until Wednesday to inform it of the results of that investigation.

    AK Steel must provide supporting documentation of its findings, including any applicable measurements or monitoring results.

    OSHA said it also conducts random inspections to verify that corrective actions asserted by an employers have actually been taken.

    Reached for comment, AK Steel spokeswoman Lisa Jester said that “We are working with OSHA on their non-formal review, and have no further information to share at this time.”

    Fortune 500 company AK Steel Holding Corp. is headquartered in West Chester Twp. Between operations in West Chester Twp. and its Middletown Works steel plant, AK Steel employs approximately 2,400 full-time workers in Butler County, making it the county’s third-largest employer.

    Source : Journal News
  8. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:48
    Mexico's IEnova inks USD 115 million solar deal with steel firm Deacero
    Published on Wed, 29 Mar 2017

    Reuters reported that Mexican energy infrastructure firm IEnova had signed a 20-year deal to supply steel company Deacero with renewable energy from a solar power plant in northern Mexico, an investment worth USD 115 million.

    IEnova said in a statement that IEnova unit ESJ Renovable II will provide Deacero with power from Caborca, a municipality in Sonora state, and commercial operations at the 110 Megawatt plant should begin in the fourth quarter of 2018.

    IEnova, or Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV, is a unit of US based Sempra Energy.

    Source : Reuters
  9. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:52
    Beijing holds meeting with steel executives to discuss overcapacity

    Reuters reported that top Chinese government officials and steel executives met in Beijing on Monday to discuss the challenges in cutting overcapacity in the steel sector, according to a statement posted on the website of China’s state planner on Tuesday.

    The government will continue to implement measures to cut overcapacity, including tackling zombie firms and prohibiting low-grade steel production, it said.

    Government agencies present at the meeting included the Natonal Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) and the banking and securities regulators.

    Source : Reuters
  10. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:52
    SMS Group deal to add 3.5 million tonne at Mobarakeh Steel facing challanges

    Reuters reported that German steel plant equipment maker & technology provider SMS Group that had signed a USD 400 million contract in February to expand production at Iran'sMobarakeh Steel Company that would add additional capacity of 3.5 million tonnes a year, with potential to rise to 5 million, is facing challenges in raising financing so there is no clear timeline for the work

    SMS managing board member Dieter Rosenthal told Reuters that it is not clear when the project would be implemented because of the difficulty of finding financing that does not conflict with US sanctions as many US restrictions remain in place despite the nuclear deal.

    Rosenthal said he expected Mobarakeh's higher production to target the domestic market rather than exports, but analysts say Iranian demand has been held back by slower-than-expected economic gains since the 2015 nuclear deal.

    Mobarakeh produced 5.8 million tonnes of steel products in the financial year 2014/15, the latest report available on its website said. The firm's exports reached 1.5 million tonnes.

    Source : Reuters
  11. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:54
    Brazil's CSN to miss earnings reporting deadline

    Cia Siderurgica Nacional SA, Brazil's No 2 listed flat steelmaker said that it would miss a regulatory deadline to file fourth-quarter results in the face of an internal reorganization plan.

    CSN said in a securities filing that unaudited net revenue rose 1% in the fourth quarter from the previous three months. Adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization a gauge of operational profit known as EBITDA also rose 1% in the period.

    Source : Reuters
  12. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:58
    China Liaoning pledges 10 million tonnes low grade steel closures by June

    Reuters eported that the northeastern Chinese province of Liaoning has promised to close more than 10 million tonnes of low grade steel capacity by the end of June this year as part of its efforts to clean up the sector, the official Liaoning Daily reported on Tuesday.

    Heavy industrial Liaoning, home to struggling state steel mills like the Anshan Group and the Benxi Iron and Steel Group, is a key part of China's strategy to tackle price-sapping overcapacity in the coal and steel sectors.

    However, the province has struggled to find alternative sources of growth. Its economy shrank 2.5% last year, the only Chinese province to see a contraction.

    The low grade steel closures are also part of a nationwide pledge to eliminate a type of dangerous and polluting production capacity that accounts for about 4% of total output.

    The report said that Liaoning also aims to shut all coal mines with annual production capacity of less than 90,000 tonnes by the end of the year, a move that will cut coal provincial production capacity by 9.59 million tonnes.

    Liaoning has been ordered to close 30.4 million tonnes of coal capacity over the 2016-2020 period, Liaoning Daily reported. It shut 44 mines last year and cut production capacity by 13.6 million tonnes.

    Source : Reuters
  13. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 16:59
    POSCO Giga Steel leads carmakers lightening trends

    Korea Times reported that nation's largest steelmaker POSCO is contributing greatly to the automotive industry with its so-called "Giga Steel," a lighter but more solid product based on the nation's largest steelmaker's latest technology in steel. Entering an era of fuel efficiency and eco friendly vehicles, global carmakers are making more investments on weight reduction of their vehicle models. Because lighter cars are, obviously, more fuel-efficient than heavier ones. As a part of their weight reduction efforts, an increasing number of new materials, including magnesium, carbon and aluminum, started to be applied to make their cars lighter.

    POSCO CEO Kwon Oh-joon said that "Aluminum has been an alternative material for vehicle plates for its lightness, weighing only one third the weight of the conventional steel. But, it is expensive. POSCO's ‘Giga Steel' is as light as aluminum but almost three times stronger.”

    According to the classification defined by the World Steel Association, steel with a strength yield in excess of 550 Mega Pascal (MPa) is generally referred to as Advanced High-Strength Steel (AHSS). Steel such as this is sometimes called "Ultra High Strength Steel" for its tensile strength exceeding 780 MPa. AHSS with tensile strength of at least 1,000 MPa is often called "GigaPascal Steel."

    POSCO is the only steelmaker in the world that mass produces the TWIP steel, a Giga Steel that can withstand 100 kilograms or more weight per square millimeter. A POSCO official said POSCO TWIP steel products can be used in various vehicle parts, including front and rear bumper beams, to absorb exterior shocks.

    POSCO's steel technologies for vehicle plates have gained industry attention since the world's fourth-largest steelmaker entered the automotive steel plate market in 1973 by supplying its hot rolled coil to Hyundai Motor and the then to Daewoo Motors.

    Last year, the steelmaker sold more than 9 million tonnes of vehicle steel plates, roughly 10% of the total steel supply for global automakers. Currently, the top 15 global carmakers are supplied with POSCO steel products.

    The official said the company will strengthen its partnerships and sales networks with carmakers across the world, aiming to sell more than 10 million tons of vehicle steel plates by 2018.

    POSCO held a series of technology exhibitions jointly with Renault Samsung, Ssangyong Motor and GM Korea, last year.

    Source : Korea Times
  14. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 17:07
    Joint task forces set up to ramp up steel demand in India

    Millennium Post reported that Joint task forces with representatives from ministries like road transport and highways have been set up to examine possibilities to boost steel demand. Minister of State for Steel Vishnu Deo Sai informed the Lok Sabha that "Joint task forces covering railways, urban development, Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways etc have been constituted comprising representatives from ministries concerned and their agencies to assess the possibilities of boosting demand of steel.”

    The scope of these committees inter-alia covers codes and standards, life cycle cost analysis, development of designs of various structures and other suitable measures, the minister said. Steel Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh had earlier said steel demand is expected to improve in coming months on the back of increased spending on infrastructure and long-term government policies.

    The minister had said that "The steel demand has grown 3.3% during April to December 2016. This is expected to improve in coming months due to long-term government policies and increase in infrastructure spend.”

    India had been a bright spot in global economy, he had said, adding that the World Steel Association has predicted that steel demand in India will grow at 5.7% in 2017.

    Source : Millennium Post
  15. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 17:08
    Japan for WTO panel to resolve steel duty dispute with India

    Money Control reported that Japan has asked WTO to set up a panel to help resolve dispute with India over the safeguard measures it has imposed on steel imports. Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha that "Japan has requested the WTO Dispute Settlement Body for establishment of the panel in the WTO dispute...alleging that India's safeguard measures on certain iron and steel products are inconsistent with the WTO obligations.”

    She said when the matter was raised by certain members at a World Trade Organization council, India conveyed that the measures including minimum import price were taken to address concerns of the domestic industry on unprecedented surge in imports of steel products due to unfair international business practices such as predatory pricing in the sector.

    Both the sides have failed to resolve the issue in the bilateral consultation process. Due to this, Japan has sought formation of dispute resolution panel.

    Japan in December dragged India to WTO against certain measures taken by New Delhi on imports of iron and steel products. apan, which is the second largest steel producer in the world, had alleged that duties imposed on steel imports by India violates WTO trade norms.

    In September 2015, India imposed provisional safeguard duty of 20% on import of certain categories of steel with a view to protect domestic producers. Later in November last year, the government slapped the final duty.

    As per the WTO's dispute settlement mechanism, the request for consultations is the first step in a dispute. After 60 days, if consultations fail to resolve the dispute, the complainant may request adjudication by a panel.

    Source : Money Control
  16. forum rang 10 voda 29 maart 2017 17:09
    Indian steel consumption growth to remain low – ICRA

    While the domestic steel consumption stayed sluggish with the demonetization effect on the real estate and the construction sector. Steel's domestic consumption growth slumped with weak trends at 3.4% in 11M FY2017.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 30 maart 2017 16:19
    Mr Thomas J Gibson of AISI Comments on executive actions to revise power plant rules

    The American Iron and Steel Institute said executive action taken by the president today will begin the process of revising and overturning several onerous environmental regulations designed in the previous administration that could adversely impact the competitiveness of domestic steelmakers.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 30 maart 2017 16:19
    US February 2017 steel imports down by 3%

    Steel imports dipped 3.1% in February, giving back an equivalent gain in January to total 2.68 million net tons. Imports were 21.3% higher than they were in February 2016.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 30 maart 2017 16:20
    Two iron ore pellet plants to come on stream in Iran

    Mehr News reported that pelletizing plant with a capacity of 5 million tonnes and a 2.5 million tonne concentrate unit will become operational in Sangan within weeks.

    As announced by the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization a pelletizing plant and a concentrate unit are among projects which are being constructed in Sangan in partnership with the private sector.

    Presently, six concentrate units with a total capacity of 17.5 million tonnes per year as well as a pelletizing plant with an annual capacity of 15 million tonnes are being built in Sangan city in Khorasan Razavi Province. Sanagan mine, situated in vicinity of the plants, enjoys an overall reserve of 1.2 billion tonnes.

    Despite financial limitations, IMIDRO has spared no effort to accomplish all ongoing or halted projects in collaboration with the private sector.

    Pelletizing and concentrate projects are being gradually accomplished and raw sales of minerals are expected to become minimized through incremental completion of the steel chain by the end of the current Iranian calendar year.

    Completion of steel chain will also pave the path for domestic consumption of all mined iron ore preventing exports of raw materials.

    Source : Mehr News
  20. forum rang 10 voda 30 maart 2017 16:24
    A revolutionary, digitally way to build – WorldSteel

    A revolutionary, digitally fabricated steel mesh could make construction more sustainable and open up a world of possibilities for architects. Forget diggers, concrete mixers and wheelbarrows: if researchers at ETH Zürich research institute have their way, the construction sites of the future will feature an unprecedented sight: mobile robots 3D-printing delicate structures made of steel.

    Mesh Mould, to give the award-winning technology its proper name, may well look like a type of futuristic sculpture and in a way, it is. But its principal purpose is to serve as a skeleton that once filled with concrete will be strong enough to create load-bearing walls of almost any shape.

    Mesh-Mould from Gramazio Kohler Research on Vimeo
    If that sounds like the province of star architects and prestige projects, it isn’t. In fact, since Mesh Mould simplifies the current process of building with reinforced concrete, it’s set to make construction more sustainable, opening up the possibility of avant-garde architecture for everyday buildings.

    Mesh Mould simplifies the current process of building with reinforced concrete

    Currently, building in concrete is a two-step process: first, concrete is poured over a reinforcement of steel rods, and then a temporary wooden shell known as formwork is applied in which the concrete solidifies. If the concrete shape is unusual, the formwork has to be custom-made, only to be discarded after single use. Because this is expensive, most buildings tend to use standardised block shapes, which allows the re-use of standardised timber formwork. Even so, the process remains resource-intensive and expensive.

    Mesh Mould does away with formwork entirely. Because the digitally created mesh is both fine and dense, the specially-formulated concrete mixture does not seep out of it and there’s no more need for a temporary wooden shell. This is thanks to the two core qualities of steel: its strength and malleability.

    In short, steel Mesh Mould enables architects and engineers to build complex concrete structures without any additional costs. In addition, it allows for the saving of material, contributing to more sustainable construction.

    Robotic end-effector with fabricated, two metre high mesh structure
    But it’s not just steel which is integral to the new technology: “For the development of the project, knowledge of researchers from the disciplines of architecture, robotics, materials science and structural engineering was needed,” says Norman Hack of ETH Zürich – the fifth-ranking research institute in the world.

    Considering how cutting-edge the project is and how momentous its potential significance for our built environment in the future it’s perhaps not surprising that Mesh Mould has already won a prestigious accolade. At the end of last year, Hack’s team of five received the 2016 Swiss Technology Award, the most important Swiss prize for innovation and technology transfer in the “Inventors” category. It’s a recognition Hack’s team share with their mentors, architects Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler, who kicked off the project at ETH’s Future Cities Lab in Singapore.

    ‘Mesh Mould’ technology during a test fabrication
    So, what’s next for Mesh Mould? Luckily, the Swiss have an experimental building in place specifically designed to put their inventions to the test in a real-world environment. The NEST “building of tomorrow”, designed by Gramazio & Kohler, is intended as a “forever-unfinished” construction that can accommodate up to 15 ever-changing experimental modules around a fixed four-storey core that does away with the need for a façade. It is here that Mesh Mould will find its first application as part of a load-bearing wall. It may sound quite modest, but so might have been the perfection of the arch by in ancient Rome, or the invention of the lift in the 19th century.

    Now, of course, we know that the ability to create stable domes and arches made urbanisation itself possible because it allowed the construction of aqueducts and sewers. And it was the humble lift which enabled architects to reach for the skies, shaping the way we live today.

    If in the future, Mesh Mould will allow everyday, utilitarian architecture to express itself in a riot of shapes and save entire forests in the process we may well point to that concrete wall in a village near Lake Zürich and say: this is where the next phase of steel and concrete construction was unleashed.

    Source : Worldsteel.org
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